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Show CUssUftebsi A' Autos For Sale Help Wanted ADOPTION: Loving couple would show your white newborn love, security, and a lifetime of happiness. Medical and legal expenses paid. Con- HOME fidential. ing Earn up to $2,000 mo. working on cruise comships or land-tou- r TYPISTS, PC usersneeded. $35,000 potential. Details. Call (1)805-962-800- Ext. 0, SHIPS now CRUISE BuildingsSalc hir- panies. World Travel. No exp. necessary. For more info, call STEEL BUILDING SALEI ext. C8963. Heavily discounted for a limited timel widths 24' EARN MONEY reading to 1 00' various lengths. booksl $30,000yr. inMost sizes available. Call come potential. Details. now for special pricing. Ext. (1)805-962-800- 0, 800-766-479- 0. MUST SELL, 2 buildings. arch-styl- e NURSE INSTRUCTOR-Sevi- er 25x24 and July 13 marks the date of the "Picnic in the Park", planned by the Tintic Historical Society PRESCRIPTIONS Foun- - as the July meeting, tains, free delivery. SOS Everyone is welcome. Drug, 214 S. Main, 489- - Bring the burgers for your own 6041 family and a potluck dish to TAKE SOIL away the Blue share. Also, bring your own dish- Lustre way from carpet ulir ArinV will he and upholstery. Rent prOTided..homemade root beer or .lectMcsh.mpooer. coffee. Meet at the pavilion at 30. s should be a fun time TWO DUNLOP STUDED snow tires. $100 each- - for family and friends. Please cash. P 2157514. Al- - plan to attend, The museum has had a most new. Call Pat 489- 6428 after 5 M. thru F. number of visitors the last few TEN weeks; several have promised to AIRSTREAM 1958 return for the Tintic Silver trailer. Sleeps val. The gift shop Still has a for electric toilet-clos,imited numr of fcoks, claiim & storage--3 burner stove other souve. T.shira c woven-ges.lectriies of Also a few Festi-BAM- ckxrf7 vniTDecI fridge-waterelectr- ic hook-ups-batte- ry toncal novfe1 S sugar-fre- e SS1" u to aPP ?eiI?J1C 1?ianeu vcr to yourself a piece of .become lodged in your And sometimes, when alone, it may be your only d.inS the thumb side against your upper abdomen, just below your rib cage. Grasp the fist with your other hand and thrust hard inward and upward a few times. If that doesnt work, lean over the back of a chair so the edge sticks into Br your abdomen. From tee, push downward, quickly yourself out of air your diaphragm forcing gas. llOD Beck Strike of 1893. No Paved EqMi written by the class of 1997, are available at $5 each, Come in and shop around for someone on your gift list. . . . Exciting news for the . coming in the door at night- -' 'society this past week was the r. bome sweet home still availability of several glass plate from e day at work. negative, and some photos ralen lf 8 ten?e difficult to re finding V.0" by T. D. Job in Eureka, and in tMA anl a the ! ind possession of his family. Most of follow this "decompressimple neoole Ute book ' from routine' iden :;Two8leeckPT, Wren you vc Se9;'r dtin These plates have been made yurrwork .for. th day; contact Scott Wright available to the society if they take 2 .minJJtes t0. Jusl wish to copy them. Some of the or sit by a quietly. 2) JI15L photos will be copied and added different route, exploring the new WHIRLPOOL WASHER to the society collection. for sale. Works good. scenery. 3) When you get home, dont go into the house immediately. Walk around the yard or neighborhood and "smell the roses." 4) Insist that the first IS minutes at home be peaceful Margie Memmott has just ones; that you not be asked to SALVAGING 70 ft.x40 completed a six month temporary deal with hassles or crises, ft. Steel quonset build- assignment in Sanpete County, Thatll give you time to change and wil1 be back in Juab County clothes, collect your thoughts and pnri RYn. sioiooo. We tear down with a new office schedule. As of get settled. Then you can deal July 1, 1994, Margie s office with any issues in a relaxed hours will be: 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 manner, pump-propan- full-tim- heater-hydraul- re ut feel-offe- 7. nouncement, 8. phone 896-820ext. EXISTING VENDING (801) 211 or 245. route for sale with great HELP WANTED. Must have good appearance, all or part-a- ll car, phone and be honcash business. est. Looking for long-ter2, m commitments. Business Opps. $$$ work $$$. Earn $500 to $1,200 part time. $1,500 to $3,000 full time commission FREEDOM! from home sales. Call: Start wage $5 per hour (can move up). Graveyards Tue. 4:30 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. Wed. 8:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Thurs. 4:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Work available if desired. Office and floor cleaner. 0 Experience helpful. 376-839- or 3 379-330- JI13L Financial 2. 8 Lost S "t"8 433-694- 433-687- 8'oL Earet teMteS) 9. INVESTORS DREAMI 2 bed, 2 bath condo. MALE, WHITE Washerdrierin unit. Pool, long hair. Collar with tag, tennis, positive cash name, Corky, and a St. FARMERSFENCE post flow. Total price onlyl George telephone num- railroad ties. Your choice, of 25 $30 to $18,995. Free invest- ber. Very friendly, $25 Shi-tzs- u, p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions or need lance, please feel free to stop by 720 South the Intension office or call 623- ment package & video reward. 489-102354 $62.50. COOLDOWN! CONTROL1791. call Richard or Ellen. E. 100 North, Springville. LING ANGER COULD BE assis-Bund- ie 8. JI06L ADVANCED CREDIT bankrup- late-paymen- Vacation Rentals tcies, judgments, tax liens. We can repair your credit rating. Call Judy SAN DIEGO vacation condominiums: ocean-fron- t, today and get started panoramic views, (801)262-5522- . I Home For Sale b7oWNER2 bedroom! acre plus, livestock okay, irrigation sprinkling system. No agents. $55,000. 1 bath, Vi beautifully furnished. Great location to attractions, excellent restau- rants and shopping. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. (800)542-277- 4. " HELPER MOTHER'S needed for LDS family in Nashville area. 3 school-ag- e children and one at home. Salary plus room and board. Send letter andor resume to: Gayle Watkins, Harpethview Working the lawn lawn-mowin- m HUNTSVILLE. lots and larger in new subdivision. Priced toselll Ranch Realty, (801 )635- 12-ac- re PANGUITCH BEAUTIFUL 1,800 WOLFF square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, best location, 4- 2- commercial-hom- e units car garage, 3 acres. orv from $199.00. O?"' 5:?; v,ew 801-67Monthly payments low coach Realty as $18.00. Call today 8878 Mesquite, NbVAbA, free new color catalog SUNQUEST TANNING beds-ne- w 6- a"0 278 Trail, Kingston Springs, Tenn. JI20L 37082. C,kSnnrin0,hT 'WA There are two days in SPACE for rent. The Adventures of 2 rooms, plus preparawas written by tion area. 144 N. Main, Italian author Carlo Springville UT. Utilities Lorenzini, under the pen included. Call 489-779- 0 name Carlo Collodi. TFN or OFFICE 489-572- 1. Psychologist David Myers of Hope College in Michigan has written a book called The Pursuit of Happiness, in which he details 10 concepts for a better life. Now, from an article in the Atlanta JoumalConstitution, we present Myers 10 tips, in Top 10 order: 10) Have faith. Thats right. A deep religious faith brings a sense of joy to ones life. 9) Tie the knot. Married people arc generally happier than singles. 8) Foster close relationships. Close tics to other people translate into higher levels of joy. 7) Sleep, sleep, sleep. Many Americans suffer from sleep deprivation. A good nights sleep makes for a better attitude. 6) Consider new work. If your work is depressing and difficult, consider doing something else. S) Try acting happy. Start talking like happy people talk; start behaving like happy people behave. 4) Become more extroverted. Persons who are more outgoing tend to be happier. 3) Practice expecting the best. Happy and have a people arc hope-fille- d amid lifes ups and positive spirit downs. 2) Take control of your destiny. Persons who feel they are in control of their lives have "extraordinary positive feeling of And drumroll, happiness." here... the No. 1 step to a happier life... 1) Learn to like youris the self. A healthy in factor being single greatest If youre always flying off the handle, you could effectively be shortening your own YOU CAN own your life. The first step, doctors told With yard care a top priority homel No downpayment Rodale Press Inc is focusing on for many of us at this time of or Miles materials, attracof lhe problcm, so; ,hc tive construction financ- year, it never hurts to reprint pin down whal.,f ra,inB vou If g ing. Call Miles Homes some warnings into a because some-frothe past. Don t get careless, you ny I06a today. parking space happy. ext. 1. for one thing, and remember to: in bat ,ot' something's halfempty VALLEY OGDEN 1) Patrol the yard before you out balance. Examine the ranch home. Domestic Help - CRUCIAL 7755. 623-lOJJj- L Happier life ic fan-spa- 676-887- that large amounts of gum can cause gas in adults and diarrhea in children. According to the Inform health newsletter, a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine study showed that because sugar-fre-e gum gets its sweetness from sorbitol-a- nd because sorbitol is not digestible the sorbitol molecules can draw extra water into the intestines. As the extra water tends to move food through the digestive track faster, it triggers diarrhea. Or, if the undigested sorbitol gets to the colon, bacteria act on aware v bc et Valley Applied Technology Center in ext. 896. Richfield, Utah is now lighting accepting applications for e & water e a instructor to BusinessSale teach classroom theory tanks certified 1992-wa- ll brakes- PANGUITCH MOTEL, and supervise clinical & counter-ceiling sink near Bryce Canyon, best experience. Requires a tire- exhaust location, excellent con- BSN or MSN degree and radio-ga- s interior light- dition, 15 units plus liv- license to practice in kick-owindows-hitc- h Utah. Salary commensuing quarters plus 4 bedwith background and lock. $1,995.00 or best rate room home. $389,500. Phone: 433-662Shows great books. qualifications. The re- IEM ceive a full position anStagecoach Realty 801- - 50x104. July 8, 1994 - The Eureka Reporter - Page Three Picnic in the park planned for July 13 the week about which and upon which I never One of these worry. And is Yesterday. days the other day I do not worry about is mow to make sure theres nothing that will be thrown by a mower blade. 2) Don't mow grass when it s wet. Your foot couM dip under the mower. shoes 3) Wear shirdy non-sli- p close-fittin- g and clothing. 4) make sure pets and children are out of the way of potential flying 8as- ?bjcc!5; 5) Be.reful until the engine lne. before ,s col refilling. 6) Dis- - of of your reaction and source youve D decd- - it.s r Upper airway obstructions - say something States each year, despite intense public service campaigns to teach the values of the Heimlich maneuver, generally recognized as the most effective means of helping a choking victim. While you should avoid using the Heimlich on a child less than a year old or ld anyone else who can still speak dCCp or give those people the cough chance to dislodge the obstruction without assistance if there is no sound or breath, your victim may FROM suffocate. about it u,an stew. Even if you're reuffed, youll feel less like a doormat and les5 iikcIy t0 cx- Dlode a,er Gct Awav Calm down through a ritual that gives something physical to do you sort your feelings out. ;hc coff' do f0r a Walk' brca,hs' ride a on a Choking refresher solvine it. 2) Take Action. If a or choking account for 3,000 co.woker slighls you in word or to 4,000 deaths in the United system Make bS and u X,eate hands to aS cut teNever allow child to gone a long way toward self-estee- m - mowcr A - SIDE-EFFEC- T In a moment of insight you SUGAR-FRE-E GUM -- - If can perceive everything; but it youre chewing sugar-fre- e gum takes years of exactitude to give an the time because you want to True happiness is mans own it expression. avoid creation-or by watch your waistline making ones emoJoseph Joubcrt cavities (or both), you should be tions independent of ones fate. |