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Show Page Two - The Eureka Reporter - July 8, 1994 The Eureka Reporter n (USPS-179-62- 0) Published weekly at Eureka, Utah 84628 Printed by ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Springville, Utah 84663 Subscription in advance, per year: Juab County - $15.00 outside Juab County - $18.00 in POSTMASTER: Please semi change of n.kiress to The Eureka Reporter Church Street, Eureka, UT 84628 Second class postage paid at Springville, UT 84663 Publisher Editor MARTIN W. CONOVER MRS. GRACE BERNINI Fire department Utah poets invited thanked to honor Dear Editor, We would like to thank the Fire Department volunteers for the great 4th of July celebration. Many of us enjoyed the activities. The Eureka Fire Department has been doing this annual celebration for many years. They dont have to do this. They could leave town and go do something Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Through the years. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis has been a shining example of dignity and courage for all America. The nation will never forget her elegance and spirit in the face of with their families, but they tragedy. choose to stay in Eureka and Hollywoods Famous Poets fire races truck rides, provide Society joins the country in with money, balloons, candy can- mourning this great woman. nons and the most favorite for all "Poetry was one of the children.. pop, candy, and Jacquelines great loves." says All of this is Poetry Director Dr. Richard watermelon. free.. no charge. Huntington, "and we arc asking What made us feel sad our nation's poets, beginniers and was seeing many parents pushing professionals alike, to send a their children in line to get their poem inspired by her life, which treat and parents fighting with we will pass on as a collective one another about whos child tribute to the Kennedy family. was in line first. We want Eureka poets to be well Does it matter? What arc represented, as they arc among we showing our children by the best poets in the country." fighting over pop, candy, and Wont you take a moment to watermelon? True, children need send your poem to: Dr. Richard to wait their turn, but children Huntington. 7095 Hollywood are children and they do get Blvd., Suite 730, Hollywood, excited over free treats, and they California 90028. sometimes forget. But, is that any reason for parents to start fighting? The Fire Department had as far as we could and plenty see, no one went home without a The USU Extension treat. office will be the host site for a We hope the volunteer Food Preservation satellite broadfiremen continue to put on this We heard many cast, Tuesday July 12th, from celebration. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The comments that people would be guest presenter will be Charlotte willing to donate money and time Brcnnand, Ph.D., USU Extension to help the fire department to Food Safety Specialist. The continue the 4th of July Celebrawill instructions on program give tion. current and quality methods of Again.. Thank you Fire Home Canning. Department volunteers! Each one Instructions will include of you went above and beyond a general review and how to the call of duty for the citizens of teach various aspects to others. Eureka. We deeply appreciate This program is free to the generwhat you do to make Independence Day special.. especially for al public. For individuals who are the children of Eureka. interested in the broadcast, but Susan, Shad & Myrna will be unable to attend, a video Garbctt copy will be made available for future check-ofrom the Extension office. For more information Irony is the gaiety of reflection call and they joy of wisdom. Anatolc France Most English speakers make Fossil records show that some themselves understood by proinsects have undergone relatively nouncing about 40 basic pholittle change for 200 million nemes, or meaningful units of sound, such as ah, tr and s. years. Extention office canning broadcast ut 623-179- 1. Officials take Knapweep tour State and Six County Association of Governments officials met at Tintic High School on Wednesday, June 29, for a field trip in western Juab County to survey the serious spread of knapweed in that area and to look at possible solutions for the eradication process. The spread of Knapweed in Juab County has become a serious concern to landowners, federal land managers and local elected officials. The field trip and lunch was sponsored by the Juab County Commission. Following the field trip, the group gathered at the Tintic Elks Lodge for lunch, prepared by the Elks and LOE. Welcome and introductions were by Gordon Young, Juab Commissioner; County Knapweed History and Identification was by Dr. Steve Dewey-US- U Extension Weed Specialist; Spray Control Methods were explained by Bob Garrett, Juab County Weed Supervisor. Evans-USTed Extension Entomologist, spoke on Dr. "Biological U Control of Knapweed". Wade Bitner-USExtension Agent spoke about "Grazing Control and Pasture Control Methods"; followed by a Visual Presentation of Knapweed Extenby Dr. Steve Dewey-USsion Weed Specialist. BLM representatives then gave a Knapweed Control ProU U posal, followed by a question and answer session. Silver City reunion planned The Silver City Reunion committee has been working diligently to get the word out about the 6th Annual Silver City Reunion. This year the event is planned for Friday, Aug. 19, at the in Silver willV There registration op& arrival.. come early. Some even program and potluck, plus visiting, prizes, visiting, camping. A program is planned for visiting, auction, entertainment noon, followed by a potluck an visiting, dinner. The committee always . JNames on returned letters lude: Louise Clark, Marvel tries to provide a shelter, but the Norma Perkins, wind and weather doesnt always Mayfield, Mendon Strong, Ireta Taylor and cooperate. We 11 see what hap- - Sheila Warren. Please pass the rd of the reunion on to these P Planncd activities include the people. ... SWI with old friends. Letters have been sent out, but unfortunately, several have come back. If you havent received one, the reason may be that we don't have a current address. Miracle pagent begins July 7 Rehearsals for the annual Mormon Miracle Pageant arc being held most week nights, and directors, cast members, staff, and all who arc assisting with this years production are excited to be again involved with telling of this great historic story, as it is portrayed in moving drama on the south slope of the Manti Temple Hill, in Manti. Utah. Emma Lou Keller, who answers telephone inquiries about the Pageant tells us that much enthusiasm has been felt from those who plan to attend. Some inquiries arc about possible housing reservations or meals, and many have called asking about the dates the Pageant is to be held. Some new scenery and authentic costumes have been added for this years production. Many of the cast members arc children of cast members of years ago. The Pageant is free. Performances begin when it is dusk, around 9:00 P.M. Wraps arc advisable, as the evenings arc cool. Please - no food, drink or pets on the Temple grounds. The Pageant will onen Thursday. July 7th. and will be held Friday July 8th and Saturday. July 9th. and the next week. Tuesday. July 12 through Saturday. July 16th. r., , Uif Francis Scott Key, author of our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," was also a lawyer and U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. Butterflies and locusts can fly continuously for well over 100 miles on the food energy stored in their bodies. July 4th and Labor Day used to be the "big" celebrations in Eureka in the early years. As the 4th of July is just behind us, the Tintic Historical Society thought you might cqjoy a look back, when Eureka was young and not the quiet, laid-bac- k, enjoyable community it is in 1994. |