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Show ffcetfiln 1 IUf'e U'nufttaXW'JtaiL Al)SAiiwsiiiiY-- tfct)bcr 7, rebulit starters, For sale new exercise bike diesel, 350 Chevy, with speedometer and Datsun, Mustang, (24 volt odometer, $50. Call 353-43Neola. 1C134 Phone 722-47Roosevelt 1C135 Gaollne powered, post like new Pasture for horses, $15 a hole digger, 789-73$175". Call 8. month. Call For ula: 80-8- 1 39 Leece-Nevill- e). 66 31 646-314- Vernal. 1C103 1A158 Hunter's Special: sleeping Rubbar stamps mapufac- -, bags washed tor $5 Reg.- turetf n, Roosevelt'Cne price $6. Norge Cleaners. d- -y service available. 722-- -. 434 W. Main. 1A160 U 9266.1 Al 06" '); - 12 (.A1 John Deere 7 foot rear blade. Good conditioi:. AMF TRAMPOLINES FOR SALE real qaulity for low Myers V ditcher, like new. Call 646-32or Bridgeland. 1C142 prices, compare these trampolines with others sold in this area, chrome 646-32- For aale,4 year old heave duty springs, registered paint stallion. Well broke, good breeding. Call 623-13in Nephi after 5 p.m. 1C143 Hay for sale or trade for livestock. Cull 722-32- specially treated weatherproof, Jumping mats. You would expect to pay up to twice as much for AMF-nso I sell out of my home, so you save. Call 789-24Vernal. 1C113 Lw?'Vv' 45 Get A Gun For The 'SjT 63 ot raH 74 Roosevelt. 1C144 JoV,' Moving sale' 15 fdot fiber glass canoe with paddles, 3 month-ol- d, high capacity water softener. 3 month-ol- d color T.V. antena. 50 feet of 4 feet chicken wire. Hunter's Special Call KLT250 2$ 722-44- 06 w Mothers in Roosevelt .Duchesne and Vernal wanting to work at home, call Lou Ann Roosevelt. 1C146 722-23- 29 1- Appliance repair of washer, dryers, dish- washers, refrgators, freezers and ranges. Senring Uintah Basin. Ming Appliance repair 646-31Myton. 1C147 CK. 1-- 1- 1- 1- 1- CARPET Large selection and best price's. We also have roll ends and remnants. Expert installation. Call and save. Vernal. Ken 1- 21113 1- Custom Framing: Paintings, needlework, photos, documents, crafts, 200 frames to choose from for that odd size you need. Matting any shape, circles and ovals. Sea at Ben Franklin Arts & Crafts & . Framing Room, Vernal-- 1- 769-229- All Units ii.;.'?. V Reduced To Sell! Financing Available 1- 2. 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1A110 1- iiDon't Miss The Buck Buy One Today! 1- Get More For Your Dollar! 1- - Winchester Model 94 30.30 Rifle ,159N $99 Cal. Black Powder Rifle - Remington Mod. 700 30-0- 6 Rifle wscopelS00 - Remington Mod. 700 30-0- 6 Rifle 17500 - Sako Finn Bear 30-0-6 Rifle wscope 399 - Winchester Mod. 70 270 Rifle wscope . . 219 - Remington Mod. 700 308 Rifle wscope & strap : ,24900 - Winchester Mod. 94 30.30 Rifle SS50 - Savage Mod. 99E 243 Rifle wstrap ,199 : - Krag 30.40 Rifle $75 - Remington Mod. 740 30-0- 6 Rifle wstrap 149 - Interarms Mark X 30-0- 6 Rifle ,199 - Interarms Mark X 30-0-6 Rifle ,159 - Remington Mod. 700 30-0- 6 Rifle wscope$229 - Remington Mod. 740 30-0- 6 Rifle wscope &strap 58 ... - $ako Finnwolf 308 Rifle - Remington Mod. 788 243 Rifle - Savage Mod. 110 E 7mm Rifle l.zi iV--i , i' I ll M69 399 199 wscope & strap ,1790 idvertise in Mickle Ads! t KAWASAKI IIS North M lot 722-41- Soomdlt UUh 82 We Make More BIKE SHOP Cents! - H-- R 20 Ga M-3- 70 - Winchester - C Higgins How Wood You Like These Great Deals?! J-- - Springfield - Stevens - Remington M-12- Trailer Skirting 2X4X8 Fir 20 Brick M-583- .18 M-- 12 Ga E 20 Ga 12 Ga 67 M-9- 40 cdx 1 Reg. $2 Cash & - M-- 525 NORTH 2500 WEST, VERNAL UTAH 84078 789-25- 26 Massberg Boito 1 - M-8- 70 M-14- 20 Ga Et 410 Ga 00 M-5- 00 M-B- R2 12 Ga 20 Ga 12 Ga M-8- 70 M-8- 70 410 Ga - Smith & Wesson H-- R ... 20 Ga M-5- 00 M-1- 88 M-100- 0P 59 Ml 9 84 12 Ga 59 259 59 M99 M49 M89 229 69 M79 34 MSS (5 l.l Hasty Pawn Shop 95 So. Vernal Ave. 789-272- 5, ;v M9 12 Ga 88 IThaca Remington - Remington 529 Carry Only PHONE: H-- R - Winchester each G.E. Silicone Rubber Caulk Reg. $6 . - 1 25 each 1 DAP Acrylic Latex Caulk ,9 $010 off 12 Ga . . 16 Ga 00 .- All Slim Unredeemed Guns VALUES ON Vernal t |