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Show I iWVM.A XXX.XXXXVN.N.N ' . - ' . ' s"' - - - I., - l.IH lyV t i.-f- M. 1982 tuiNlCiaaAi Scrtcmhcr. .';( V rent Garbage disposal, stove and fridge. No pets, $400 month, 8 $250" deposit. after 6 p.m. Vernal. 2P117 wsncwr REAL ESTATE V'Q JJ 789-535- 789-187- 789-529- 51 Vernal. 1N107 For Rent 2 bedroom duplex in Roosevelt, 755 East Lagoon. $350" per month. 5 $200" deposit. Call Three Bedroom country duplexes for rent garages, dishwashers, refrigerators, reasonable rent Call Tom Clark 789-- 1 287 or 789-69-1 2 W For Rent new two bedroom apt. at 56 East 400 So. .;uM J 28 'Sccttnrf 1 ! 08 or for John. 2P116 Recreation Land-- perfect time to buy. Your purchase is not a tlmeshare or undivided interest Warranty Deed and Title Insurance at completion of purchase. Cedar Mountain Properties offers 5 and 10 acre cabin sites 90 miles east of Salt Lake City, 15 miles west of Strawberry and Soldier Creek Reservoirs on both sides of Highway 40. Prices from $595." per acre. Good roads, lots of pinion pine and cedar trees, power to many lots. Look at a few reasons why now is the Perfect Time to ' buy. 1. Interest rates on home and auto loans out of sight. Our terms 10 interest 10 year payments. 2. During the next inflationary period land prices are undoubtedly going to be pushed up and up. 3. With the completion of the Central Utah Project, your property will be in the center of the fastest growing recreation area in the state 5 lakes, 4 rivers A 789-282- Vernal 1N101 DREAMING OF YOUR PERFECT CAR? The Used Car Section of Basin Nickel Ads has your dream come true! Old, new, sports, or economy, youll find it in Nickel Ads. Call 789-9740 Basin to place your ad today! NEWSPRINT CLASSIFIED within 15 minutes in 789-329- ask 2 For Rent new 2 bedroom duplex, carpets, drapes, kitchen appliances, T.V., washer-dryhookup, with garage. $415." per month and deposit required. Call er vo Building for rent 1080 sq. ft with office and bathroom, 1000 East Main. Call after or 5:00 p.m. Vernal. IN1 11 789-12- 789-336- 4. 1N112 Choice 12 acre lot plus parcels in Lapoint has well culinary water, utilities in irrigation water, front of property. Owner 789-276- Building Lots 6 Simple Interest, 10 down, 20 years. Paco Acres. $8,000 and up. 722-287- 2, 722-278-7. Plan Ahe Streets, curb, gutter, water are In. No assessments. and sewer d 789-140- 722-92- 1N113 On Main Street rooms for rent Utilities paid, some cooking, starting $120." any per month, call Mobile Home Owners 722-96- Roosevelt. IN1 14 Brick Home in Naples area, 3 bedrooms, fully carpeted, two bath, 2 car garage, 12x20 shop building on 7 acres, mid 60's, or above with 3.7 acres mid 90 s. Call anytime MP 4 after six IS IT TIME TOMOVE? 1 789-634- Vernal. 789-111- 1N115 Then move up into a beautiful new Boise Home! Mountain Land for sale, priced for quick sale, 10 miles out of town, 30 minutes from Vernal, 1N116 399-560- 3, 789-616- 2. 549-336- 8. The Ranch Last Frontier. We're 90 HOUSE FOR SALE, new miles east of Salt Lake City two bedroom house, close between Currant Creek to new school $4,000" and and Red Creek Reservoir. take over payments or Bandanna The ranch borders state refinance. For more 4 and national forest on information call three sides. 5 acre lots Vernal. IN1 17 range In price from For Sale 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $5,000.00 to $14,000.00. No brick home, large double time share or undivided garage, completely landinterest At completion of scaped and fenced, many your purchase contract we extra's, assumable mort-- g issue a Warranty Deed with gage. 2093 East 3500 Title Insurance. Look at a South. Call 6 few of the reasona you Vernal. IN1 18 should own a lot on the 789-729- 789-663- Ranch: Year round accessability, gravel roads, power to many lots, 40,000 acre Sportsman Club. Tennis, 7000 ft. grass airstrip, picnic and reunion campground on Red Creek. For more information and directions please call: Salt Lake City Ogden Cabin collect on weekends. 1N103 Looking for a Home? Homebuyers: Sunwood Homes New Homes & 3 (2 545-24- Randl-etj1N1- 04 $53,900 at the Cottonwood Heights Subdivision - 500 South 3000 Weiij . Mallard 17 acres with 13 shares of water owner financing-perfe- ct for small farm. Call Becky 247-23Accord Vernal. 1N128 3 Bdrm. Home in Talmage. 74 acres, with 100 shares of Farnsworth canal, water, horse barn with corrals. Sell all or part 454-32Duchesne. 1N129 vernal 49 n :-o- INTEREST RAtES FROM 9.6 to 13 apr Onckidlng Wall MouWig Monty) Realty-789-81- m Bdrm.) from 399-560- 3, "COUNTRY HOME by owner, two years old, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 5 acres J$B3.1 00. Don't stay in a mobile home when our homes offer you more! More comfort, space and quality. Architect-designe- d homes built with our Therma 2000 construction. Lower Monthly Paymentsl You may pay less per month for our new home, get better interest appreciation and rate, long-terloan. a longer-term Announces 292-641- 4, CALL Weve got plans for you! Over 40! Plus handsome exteriors, customizing features and more! We'll build your home your way. You cant afford to wait. Dont take a chance onprices going up. A new Boise Home may never again be this affordable. Come in today. WnatauMnMdtfMla)B Boise Homes ALAN PRINCE . SS4-S4S- 2 (SIC) or 7I9-7SS- S 0 Public Notice 2 Call Lapoint. interest. or mostly easy terms, financing, small - 789-94- For Rent one bedroom, unfinished duplex apt. $300" per month $200" deposit. 260 South 200 East Vernal. Phone and i finished. $83,000. Cali Vernal. 1N108 Vernal. 1N126 Vernal. 1N110 789-01- direction. 4. Population in the oil rich Uintah Basin predicted to triple by the year 2000. 5. Reservations for every major campground in the state are already reserved for holiday weekends this year. If you're interested give us a call for more information and directions. Call Salt Lake Ogden Cabin collect on 1 N 1 02 weekends 292-641- 4. 9 W1V full basement, Realty-789-81- 789-932- ' House For Sale by owner, 6 bedroom, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage, privacy fence, 12 acre lot, circle drive, total electric, Roosevelt one acre with well unbelievable terms. Own it rooms, Spacious insulated. Includes fridge, with low down and low range, drapes, washer and monthly payments. Close to town. Call Becky 247-23$200 dryer hook-u- p Accord deposit $400 month. Call Vernal. 1N109 Vernal. 1N100 v Beat High Prices ,ir- ' ,",,r,,, K3L.,MMMHPBSHBSHCTBSfi?wgEMtyEESBSEspHHHWWWCiciBifiiMWWPwwsH For Rent one bedroom Two bedroom in furnished apartment. country, but closeduplex to town. no smokers Unfurnished, outdoor Reasonable, and no pets, available okay. $425" a month. pets Call 2 October 1. Call 789-761 or Duplex for Lrl: 1 . . - v'Cv,NNVNXSSVVV.vvvvvVV,vVV 789-666- -- VXXXvv EyreyKKKttKttttaxaaooaaaiaaaooooooeKsaoaeMnoootMoooaoaan ' '. t.M, .. f " 1972 Tamarack 14x70, 3 bedroom, fully carpeted, fireplace and much more. $10,500. Call Les or Bob 3 Vernal. .'; rKMir.UM HOMES ROBB 1U EM MX in ar (Vernal) ASPENIkOOK 7 REALTY l" "- - uV.1- -. 789-76- 68 |