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Show Busin XICKEI, ADSAlv'VSlKIXT m: Volume 8 October 7, 1982 dumber 40 THE! FREElWEEKLYi PAPER Roosevelt, Duchesne, Manila, Attamont, R. Duchesne, VbmaL Dinosaur, Rangdy 642 West Main, P.O. Bos 111 VamM, Otah 84078 (801)789-974- 0 White 38 Hotpoint electric range with built-i- n deep fryer $75M. White built-i- n Sears dishwasher new pump housing 1A132 $50. 789-326- 3. Springer Spaniel Pups Pure Bred, AKC registered Champion Pedigree. Breed for hunting, great family dogs $100 each. Call ass? 3 789-249- 6. 1A155 MOVIES FOR RENT over 1,000 movies to choose from the largest video tape club in the Basin-onl- y $2 per night Sundays free. Rent video machines only $5 per night (club prices). Tho Expandable Computer Powerful True Computer VIC 20 Commodore With Easy Self Teaching Instructions Home Entertainment Center 145 West Main we make staying home funl". Real (not flat cheap plastic keyboard) 1C114 Full For Sale: Young milking nanny, also one doe rabbit All sizes, fryers $2.50, all 7 other $2.00 ea. Whiterocks. 1A122 i Lodge Pole Firewood $25 unsplit, we deliver to Vernal, Roosevelt, and Duchesne, call Bud Barnes with other computers i Plus- - in Game 1A107 Cassette Tape Storage RAM 5K expandable to 64K Optional carved pump organ 789-403- Regular $299" 0. 1A126 NOW TREE SERVICE: trimming, detail work, takedowns and complete clean up, 12 yrs. experience. Call Tom Greer 1A127 evenings topping, FOR MOM 789-345- 6. 70 TV CHANNELS! is what you can get on your own Satellite Earth Station, installed by us. Why pay $20-$3-0 or $40 a month for cable TV for the rest of your life? Satellite is TV available with Bank Terms for only $99" per month and paid for in 3 years. Home Entertainment Center 145 West Main 1C115 789-199- 7. Need Avon ladles In Duchesne and surrounding areas. Work at your e e Keeps family records Racipes e Food inventory e Home inventory Serial numbers Purchase dates e Word Processor for writing letters, etc. TTZ 738-260- 1A128 Lost Two Buffalo last seen between Bluebell and 353-461- 6. $ J&Qri 1A129 Helps With Homework Teaches Computer principles Educational Programs FOR FAMILY Genealogy Records Upholstery: reasonable and fast call 789-069- 5. 1A116 Pianos For Rent $35 per month for 3 months can be applied to purchase price. Home Entertainment 145 West Center, Main. 1A147 Free 8 mo. German mix. Call 8513 Vernal. 1B121 Shepard 789- -. Entertainment 3103? fiBEWIEBitinSlEEIDnn5P (WMWcnntenffiKiWWl!B rnimirtimteimaiamiite Qgs QQafflS 239" FOR KIDS Play Games Home Business Record Medical Records Family Budget Planner School Records Insurance Records convenience, earn around of Items sold. Contact 5. Deanna Hays 40 Altonah Cartridges AN- TIQUES: Beautiful Mahogany, phone booth complete with Superman suit, $700". Oak crank wall phone $300". Elegantly Vernal color graphics Included: self teaching Dot Matrix Printer Floppy Disc- - 170K storage Telephone Modern- - Converse 1A106 Call n) instruction book. 722-926- $1200". add-o- Full Rubber Stamps manufac tured in Roosevelt. One 8. day sendee available, EXTRAORDINARY basic language built in (not an expensive 353-497- 789-210- 6. keyboard full-siz- ed FOR DAD Records income expenses Balance checkbook Personal finance Mortgage calculator Taxes Stock Market Reports Investment & Business Computer |