Show FROM THE Y YEW interesting relic Secure il by boston clergyman when dr charles E banka was in england six years ago and visited tisbury he saw in the old churchyard of that parish the famous yew tree which Is said to have been planted by one of the arundel family seven hun dred or more years ago it la about thirty six feet in circum terance hoi lowed at the trunk nd capable ot holding about ten persons in the caa ty the vicar promised the doctor a hoot from the tree as soon as one could be recently the doc tor received by express a young tree from the old giant and it Is now pot ted and ready tor transplantation at the proper time when it becomes ac climatee cli mated this memorial of the old bury will find a home in the new town on the lawn of dr danks summer borne at vineyard haven the yew ia a large and beautiful evergreen tree with a trunk often of great thickness branching a few feet above the ground and forming a large and dense head fine specimens of it are frequently found in english church yards and tor this reason it has been often mentioned in he elegiac poems of english authors the yew tree obtained by dr banks will have a deep significance and in terest for the vineyard people not only because it came from old bury but also for the reason that un der the spreading branches of the parent tree thomas mayhew known to tame as gov mayhew must have been carried to his baptism over three hundred years ago boston transcript |