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Show Scptcmlicr 30, 192 UINTAH HASIX Mll.TIILIi LISTING SIXTIOXAliWsm.vr Country Atmosphere- - almost acre, lots of extras, 2 bedrooms. Call Lois. Homes Hone Country with clou in convenience. 1485 sq. ft. heme with shop, 116 acres with corrals. Call Bonnie. $84,900. Peaceful A Serene: Rock fireplace, country kitchen, fruit trees, corrals, stream. Call Bonnie. $74,900. Make Offer: Starter home, nice landscaping, good terms. Call Phyllis. $55,000. Just Off Hiway 40 home and shop, commercial zoning. Call JcIT. $69,900. c Fantastic View 16 acre, sunken living room. Excellent condition. Call Bonnie. $64,900. Price Reduced only S4,000down. 1536 of happy living. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double-wid- e. $27,000. ft 6 ACRE Yon Name Tr value, 1300 sq. ESTATE This exclusive listing is rated as one of the finest homes and estates in the Uintah Basin. Because of forced relocation, the price has been reduced ever 100,000 for immediate sell. 3400 sq. ft of emmaculate living. Must ft Twin home, under appraised Call Phyllis. $52,000 or lets Steal: $6,000 acre, 35 acres, mobile home, hookups. Call Phyllis. Ashley Jeff Campbell 789-77Bonnie Barker 247-23Lee Turner 789-272-3 28 15 Lovely New Home on 16 acre, basement, low down. $56,900. Energy Efficient Hook on basement. $57,900. Executive Home, quiet urea, vaulted ceilings, new. beautifully landscaped. Call Phyllis. Beautiful 13M Sq. Ft. home on foundation. Great terms. Call Bonnie. $49,900. -- PTITLDING LOTg 16 3 bedrooms, full acre, 3 bedrooms, PROPERTy Duplex- - In town location, nice yard. 900 sq. ft. per unit. Call Phyllis. $69,900. Contract- - New 4 plex, all brick, let's talk terms. Call Jeff. SI 45,000. Dry Fork- - 10 acres or two 5 acre parcels. In alfalfa. Call Phyllis. $8000 acre. Jensen- - I acre lot, good location. Call Phyllis. $12,500. Another Jensen- - I acre lot. water shares. irrigation. Call Phyllis. $13,000. Jensen- - 43 acres, 26 water shares. 22.5 cultivated, ail Phyllis. $7,000 per acre. Davis-- 29 acres, excellent development, divided Jeff. $8,000 per acre. into 5 acre parcels, Lapotart- - SO acres, pond, streams, very nice, Phyllis. $4,000 an acre. 13 A era North of Airport Industrial Zoning. Could sell by the acre. East Hiway 40 8 acres, owner will sell in I acre parcels. Could be zoned industrial. On Tho Green River. I acre lots at $12,500 per ail Water Hookup A Septic Tank- - all included on this 16 acre lot. Call Lois. $16,960. GNnrs- - 105x 167.5' lot. lovely area for home. Ctlll Lois. SI3.78U. Overlooking Pond- - Exclusive area with S 100,000 homes. Call Phyllis SI 5.900. 9 ail acre. Thinking of Building? Sun) Phyllis Turner 7,000. Executive Estate, spiral stairway, 3 bedrooms, 216 baths, 3400 sq. ft. Everything you've always wanted in a perfect home. Sits on 616 acres. Total investment 299,000 with terms. Call Phyllis, 789-646- Creek see to appreciate. Call Phyllis (Agent, Western Emmaculate 3 bedrooms, 1)4 baths on 16 acre lot near new Davis school. Low 60V Call Lois. Affordable 13 acre in Davie. Low, low price of NCOME IHitfc 789-13- 48 Lob Dahnu 789-395- Julie Guffey 789-57- 40 How Much Do You Think A PassivojaHome Costs? Compare Our Prices With ConventioruTTiousInnYoinl Be Surprised 8 For Example 3 Bedrooms 1)4 Bath j? Only 65,000 Down Payment Only 2,000 (Plus Closing Costs) b Open Balcony Sky lights Vaulted Ceiling lip to 90C-- Heating and Cooling Efficiency Up to $4,000 Tax Credit 1640 Sq. Ft. Finished 16 Acre l.oi Beautiful 240 Sq. Ft. Sun Space (Greenhouse) 789-646- 4 25 SOUTH 100 WEST DOWNTOWN VERNAL, UTAH s". Terry Bastian BASTIAN REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT Broker-Own- er AGENTS 1625 W. Hwy. 40 7892292 Opal Orr Kaa 780-153- 7 Turnr Z 7894815 TMi Wufcbar Sidy BiRIm 7892866 Kina Mmm Slava JatuuM 788-156- 0 780-754- 0 788-754- 0 Commercial Land Aem near the Mountains In beautiful Neola? Low down and easy terms. Call Terry for details. Owner Anxious: 10 acres In Dry Forte. Only $4,500 per acre. Terms available. 23-- T 10 Acres with existing good water. Also has city water. Exquisite view end priced reasonably. Call Terry. 10 Acre Parcel in the Lapoint area, only $1000 per acre. Owner financing at 7 available. 0 Acres In Ashley lots of frontage, water available. Call How About 5 10-4- Terry. 27 Acres close to town, only $8500 per acre. 70 Acres or less, prime development property. Call Opal or Terry for details. 20 Acre in Ashley. Owners will sell on contract. 15-- T 4 Acres. Lots of water, owners will divide into two 49-pieces, $7500 down, owners will carry contract. 8 Gone Fishing frontage on the Green River. 20 min. from town. 20 min. to Power Plant. 3, 5 & 10 acre pieces, 10 down. Owner contract at 12 for 30 years if desired. Call Stove. 10 Acres overlooking Green River. Excellent investment Better place to live. 10 down. $3,000acre. Owner contract. Call Steve. One Acre Lot overlooking the city of Vernal. Has a gorgeous view and is priced tor a quick sale. Owner will accept terms. No mobile homes please. Call Terry for more information. HURRYI 17-- T H You Enjoy Privacy with a view call about this acre lot with an existing water connection all ready tor your new 18-- T 6. home. at Owner will aaB on contract Nice corner lot in Naples area for new home or "Mobile Home. Call Opal. 12 Acres ctoaa to town, just in Ashley. All or part $12,500acre with great terms. Call Steve. Acre building tot close to schools, churches, and shopping. Also suitable tor animals. Call Terry Call-Terr- 789-286- 789-286- 6. & Investment 80 Acres with super view you won't believe this prime piece ripe for division. Overlooks Vernal & Split Mtn. Terms. Call Steve for a tour. For Lease: t 'A acres, zoned commercial, off Hiway 40, ideal for used car lot. Storage units, etc. Call Mel 18.5 Acraa Roosevelt area, commercial property with over 1 ,300 ft. Hiway frontage. Has sewer and city water hook-up- s. Owners desperate. Call Terry. For Lease: 1 acres, zoned commercial, off Hiway 40. ideal for used car lot. Storage units, etc. Call Mel Commercial Corner Lot in Roosevelt. Excellent location for Car Wash. Convenience store, or office building. Owner financing. Call Opal. 20-- 0 789-481- 5. 789-481- 5. Homes Trees! New roof end siding on this 3 bedroom home. Priced under $50,000. Financing available with 5 down. Call Karen. Ntoe Brick Home with 2 car garage on acre near west Hwy. 40. Zoned commercial. Excellent location tor business or good Investment property. Has good water well. 24-- 0 1978 Marsh Field Mobile. 2 bedroom, excellent condition. Parked on a large rented lot. Low down! Low payments! Call Mel, Don't Mies Seeing R Today! Brick home with three bedrooms, family room, patio and secluded yard. Beautiful drapes and carpets. Lots of storage. Convenient location, 789-481- 5. dose to shopping and schools. Thriving Business, includes home and much more. Has two acres, excellent tor man and wife team. Call Terry for details. Office apace tor rent large end small offices ready tor immediate occupancy. All on excellent Hiway 40 location. 12x653 bedroom. 1 bath, single wide on mobile home lot. Contract terms with low down. Contact Ken. Fixvr-Upp-er Just needs a little paint. I can arrange financing with less than $1500 down. Priced at $33,500. Call Karen for details. Horst Lover's Dream, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick home on 4 acres with good hay. good water. Has nice shop, nice yard garage. 06-- 0 plus ar |