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Show Page Two - The Eureka Reporter - July 17, 1998 Kenneth Kenneth L. Hone, age 81 of Payson, passed away Saturday, July 11, 1998 at Mountain View Hospital. He was born July 15, 1916 in Blackfoot, Idaho, a son of Roy and Jenny Taylor Hone'. He married Wyroa Butler, September 7, 1940 in Provo, Utah. Kenneth served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He worked as a miner and worked for over 14 years at the Burgin Mine in Dividend. He also was involved in the building of the Granite Vaults for the LDS Church in Salt Lake City. He was an avid fisherman and loved the outdoors. Survivors include: his wife, Wyroa, of Payson; a daughter and a son, Mary Jane (Garry) Goodman, Apache Junction, Arizona; James Lee (Dorie) Hone, Payson; six grandchildren; a sister, Delores Croft of Taylorsville. He was preceded in' death by his parents, and a brother and sister, Ted Hone, and Faye Wall. Graveside services were held Wednesday, July 15, 1998, in the Santaquin, Utah Cemetery. The Eureka Reporter USPS No. 1 79-62- 0 Published Weekly at Eureka, Utah 84628 Call at (435) 433-693- 3 or (801) 489-565- 1 Printed by ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 61 South Main Street Springville, Utah 84663 SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE, PER YEAR In Juab County - $1 5.00 Outside Juab County - $1 8.00 Please send change of Address to The Eureka Reporter Church Street, Eureka, Utah 84628 Periodical Postage paid at Springville, UT 84663 POSTMASTER: PUBLISHER Martin Conover Grace Bernini EDITOR LuElla CATHOLIC Theme for the Sunday Mass at St. Patricks Church, tells us that "The letter of law files, the mankind to remove himself from die effects of evil, using numerous scriptures from throughout the Bible to point the way toward a release from these effects. Bible study using the Watch-towe- r, was from the June 1 issue, "Go On Walking in Union With Christ." Theme text was Colossians 2:6. Paul, in his letter noted that walking with spirit of the law is and Father Walter was celebrant. Entrance hymn was "We Gather Togetherf." Scripture readings were from the book of Deuteronomy; the letter of Paul to the Colossians; and the gospel according to Luke. The gospel reading anChrist involves four things: swers the question, "Who is my being rooted in Christ, being neighbor?" According to Luke, ,built up in Him, being stabilized "Our neighbor is the one who in the faith, and overflowing needs our help." with thanksgiving. Each of these life-givin- g." Recessional hymn was "Praise to the Lord." Mass on phrases was considered. Sunday, July 19, will begin at 4:00 p.m. Town talk Fred and Kathy Pascual of Coquille, OR., were overnight METHODIST New pastor of the Eureka United Methodist Church, Rev. Andy Kwon, conducted worship service on Sunday. Assisting him were Mabel Butler, Organist; Sandy Evans, Liturgist and Communion Steward; Mable Fields, Acolyte; and Raleigh Williams, Usher. Opening hymn was "Holy, Holy, Holyl Lord God Almighty. The Gospel Reading was Luke 10:25-3In his Message, the Pastor spoke about the "Law". Holy Communion was administered following the Prayers of the People and the Prayer of Inter7. cession. visitors last week, at the home of John, Edie and Steve Pascual. While in Eureka, the family had a good visit with lots of reminiscing. Kathy was pleased to find where her is buried in Eureka City Cemetery. During their time spent in Utah, they attended a family reunion in Coalville, and also visited Park City and Kimball Junction, where Fred and Kathy both lived while growing up. great-grandfath- er J. Daniels "How To Conquer Evil With Good" was the d discourse given by Roger Huffman from the Salem congregation. He opened with several thought-provokiquestions about evil and goodness, then used the Bible to answer these questions. He concluded with the thought that there is no way for Bible-base- ng Real Estate on the free H4000.REE. UPPER COUNTRY Uintah great-grandson- son-in-la- s: w, ys '95 CHRYSLER LEBARON convertible. Loaded, red with white top. Excellent until 718. Parkin condition, Supreme Sound 1 System, $1200. ext. Mortor 56 (SLC ) evenings & J15L 801-281-- 88-628-0222. weekends. Ba- sin: 5 acres, $4,900; 10 acres, $9,800. Near Moon Lake, Rock Creek, Ashley T9fRjRD Windstar, Forest. Owner financing. rear AC, child seats, Free mailer. Best Western loaded, factory warranty, $ 1 6,495 until 7 Land, 3 L Education Instruction "I 0. 18. Parkin Motor J15L J WOLFFTANNNG BHDS. Tan '97 EXPLORER, 4WD, perience required. r day Volunteer VOLUNTEER FAMILIES needed to host high school exchange students from Europe, Asia and America. Girls, Boys. Variety of int erests, hobbies, sports. Call Dena 1 L Miscellaneous For Sale r J15L party plan: toys, gifts, Christmas, home decor. Free catalog and informat- 96 LINCOLN Continen- tal, only 19,300 miles, was $44,290 new, now only $21,995 until 7 '99 needed. $45,000 income potential. Call FEE. ext Lariat, 4x4, COMPUTER USERS needed. until Crew-ca- b power-strok- e, CD, $36,500 Parkin Mo- 718. tor Typing and word processing from home. $45,000 yr income potential. Call ext. B- - J15L NEW tory cancellations. Four 4x4, '98 J15L '98 MERCURY Villager, Special Edition, captain chairs, loaded! Only $21,995 until 718. Parkin Mo- rails, etc. tors 100 South, Lehl,1- - DALTON GANG Annual Horse Sale, July 11, Monticello, Utah. Approx- black-and-white- Cata- s. logs, box 576, Monticello, UT 84535. Phone L or 88-628-0222. '97 FORD TAURUS Wagon GL, very low miles, power everything, 8 psssenger, 718. w $1 3,495 unParkin Motors warranty, Financial 1 L CASH" IMMEDIATE $$ for structered setlements and deferred insurance - 1- 5. OVERDUE BILLS? Credit problems? Try debt consolidation. Combine all bills into one low payment. No application fees. Debt Management ext. 800-863-90- 1QB- - Problem credit Own the. home you need now, without a big down payment. Complete financing qualified. i console, 4x4, only $19,995 until 718. Parkin Motor J15U ADOPTION: A WONDERFUL life awaits your newborn In our loving, finan- DeGeorge Home AKance 2884 CASHFORMOTRGAGES.If mediate cash. Twenty years experience. Highest prices. Covenant Financial. A DEBT-FRE- E lifel Confidential help. Cut monthly payments. Reduce interest. Stop collection calls. Avoid bankruptcy. Nation's largest The line that is cially secure home. Expenses paid. Sheri & straightest ofTers most resistance. if you are receiving payments on a mortgage, we can convert them into im- D.7r-r- XLT pkg. rear air, deluxe L Chuck Rollers, Tools, R&J Auction NOW DOWN PAYMENT? '97 EXPLORER, upper 2. Adoption 1 J15L til imately 100 quarter end paint horses. Outstanding imlements, Skidsteer, 888231-537- STEEL PIPE for fence posts, E. 94 Hitachi Excava- tor, Motograders, Forklifts, Guns, Trucks, Trailers, End Dumps, Snowplows, Horses, Boats, Farm Tractors claims. J.G. Wentworth NEW 1200 AUCTION: JULY 25, Steamboat, Colo. 97 Case dozer, 94 JD410 XLT, b, 30x40', 40x50', loaded, only $24,995 45x80', 50x100'. Save until 718. Parkin Mothousands. Deliveryfi-nancin- g tor 78,690;3, 12,490;4, 12, 590' 6, 58, $1.59. Free stockprice list Metalmart, Equipment L FORD only. sq. ft; 1,58, 440; 1,78, 490; 2, 38, 740; 2, 34, 390; 2, r i 970-945-972- 3. 16955. Fee. 1,516, 320 i Hoe, HOME TYPISTS, PC users J j FRENDLY TOYS & Gifts has immediate openings in your area. Number one in ion: L Livestock Employment j '95 MERCURY GRAND Marquis, loaded, like new, only $ 1 2,495 until 718. Parkin Motor 18. Parkin Motor J15L. ALL STEEL buildings fac- radio l stations seeking serious candidates for training program leading to employment. Flexible training schedule, no ex- at home. Buy direct and uppers XLT pkg., towsavel Commercialhome ing pkg. keyless, warunits from $199. Low ranty, $20,995 until 7 18. Parkin Motor monthly payments. Free J15L color catalogue. Call to- r BROADCASTING-Mento- r Program. DJ Tanning r RADIO NewsSports-loca- er, Dallas 1 3 E L able now. Local istings. Td daughter and a son, Jeanette Hamel, and Kenneth Warren Daniels, both of Payson; two granddaughters and two grandsons: Bonnie (Jeff) Hamel-Steel- e, Magna; Adrienne (Chris- topher) Cars XLT, $1. Repos, VA, HUD, sheriff 94 FORD sales. No money down cruise, AC, stereo, government loans avail- wheels, 4x4, $10,995 available. Discounts on additional sizes. ext. 730. Hamel-Stockburg- Domestic Autos For Sale 1 GOVERNMENT r ed J. WITNESSES (Elasstftefrs LuElla Jameson Daniels, age 79, of Payson, passed away Sunday, July 12, 1998 at her home. She was bom June 1, 1919 in Santaquin, Utah, a daughter of Charles and Alice Bourne Jameson. She married Kenneth A. Daniels, September 3, 1941. LuElla graduated from Tintic High School. She worked as a bookkeeper for Wolf and Laird, in Eureka. She later worked for the Nebo School District. She served as treasurer for the American Legion Auxiliary for many years. She was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, serving in many capacities including secretary of the Young Women's organization for many years. She enjoyed sewing. The most important thing in her life was' her family. Survivors include her husband, Kenneth, of Payson; a Hamel and Santaquin; both of Payson; Daniels, Jeffrey three Wesley, Joshua, and Randy Steele; a brother and three sisters: Jack Jameson, Lucille (Mac) Bigler, Della Nebeker, all of Eureka; Sunday visitors at the home Bernice Lunt of American Fork. of Joe and Grace, were a son She was preceded in death by a and daughter-in-laGlynn Hamel; three Jim and brothers: Christine Bernini of Sandy, Cloyd, Burtis, and Harold Jameson; a sister, Rhoda Utah. After breakfast, the four a grandson, Clinton Lee jumped in the truck and took a Bell; Hamel. tour of the Tintic area, Services were held on Friby Jim, and also drove around Eureka to see all day, July 17, 1998, in the Pay-so- n Park IDS Ward Chapel, of the new homes. They enjoyed a good visit, during which they 110 South 300 West, Payson. informed Mom and Dad that Burial was in the Payson City they had made a 1000-mil- e trip Cemeteiy. The family would like to on their motorcycle, over the 4th extend Naappreciation to Dr. RobYellowstone to weekend, tional Park, and back. "Enjoyed ert Clark and his staff, and and Irene from the Para-celseveiy minute of it," they said. Joyce Home Health Care, for The trip to Eureka (also on the their special care during Lu Elmotorcycle) must have been a illness. la's "breeze" by comparison. w, Worship service concluded with the Dismissal With Blessing and the "Hymn of Promise. Hone L. non- profit: Genus Credit Ma- nagement, (24 hours) 7. |