Show mining news continued fiction page 1 the clown I 1 ml int shaft haft is now non down obo bo fed ION and as soon as an ail air in ili e an ail I 1 e put in tit c kneut n th g erty w ith the colo olo a lo 10 a machi ie drill ii ill be bcd in sinking R G wilon and D md fians mere ft ere in ili loan tonn this week both of the a n ahmen tit men ar n w res dents of los aa ge les and are here for the 1 url ur ose of look loot ing ovar sonic onic of the mcw ai at d id bonanzas C E loose and lilliarn illi arn hatfield Hal field were ere in ili town on S inday in I 1 M and nd i they were at the grand oil bunday and the folloNi following ing day visited some f the proper properties in this end of the district NN ork orl Is to be resume I 1 in ili the atar coi cot s vv within a day or two accor ac torling ling to hupt rout da d connections will te it 11 a ie N with ith the black jack jak NN water ater line the star cons has been fc etting water nater from the mammoth to co john B jr ardinel arrive ill camp the other day da an ani I 1 will 41 trend end the balance of the sun mer with ith his father in ili I 1 ast he ile reent recently ly beturne rel urnel I 1 from lly nevada where here he loatch loc itta some very pr i i ing clat 11 in so ne tie of chih N hiah lie L old frold mal inal ing some ii oney but out of the tile deal |