Show mrs emma of appleton wisconsin A 4 neighbor advised advise ct me to use peruna I 1 beg beyan an to improve at once 41 MRS mrs emma 1069 oneida st appleton is writes peruna has done me a great deal of good since I 1 began taking it and I 1 am alev 1 ays glad to speak a good word for font it three years ago I 1 was in a wretched condition with backaches bearing down do wn pains an I 1 at times was so sore and lame that I 1 could not move about I 1 had in flammant on and irritation and although I 1 used diffrient reined es they did me no good A beigl nei I bor who had been using pe runa ada advise vis e I 1 me to try it and I 1 am glad that I 1 did I 1 began to improve as soon as I 1 tool it and I 1 felt much better I 1 thank you for yo r fine fremed remedy v it is certainly a godsend to sick women catarrh of the internal organs bliss theresa bertles bertle white church mo writes I 1 buttered ered ed with catarrh of the ach ch bovel bo vela and internal organs evemy thing I 1 ate se seamed med to hurt me I 1 never had a als pt age of the bo vels without tak ing me I 1 c ne I 1 v u as so t red mornings and acl ed all over I 1 had a pain in my left side and the least exertion or excite ment went made me short of breath now after taking peruna for six months I 1 am as well Es as I 1 ever N vi as pe runa has worked wonders for me the I 1 be lieve peruna is the best med cine in the world and I 1 recommend it tomy to my friends tone up with W ith j good paint y it is good I 1 business to keep prop erty I 1 toned upa I 1 coat of Pur eWhite lead paint not only m a akes k e a things look better and gives them a higher selling value bull but it makes things wear better and gives them a h gher value for long wear i pure white lead gives an opaque durable coat that protects and pre serves from the ravages of time and weather pro hect ve buyers of pure white lead have heretofore been subject to much attempted R fraud in adulterate adult erat on and sub st tut on you are now pro by the dutch boy trade mark which is found on the side of kegs containing only pure white lead made by the old dutch process look for the boy SEND FOR arx BOOK A talk OB on paint give s valuable anfor mat 0 oa n oa an the pa nt bub sub act t sent tree fred upon NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY in n hever ot the fallow ing c t es if is near at you sew now bew york boston buffs buna 0 vie cleveland reima 0 1 ch cago ht 1st lou 2 ph I 1 adel h a I 1 J john 0 1 n ILI T lew w 4 A bro co ko I 1 pittsburgh rh V atiat at t onal lead d 0 01 1 do co J food pf c veal loaf with beef and pork do you like veal loaf 7 you will surely be delighted with libby s kind made from choice fresh meats in libby a spotless kitchens it is pure wholesome and delic ous in flavor ready for serving at once S amply eufa garn shed xv th sauce it is an appet z ay ng entree for luncheon or d AL four your crater for ter libby a end and up OP a fettles getti ir libby libby mcneill libby chicago LIVE STOCK AND miscellaneous electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SAIH SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY AN KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO 73 W adami CHICAGO DERfl NSE STARCH Is 16 ounce ounces to the other s arcag on y 12 oun oan e ea same pr e and DEFIANCE IS 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY doctor doctors and remedies fruitless suf 10 years completely cured by Cuti cura small sores appeared on each ot of my lower limbs and shortly afterwards they became so sore that I 1 could scarcely walk the sores began to heal but small scaly eruptions ap feared the itching was so severe that I 1 would scratch the sores until the blood began to flow after I 1 suffered thus about ten years I 1 made a renewed effort to effect a cure the eruptions by this time had appeared on every part of my body except my face and hands the best doctor in my native county and many remedies gave no relief all this was fruitless finally my hair began to fall out and I 1 was rapidly becoming bald A few months after having used almost everything else I 1 thought I 1 would try Cuti cura ointment and Cuti cura soap after using three boxes I 1 was completely cured and my hair was restored after fourteen ears of suffering buffering and an ex pend ture iture of at least 50 or 60 in vain ly endeavoring to find a cure 13 hiram mattingly vermillion S dah dak aug IS 18 1906 important to mothers examine no carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infanta infants and children end and fee see that it bears the afy iff signature of douw la in use for over 30 years the dad kind you rave aldave bought ladies can wear shoes one size smaller after us ng alien allen a foot ease A certa n cure for s vollen sweating hot ach ng feet at all drugg sta ac capt no substitute tr a al package FREE address A S olmsted le rol RO X Y mrs winslow a soothing syrup for eb 11 dren teething softens the gums reducer to in alm on a aye ayera pa a cures wind co jo 1 M a bottle the more cause one has for losing patience the more reason there Is for holding it feltham I 1 guara COULD HARDLY TOTTER ABOUT A vivid description of the most in of D ceases miss emma shirley killbuck N Y writes kidney disease mysteriously fastened itself upon me two years ago v and brought awful headaches and dizzy spells I 1 was all un strung ft A eak and nervous could scarce ly totter about pains in the side and back completely unnerved re me my food die dis me I 1 looked badly and the kidneys were noticeably deranged I 1 sank lower and lower until given up and at this critical time began with doan doans s kidney pills rills details are un necessary twelve boxes cured ma me and I 1 weigh six pounds more than ever before they saved my life sold by all dealers GO 0 cents a box foster milburn co buffalo N T t HEADACHE positively cured ha b 1 wirters A these lutle little pills they a so relieve dis dl ITT ITTLE trees tress from dyspepsia ini luo digestion andton and too heart I 1 V I 1 11 eating A perfect rem L for dizziness na kau edy dy P PILLS IL I 1 sea drowsiness bad 4 taste in the mouth coat ed londrue rain 1 in tb th I 1 S I 1 I 1 ie e TORPID fiver they regulate the bowel bowels purely vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE genuine must bear fac simile signature adze REFUSE substitutes mica axle Gi grease please lengthens the lif of the wagon saves horse power tune time and tern tem per best lubricant in the world contains powdered mica which isoa terms forms 0 0 asmo a smooth otho i hard coating on axle and reduces friction if you want your outfit 10 to last iasi 1 and I earn money while it lasts grease the axles with mica axle grease STANDARD oil COMPANY i ro convince any M woman that rax tine will F el improve her health ando and do all w we e claim lor for it we will send her absolute absolutely tree free a large trial box of laitine with book ot e instruct In eions and genuine testimonials send your name and address on a postal card ass cleanses 7 and d heals mucous u in a M brano brane at factions such as a nasal catarrh celvio citano and inflammation inflame atlon caused by leml n ne ills sore ey s sore throat and mouth by direct local treatment ment its cur alive power over these trouble troubles Is extraordinary and gives immediate relict relief thousands of 0 women breusing are using and rec ree om g it every diy daiy eo 60 cents at druggists or ay mail remember however IT 1 tha 24 CO beaton ISo eton mas blass LIE STOCK M AND electrotypes in great earitt biety for pa e at t the 1 lowet st to by ilir ad st chearo u N N U salt lake city no 29 1907 BALLARDS k ehnow rd Is a quick and permanent cure for R rheumatism cuts sprains wounds awl neuralgia ralgia headache old sores corns bunions gulls gas bruises contracted muscles lame back stiff L fcc joints frost bite CM chilblains lb lains rin arh one Pol Poff levil evil bums scalds and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR MLA R M LA TO three sizes 25 50 and 1 sold b by y all druggists |