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Show ae I iw me eiiueiva nepuner JUiy . 1!)W George Elton School District gets toads Tintic School District board members were informed by Dr. Fred H.G Opcnshaw, at a recent meet- ing, that Eureka Elementary, Tin- tic High School, West Desert Ele- mentary, and West Desert High School have been approved for funding under the necessarily exis- tent small schools formula, for the FY 90 school year. Tintic District will receive consolidation funds for the Callao School for one year only, The district also has been noti- - that two of the special projects jfchey applied for have been funded. They are the Writing Lab, which has been funded at $24,000 and the Music Program which has been funded at $22,000. A discussion was held concerning the TV translator. It was reported that Ken Parsons is working on the licensing for converting the tower from VHF to UHF. Board mem- bers voted in favor of purchasing the equipment necessary to install Tied General George Clark Elton, 87, of Hobble Creek Canyon, died Thursday, June WANTED: Generous loving families 29, 1989, at his home of natural to share their home with a European or Japanese high school exchange He was bom in Mammoth, Nov. student for8990school year. Call 22, 1901 to William Calvin and Susan Steele Elton. He married Undyne McCormick in Provo Dec. 31, 1925. Their marriage was later solem- - 1 Opportunity LDS iMRPrTnnirv,tawJ nized in the Manti Temple. widowed mother a by s tannjna with three other children in Tintic. from $249 Lamps lo- He had worked in the Tintic mines J;cCeSS0 one channel. It is hoped that Juab County will participate with the installation of one unit. Millard County has agreed to donate one channel to the Eureka tower. When the conversion is complete, Qian- nels 4, 5 and 11 will be available. In other business, the board: Appointed Max Garbett to act as the liaison the Tintic Board of Education, for l?e Utah School Boards Associa- f()r 16 years for Deseret Chemical and as a firefighter in Dugway for 'Donated $200 from the Recrca- - 23vears retirinc in 1965 He lived tional Fund to assist with the fi- years, nancing of the baseball program. 10 Hobble Creek miyso. Decidedarainstnarticioatinein Hewasa member of the SpnngnBe theSt.JuUesfundraisingprogram. gt, ward High Priests group. He Accepted the revised budget for i,a(jseivedasabranchpresident,in 1988-8An a miinn and adopted the budget no new contains ?bhPrd which FY 90 for 07 . He Ls a lifetime Scouter, and Accepted a bid of Si,445 to repair taUj,ht first aid and hunter safety. thcasphalt. Heenjoyed yard work, woodcrafts, hunting and fishing. He is survived by his wife of HobbleEureka Elementary, and 14 stu- threc so Js. George Elton dents at Tintic High School en- jooeje. giajne Elton, American rolled in summer programs. The pork: and Gary Elton, Springville; basketball camp and swimming 17 grandchildren and 21 program began June 19th. children, Accepted the bid from Brysons Funeral was Monday in the for a school bus, in the amount of Wheeler Mortuary Chapel in $33,000, plus $1,000 delivery. Springville. Burial was in the Goshen 'Noted that no parents attended r;tv Cemeterv. PrsrePsn ,g Garbett enjoyed a wonderful vaca- - ? Weallagreedwehadawonderful lion. time, but it is always nice to be back . 'r!;iPIbe8anJunelfhe"'e home" .......... LaUra and Steele McIntyre ar-- mght. The 16th, we traveled to rivcdhome Wednesday, June 28th, Pendleton, which is only about a dnve to Oceanstoe. The next two days were spent relaxing and enjoying the beach, the San Di- ego Wild Animal Park. Here we really got a chance to sec wild am- mals up close. Tuesday, we went to Disneyland. The whole day was spent here going on the rides and watchingthe Main 15-min- free Tour group, and enjoyed see- jng one of Americas most scenic cities, then cruised up Glacier Bay, viewing many glaciers and native' animals and birds. Cruised up the fam0us Lynn Canal to Skagway, a historic Gold Rush town; got on bus and rode on the Alcan Highway to Whitehorse Yukon Territory. From here th went to yaidez, where the Alaska pipeline terminates. The day was rainy and cjou(jy so they didnt see the oil spill workers on the beaches, Next day they cruised Prince WiUiam Sound t0 Whittier t0 view 1lc towering Columbia Glaciers, a ,w0.miieriver of ice lOOto 600 feet jating lost otters perform and we were able to has the ,argest pet dolphins in a petting tank. plane hartur in thc wor, ofSca Woridwas cbestpar As they toured to Fairbanks, watching the kiUerwhahs perform. lheysawMLMcKinley,thehighcs; The largest taUcrwhalc at Sea WorM, ,n D8nali jn North took of Mamu, splashadvantage atural Park took an ei ght. show- crowd on the and water tour..bcautiful ing hour ing us how fast he could really avun. m izzli mountain Jsheep Then they brought out Baby Shamu who w only 9 months old. This was jmdnbou. tour continued on to Fair- Sea World s newest addition. Baby banks and two nights they Shamu also showed us a few tricks there. The sunsetspent lingered most of of her own. the night as they were omy 200 The next killer whale was Baby miles fr0m the Arctic Circle. They Shamus mother, Candu. She also saw the Pipe Line, which is half on took advantage of getting the crowd top of the terrain and half under- ground. Friday was spent relaxing and jhe tour ended with an outdoor come home. to getting ready salmon bake. said we our all Saturday goodbyes They flew back to Seattle and on to Joy and went our separate ways, to Salt Lake City, after seeing some We spent the night in Las Vegas of thc most beautiful scenery in the and Sunday w'c made it home after world. NOTICE The Six County Commissioners Organization will conduct a Public Hearing for FY-9- 0 CSBG (Community Service Block Grant) proposed programs and funding, at the Gunnison Senior Center, 38 West Center, Gunnison, Utah, beginning at 1:00 p.m. on July 13, 1989. Further information on this program can be obtained at the Sevier County Courthouse, room No. 5 or by calling low-inco- me 896-922- 2. 1989. $3005700 plus each machrie weekly, 100returnof investment GUARAN- TEEDI A n8W machines, prime loca- tions Cr. great-grand-WC- Eureka Reporter June 30 & Ju- IJl the public hearing on the high school Theancicnt Greeks believed feed- citizenship policy. Voted in favor of purchasing new ing snakes evergreen berries would carpet to be placed in the hall at destroy their venom. They stopped Eureka Elementary. believing it after the snake bit them Heard a report that six new therRon Hunt, an inficldcr who played mopanc windows have been purchased to be installed at the West with various National League teams Desert School. holds the record for getting hit by Approved the useof high school pitched balls. facilities by the Tintic Historical if you start with a penny and double Socicty for presentation of a slide FestiSilver show during the Tintic your money every day for a month, val. youll end up wilh more than five No mcctin8 was scheduled for the month of July. The next mcct-musiin of thc board win be in August, JL26 anytime. c. v Memorial Building. Included on thc agenda will be an update of Tintic Silver Festival plans, All interested persons arc invited to attend. UROLOGICALsuppliesandadultdia- pers at discount prices. Save 30-5Free delivery. Automatic shipment available. For FREE catalog, call Homecare Medical in Murray, Utah. 1 800'3441 741 ' JL12 0. MARKET TEST OFFER, THE SEW & SERGE MACHINE:. FINALLY! An all home sewing with instant conversion to : Sew seams, overlook edges, and trim off purpose overeat: Research at thc University of Kansas Medical Center has confirmed that stuffing yourself results in fatigue and mental slug- gishness. This drowsiness comes from the rush of blood to the slom- ach, a sort ofall hands on deck call to help with the large amounts o invading proteins, carbs, and fats, says Peter Beyers, an Associate Professor at thc University of m ma-chi- excess fabric! PLUS ng button- built-i- n holes, strech, etc. (steel drive gears). 20yr. guarantee. List $539.00! Test offer $21 9.00. CheckcreditcardsCODlay- - away. Free Delivery! Anytime! JL5 SEWING MACHINES, BRAND NEW: $139.00 (Due to school districts re- purchasing allowances). Also avaiIabe a few TEACHERS MODEL" Free-armachines with 10 stitches, including overlock. While they last $169.00 (List $479.00) 20 yr. guaran tee. Checkcredit cardsCODLayaway. JL5 Free delivery! (714)548-442- 5 m lift-o- ff HOME in Ftn. Green, nice clean carpet, two bedrms., fridge, freezer and LOCAL Eureka handyman to do main- stove. Oil force air furnace. $180 per tenance work on Eureka home - to month. Call 445-333- 4 or tfn restore it to rentability. Call collect: 756-282- RaV afters p.m. Beck 0. A4 buildings. 25 x 36' and 40' X 78'! Call 1 Ext. 896. 800-843-13- Real Estate For Sale The Zombie factor Heres another reason not to free-ar- TYPEWRITERS: Dueto school budget cuts, SMITH CORONA offers brand new electronics. With full line correction memory. Auto centering, relocate, return, foreign lanquage keys. 1 9uaran' APARTMENTS $1 00 off first month's f 6(-l.stc- h rent if you rent by June 1 , 1 989. Dish- Free Delivery! Anytime! washer, stove, fridge, washer-drye- r JL5 NURSING DIRECTOR: Half-tim- e e administrative, teaching in LPN Program with 15 students. BSN and MSN or related, current Utah License. SVTsdaiy schedule 11 month contract available. Excellent benefits package, work coincides with local school district calendar. NURSING half-tim- INSTRUCTOR: Full-tim- e teaching BSN uHtehlicens0.1Omorth,contractava. benefi(s same M Saary aobve. Personnnel Department Sevier s. Valley Tech 800 West 200 South 896-82084701 Utah field, (801) until positions received and Applications Wilh thc blood go oxygen filled- An equal opportunity, affirma- of glucose, depriving thc brain support needed for alertness. Depth and length of thc inevitable jobs IN ALASKA, HIRING: Summer, on year around. Fishing, canneries, log- fatigue depend almost entirely the amount of calorics consumed, ging, mining, construction, oil com- panies. Skilled and unskilled. $600.00 Rich-Kansa- 2. WORLD WIDE selection of vaction properties. Receive $2 onall inquiries! Resorts Resale today. 1 800-826847 in Florida 7844 NATL 1 00-826-1 JL26 6296. or Call -- -- Personnals ADOPT. We have lots of love to give and want to share our warm, happy home. Devoted couple will provide security, comfort, stability, good education for your newborn. Please call Laurie and Dick collect (201)762-208JL5 8. Stop creditor harassment and lower your payments through Chapter 13 bankrupt. For FREE INFORMATION call Bruce A. Estate Embry, attorney A2 Planning also available. MONEY PROBLEMS? plus weekly. Call now! 1 JL5 Jerusalem artichokes offer large ext. 133B. Frederick the Great always amounts of calcium, sodium, phos- ATTN: Assembly workers: earn excel-phoru- s, lent chlorine sisted and his coffee be made with for income work, sulfur, iron, light assemble Call 1 700 Dept. P1325 J5 instead of w ater. magnesium. 06-736-0777 ly 7, VENDING ROUT AIL CASH INCOME, f 9, ; ye cata0g. net).- - flew t0 Juneau with a Street Elcctncal Parade that is shown at night. Wednesday, we visited Universal Studios where we took a tour through the back lot. We were able lo see how movies were really made. We were attacked by Jaws, almost eaten by King Kong, nearly fell off a bridge, got caught in an avalanche and experienced an 8.3 earthquake. Theyspent two nights in Anchor- Thursday, we visited Sea World age the largest and fastest growing in San DicgaWc watched Spar- Alaska, the ana where the klcrs Water Fantasy, where lights cityfo earthquake of 1974 and water were set to the beat of f)ccurred, 120 homcs ore We saw the sea lions and werc Published in the C00r' 504-646-- in- |