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Show ''! . .. .ivtiZ Ti! 1A)17. !ma;J t November 4, 1988 Basin NICKEL ADSfcEWSraiST Plage 9 Section - V. . NSV WWWVWWN X 1881 YauhiYZ. 250 H factory jfj JJJJJ condition, extremely fast eX Phone after 5 p.m., 2i2S ' ' tJ v V V Vernal.lTIK 1876 Bolek ggj. Call ; USED CARS ?k,n? 789-570- Fill Your Eleetri excellent JS2TS shape, 4 door must sell, price negotiable. Phone 1T109 The ColdBreezes m 111 646-304- a 789-763- 1878 nryiler Cordsbiperfect condition, excellent body, runs good, well equipped, yellow. 81200 best buy in town, 968 West 1100 So. or Vernal. 1U104 1873 good tires, 4 condition, cylinder, standard transmission, engine rehauled less than 1 years ago. Call 1T112 4 after 5:30 p.m.. 1881 Chivy one ton welding Vernal. 1T145 truck ready to work with ail tools, new tires. AMFM 1881 Hedge Raedeter 2000 and 1968 Chevrolet Camaro radio cassette. Call 396 high power performance Vernal. 1T113 engine with .11 to 1 piston. For Sale 1975 Dodge Monaco forged crank roller and cam, Brought. AC, cruise, the 13000 or best offer. 60,000 miles, asking 5470 Verna 171 8500" come see at 12 North 1878 Chsv 1 ton cab and 1500 East Vernal. 1T115 Also 2 place chassis. 187S Ferd good condition snowmobile trailer. Call interior fair, asking 8800 after 5 p.m. 7895138. Vernal. 4 but make offer. Call 1T172 after 5:30 p.m. ask for Bill. Vernal. 1T116 1868 EMC 12 ton. 4 speed, new rebuilt engine a good 1873 Hedge Cerenet 318-VPS, PB, new shocks, good old truck, 1095. See at dependable car. Almost new Kawasaki Bike Shop. tires 81000. Call 789- - 4182, Roosevelt. 1T176 9322, Vernal. 1T117 1981 Chevy Cltatlsa a little 1881 Chevy Pickup ton, Iqpg owned this wheel base Scottsdale school teacher AC, tilt standard trans., extras onel low miles. 5795". cruise, excellent condition. 7 Call evenings and Roosevelt. 1T124 2 days. Kawasaki 1868 Fcrd LTD 4 door, good Bike Shop, Roosevelt. 1T177--. Mercury Capri new 788-601- 789-413- 789-505- - - 789-408- Newsprint;! The Newspaper Dave Jolley Chevrolet - Fer Sets 1978 440 Yamaha Exciter, excellent condition best offer. Call Vernal. 1T126 789-515- 7, 1875 Ferd Grcnids condition, interior fair For Sale 1977 Ford Pinta wagon,4cyl., 4spd.;newly good 4 asking 8600. Call after 530 p.m. ask for Bill. Vernal. 1T127 789-481- 722-440- 6, Oldsmobile introduces: 1 Why 1982s? 1871 Ferd Van rebuilt engine Lower prices than 1983 models 2. Lower down payments 1. runs for parts; and transmission, gotfd. Second Van If 1500 for both. no answer, 7894799 (leave message). Vernal. 1T158 789-457- 3. Lower monthly payments 4. Large selection ' Mundens 40 ON NEW 1982 CARS AND TRUCKS : rebuilt engine, 25 miles to gallon! Good condition reasonably priced. Roosevelt. 1T157 Gas. Inc. HlNiuv u 722-300- 722-418- 1T125 V'- - GMAC FINANCING 722-3S7- 1. 789-486- Hlglw 355 LP lo .9 V-- p.m. Vernal. Empty- - Propane SfirfaHrti" . Utah-Co- 722-radi- al except Catch You i WMmmmm.......... For The Entire Uintah Basin 789-481- heater, powerful engine, 4 8600". Phone propane (TariXs Before : 722-419- 5, only 6400 miles. Call uf. we need to get id of this one 1877 Chevrslet 4x4 ton, fast! We also have a 5th 83500 or best offer. wheel to go with truck if 6 Myton. 1T110 Vernal. needed. Roosevelt Mini Lube in Roosevelt Accomodates Large r--1 to choose from GMAC financing with this Financing (Average Saiings qf 1328 GMAC Statistics.) to According nit 5. 10.9 . Will Quality For Many of These 1982 New Cars and Trucks Airlines! Eastern on Two Round-Tri- p For Tickets And Fly, Vehicles! The Buy Now Come In and Deal on one of these 1982 Cars or Trucks: I Stock No. .We specialize In prompt service at good prices! We use major brands of oil. We also specialize In: Minor tune-up- s Winterizing Brakes Detail And stock most automotive . parts Mundens Mini Lube Utah West Highway 40, Roosevelt, 722-27- . 1 Jiffn 788-832- ' ' V . 39 We .can service all vehicles! size Model 2C73 Chevette 2C74 Chevette 2C58 Cavalier 2C65 Cavalier 200 Citation 2C47 Citation 2C43 Citation 2C44 Citation 2C55 Celebrity 2C29 Celebrity 2C38 Celebrity 2C70 Monte Carlo 2C50 bnpala 2C81 Camaro Cutlasi Supreme 2002 Stock No. Stock No. Model Delta 88 Delta 88 Delta 88 Delta 88 98 Regency Firenza Chevy 2T288 Chevy S10 2T289 Chevy 2T265 Chevy 2T24 Chevy 2T270 Chevy 2T260 Chevy 4x4 2T293 Chevy 4x4 2T120 Chevy 2038 2029 2025 2041 2013 2046 2T108 0 0 C-1- 0 C-1- 0 C-1- C-1- K-1-0 2T163 2T90 2T167 2T02 2T297 2T121 2T83 2T306 2T124 2T20 2T113 2T284 2T147 2T14 2T255 4x4 Chevy 4x4 Chevy Chevy ' Chevy 4x4 Chevy 4x4 Chevy 4x4 Chevy Chevy K 20 4x4 4x4 Chevy Chevy K 20 4x4 4x4 Chevy 4x4 Chevy Chevy C 30 1 Ton Chevy C 30 1 Ton Chevy C30 1 Ton Oare Jolley Chevrolet ' VNI I 1.--1 Stock No. Model Mint Wriuil K-1- 0 C-2- 0 C-2- 0 K-2-0 0 Model 1 Ton 2T182 Chevy C-3- 0 1 Ton 2T252 Chevy C-3- 0 2T191 Chevy K 30 1 Ton 1 Ton 2T144 Chevy K-3- 0 1 Ton 2T201 Chevy K-31 Ton 2T35 Chevy K-3- 0 1 Ton 2T212 Chevy K-32T217 Chevy K 30 1 Ton 2T290 Chevy K 301 Ton ! Ton 2T29 Chevy 0 Suburban 2T304 Suburban 2T241 2T159 Suburban OldsmobileA Inc 7lt- - fbf Roo:j:; |