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Show Fa mm Glen C. Griffin, M.D. A syndicated Column On Chlldran And Tama it 27. lW2 7 ! .Newsprint When You See News Happen Be The First To Call Uintah Basin District Health Department Is Making Some Drastic Changes 789-19- 49 Restless ' Rest UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION CENTER for part time teaching. Ih now ukinK applications or Qualified applicants muat have a Maatara Degree English. IMI.I). m one of the following areas: Dear Dr. Griffin: Ever since our 21 month old twin boys were a few months old, they have thrown themselves around in their sleep, crying all the time. It usually lasts 20 minutes or so, but sometimes much longer. We have tried leaving them in their cribs, but are afraid they will hurt temsdves as they repeatedly hit the sides of the crib with a bang. WeVe also tried walking the floor with them, and at other times have put them in our bed, but no matter what we do, we canH wake them up or stop the thrashing around until they are done throwing themselves all over adn crying and screaming. ! Could you please tell us what we can do to stop this, or how we can wake them up during the ordeal?. One doctor told us they are just snoring loudly, but we find this hard to believe. T.ll. Dear T.H.: You may be surprised how many youngsters toss and turn and throw themselves about while they sleep. Sometimes it seems to be just a habit pattern and sometimes the restless sleep is caused by medication...even one given to help improve sleep... but sometimes there is a sleep disturbance called night terrors. Fortunately, they almost always eventually stop. Since you have two' little boys doing the same thing. I imagine it is even more frustrating. Two make a lot more noise and. I'm sure, bother you even more than twice as Mary Ellen chocks ears on Sara Koziol much as one would. .Although I have seen this happen a lot of times, I can never remember a youngster who Under the direction of Rand Webb, Director of funding and the ability of the department to pay has hurt himself tossing and turning, with the service jobs. Health, and new Nursing Supervisor, Mary Ellen competitive wages with exception of those who have flipped off the Connor, the Uintah Basin District Health Also, he would like to see the public become more side of a bed. Department is experiencing a dramatic change in aware of the services the Health Department has to Even the banging against the side of the crib offer. its public service. A few of the many services of the Department usually sound worse that it is. Some people Mary Ellen Connor is from New York State. She tie crib pads along the sides. are; a weekly immunization clinic, hypertention has been in Utah about two yean. She came to y clinic, food service Utah to attend Graduate School at the University screening program, When you do get ready to take your boys nutrition counceling and information, of Utah. She holds a Masters of Science Degree in inspection, out of their cribs, I would suggest putting follow on communicable all diseases, referrals Nursing and Family Nurse Practioner. up their mattresses right on the floor and let them information and on transmitted diseases Mary Ellen has seven yean of nuning sexually sleep there. the most part spent in intensive care for of answers and experience, (confidential anyone age), TTien when they roll or flip onto a carpet or is single, 29, and is "serving as adopted She counseling on family planning (no materials or nuning. rug. its not a jig deal like it would be to fall kitten." a mother to flu immunization and diet and drugs provided), (put,pf.an ordinary bed onto a hard floor. She came to the Basin area in October of 198 1 as nutrition' information foj; the elderly and many ' .in When sleeping problems'liytethis 'are' TrOgriim of maturation and othergrowing up Nurse Supervisor of the Department of Health for ,! Severe, medications are sdmetimeS tisedto problems are presented in films and discussions in the Uintah Basin District. 'I am really excited help calm things down a bit, being careful not about the programs and services we provide here, I public schools. to add to the problem. As an example of the enormous service given in am especially encouraged by the support I receive You may want to ask your doctor what he only one area of the Department, the immunization from Mr. Webb and the other Health Department thinks about this. clinic gave 400 immunizations to anyone in need, in staff." Do everything possible to avoid planting The Uintah Basil District Health Department a one month period. There are as many as 135 immunizations given in a single day at the clinic. has a staff of seven nurses, two sanitarians, four upsetting and irritating thoughts in their minds like kids so often get from TV cartoons secretaries and one nutritionist. The immunizations are given free of charge, board and other moisy and frightening programs. The Department holds a but donations are encouraged to help support off when fourth set the TV on in the the at one would be Vernal, ever the program. "No turned Sage Id suggest turning meeting these little guys are up, unless there is a Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. There are away because they haven't the ability to pay." Webb said. representatives from Uintah. Duchesne and particularly calm program on like Mr. Rand Webb, Director of Health, is formerly of Daggett Counties present that include two doctors, Rogers. 1 would also make bedtime a happy, calm Orem, Utah. He received an Environmental Health school board members, county commissioners and degree from Brigham Young University, and did members at large that make up the board. These experience. bed. in graduate work in Health Administration at the meetings are open to the public and any input from And dont put your youngsters your Utah State University. He was at the Utah County the citizens of these counties is invited. me let know Be sure to write me again and The NEWSPRINT will provide any pertinent Health Department for one year and at the Davis how they are doing. from the Health Department on a information County Health Department for six yean. Webb took over the job of Health Director in Vernal in regular basis so you may have a constant source of times and dates and outlines of their services. July of 1981. in Vernal, For further information, call Webb feels the only thing holding back the Duchesne. in Roosevelt in and service of the Health Department is the lack of Dear Dr. Griffin: I would like your advice on a problem Itn afraid may get out of hand. daughter is My about IS pounds overweight. I know she sneaks behind my back and does not seem to realize the consequences of gaining too much weight. I have told her to cut back on sweets, fried foods, bread, gravy, and desserts, while encouraging her to eat lots of fresh fruit. What can I do to make her lose weight? Chemistry. Agriculture. Business. Education. Life. 8oclal Engineering. Humanitiee. Family contact Dr. Please Sciences, or Natural Sciences David Medlyn at UBU Education Center and sand a rewinie and tranacript U lltjowivtfll. Utah N40BB or call wain ax pKMhle. P.O. or Boa MB SB 7M-BB- ! non-publ- ic well-bab- , Overweight 789-12- 722-30- 85 Z3 almost-fifteen-year-o- id J.G. Dear J.G.: Nothing! That is...no one can make anyone want to lose weight. We can do lots of things that may help...but trying to make someone lose weight may make things worse. Instead of scowls and frowns and speeches about her eating habits, help her feel happy and confident. Be positive when she does things that please you. Let her know you love ner. Then when the right teaching moment ':omes along and she is interested in trimming down a bit...share with her a couple of clues like taking small bites...in fact, tiny bites, and chewing each bite over and over, maybe times instead of four or five. This thirty-tw- o have small servings of all kinds of can she way can enjoy them just as much as ..and goodies. if she ate a carton of ice cream and a half a pie. This will work lots better than a big lecture everytime she starts munching or when she orders french fries at McDonalds. Complete Home finishing Package (any size) Closet Doors Doors Pre-Hun- g ft U & & H e e e e e e e e e e e Bl-fo- ld Garage Doors or Finish Peach Tree Metal Entrance Doors Any Size-Styl- e UJelser Door Knobs Closet Hardware Hardware UJeother Stripping Both Hardware Medldne Cabinets Bi-fo- ld iv hr Breast Milk Its Great Dear Dr. Griffin: Someone told me breast milk isnt as HARDWARE, INC. 525 NORTH 2500 WEST, VERNAL UTAH 84078 "PHONE: 789-252- 6 738-24- 37 64 FABRIZIO S means CARPETS at SALT LAKE PRICES! Sale Mark Down 10-1- 5 on carpet, vinyls. 8. linoleums Through Remainder of the month at Fabrlzlos. .A ' 'AA Fabruios Carpel. '"'.el 'V'lBg 7S.WSL |