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Show UTAH STATE PRESS 31 Dec 3S AS 4E7 E 300 S SALT LAKE CITY, Volume Eighty-Fou- Eureka, Utah 84628 r More festival 34111- - UT July 7, 1989 Number 27 30$ Cwinlty COfiMJSSiOfil fousiffilGSS events planned committee says The Untie Silver Festival will again bea time to enjoy the works oflocal craftsmen and artisans, proudly ana ftamieai sparrow, ior aou pius displayed by the Daughters of the a Utah Pioneers at the Arts and PreParS Ij16 record of the deed, Crafts Show. The items will be Awarded the bid on the study shown upstairs in the Memorial this year opening at 9 and removal of asbestos at the Juab a.m. on Saturday Aug 19 and 10 County Center and Central Valley am on Sunday Aug 20 Anyone Medical Center, to Keers Environmenta1 Inc- - at 52,000, which in- having any kind of craft to display to be paid either old or new please contact a eludes 15 samples-extr- as member of the DUP Help them at 540 Per samPle Responded to a request by Dona show off the many talents of our Jones lhat the county sPonsor a local folk. float for the Utc Stampede parade If fancvwork and art arent the and the prize money for the queen thinoer that turn vou J on nerhans ami Attendants for thtt.TnahCnnntV witn Kobert Steele and lerry Steele, the lack of law enforcement in a . . and towns in Juab County. who stated that the monetary loss the cities as a result of the given matter, or will in the proposed wilderness areas in a current Cunty Attorney Don Eyre,Jr., the West Central area of the state, are far greater than projected, Documentation of the areas were presented to the commission to review. The Juab County Attorney was directed to prepare a resolu- lion concerning the matter. Gave the decision of the com- mission to Sheriff Carter on the reduction of the sheriffs budget, Commissioner Brough reported to the ritWenc in aftnnrianrv nn iVia controversy surrounding dCpUty sheriff, shall be assigned to the SherifTs departmental budget for payment thereof. The motion was carried. Unanimously voted in favor of directing the Juab County Auor- ney, under the proper procedures 0f the law, to release the E. Rhead Richard report pertaining to law enforcement matters in the Eureka, Utah area, to the public. contact each cntlly on lhe frc lracls for any chan6es they are proposing, Reviewed the Letter of Under-standing between the USDA Forest Service, Uinta National Forest an J Juab County, presented by the Forest Service Committee, Glenn Green- halgh, Betty Sanders, Dale Wor- wood and Randy Freston. The document was signed by Chairman Bernini and then sent to the Forest Service for their signatures. from he ""'S' en Woodland from the East Juab con-Buildin- g, ' ; club will be the British Car Owners Association of Utah. But please dont hesitate to disinplay your fine auto. Anyone is vited to join in the fun, either displaying or just taking in the beauty of these vintage machines. The show will be held in the parking lot of the (new) Tintic High School. by Grace Chatwin As you can sec so far, this years On Wednesday evening, June 28, have should 70 celebration members of the Eureka Senior something Club to appeal to everyone, in its varied Citizens Young-at-Heaactivities. enjoyed dinner at the Oak Crest will be there As in the past, things inn in Spanish Fork Canyon. We left Eureka about 4:30 p.m.; to do lhat are FREE. Included this year will be: Arts & Crafts Show, 1 5 members in the senior citizens Parade, Museum, Car Show, Mt. bus, driven by Ed Webber, and the Men Show, and of course, much rest of us in private cars, arriving at the inn in time for some friendly visiting with old friends. chit chat before dinner was served at 6 p.m. Arrangements for this delightful affair were made by Director Wanda Colovich, assisted by Edna Jasper, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- - These two ladies contacted all the day of last week were busy days for members who were not present at Joe and Grace Bernini. our last meeting, when this was On Wednesday, they drove to planned, to see how many wished Manti City Park for an outing sponsored by the Commisrt EKisssss Bill Hansen, a concerned citizen to go so reservations could be made and transportation provided for everyone. Each member was in- formed as to who would be picking them up, starting at 4 p.m. We really appreciate the work done by Wanda and Edna and we thank them and all those who drove sheir own cars and took extra people with them. It proved to be a very delightful evening. The food was delicious and thevisitingvery enjoyable, but, as the old saying goes, All good things must come to an end, and it was time to return home. Remember, there is a picnic in the park planned for July 19, at 6 p.m., and we hope to see you there. from Eureka, addressed those in attendance on the many concerns that he has with the law enforce- ment of Juab County. Discussed with Sherman Peter- son, Road Supervisor, and Randy Freston, County Engineer, road matters and the purchase of the Earl Warner property. Commission- ers agreed that a check in the amount of $8,000 be made to Earl and Lena Warner...purchase price of their property to be used for a road. Agreed to purchase from Robin- a 1986 Kenworth Kenworth for S37.000. Transport will then write a check to Juab County in the amount of $ 10,000. Discussed with the county at- torney, the community impact contract on the Special Service District 1 to appoint a chairman son-Kenwor- Voted in fav0r f Juab three days. Fishing roundup i6" rainbows have been caught. Try best baits, popgear, success early mornings trolling at 9 depths. Good place to try crayfish also. Provo River - Fishing from Deer triple-teaser- s, 10-2- iurg regulations are still in force. Fishing is open below Olmstead th any legal bait. The river has been stocked from the mouth of the canyon at various points through town. Contains rainbows and Strawberry Res. - Lake fishing is best in mornings and evenings at g in the inlets. Also tty Excelfish. for large deeper water lent facilities are available at the marina, campground and visitor center. All Strawberry Reservoir tributaries will reopen July 1. Utah Lake -- The state park opens at 6 a.m. daily. Good fishing for nice channel catfish. down-riggin- The General Accounting Office has completed an informal inquiry of the Air Forces proposed elec- tronic battlefield in the west desert which was requested by Sen. Jake Garn, a GAO official says. Paul Jones, associate director of the GAOs Air Force Issues Group said results will be given to Garns office as soon as a meeting can be arranged. Gamspokeswoman Map, Jane drove to where they Ogden Coll.pr.est said the senator asked JwattendedaUtah Association of the GAO to do a prcl.mmajy in- - qunyatthebehestoftheJuabCounty auntiaBoardofOjrectorsmeaCommission. ka the old browns. sioners Organization, for the members and their partners. After City to visit with their sons families, but did not find them home. So, after stopping for dinner at a Salt Lake restaurant, they headed for home. Saturday they caught up on all the chores they had left undone for 1081 th, Six-Coun- ty a delicious marinated turkey luncheon, hosted by the Sanpete County Commission, the group enjoyed visiting and the beautiful music of Aden Johnson of Moroni. Thursday, the two drove to Ma- rysvale in Piute County for a Pri- vate Industry Council meeting. Joe is a member of the board, but Grace just went along for the ride. She was pleased however, to be invited to lunch with the council. (Beats a Cunty "e haf of lh,ehsurve5' P3 Wearli.PrTtl-Ta,t'.n8,hCl- r response, She said Garn asked the GAO to assess the status of plans for the combat test range, determine its feasibility and evaluate the cost efficiencyofmoneyspcntsofaron research Collipricst said the 1990 budget has about S90 million for research increase the number of flights over the range by a third. Juab County Commission Chair- man Joseph Bernini said commis- sioners arc concerned that the new range might endanger livestock and people living in the area, and development, but no money for military construction on the range. The Air Force wants to spend an estimated S3 billion adding elec- tronic test equipment to the exist- ing Utah Test and Training Range west and southwest of the Great If its not going to hurt anything Salt Lake. or theres very little chance it will The purpose would be to rcalisti- hurt anything Bernini said the ca ysubjcctmi itaryaircraftiolhc be acceptable to him. full range of radar, microwave and commissioner Richard Brough other electronic waves present on has he hopcs the GAO wiU the modern battlefield. deem the proposed tangc too costly The range would bring test equip- - and unfeasible in achieving the mCIK 10 f k"C Va"? reality of modem warfare. through Tooele, ning Bernini said the Air Force has Juab and Millard Counties. Being the only electronic test range seemed to be concealing informa- on such a large scale, it also is ex- - tion but was planning to give com- pcctcd to attract more aircraft from missioners a tour of the proposed all the military' services. The Air range on Monday. I think its getting to be a better Fnrcehasnrniectwlihathvihp.omi '!!? T Lake Powell - The water temperature is 75 degrees with good w excellent fishing for small ers in 30-3- 5 depths at Moki Wall and uke canyon. Largemouth strip-Fnda- y, successhasbcengoodwiththebest success in the mornings and eve- nings usig ,0p water lures and R.iiifma snowies, oc cn : Red J pB-w- .-i "i iahifKhiminrrcurc th the best success coming from |