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Show m i v . i Lake ' i X ., . August' 2, 1984 , gets smell auuaiM- - , For the pa ... vTfe; Eureka Reporter .r, . ' 4 4 .. . 4, ,t 4 ; i - .1 - . -- ... X Page Three '. -- week, flash floods . Meanwhile, ...sheriffs posse, been haye occurring, all .around members enroute to a were EurekaNephiand Levan. A flash search-and-rescfloodalso pouredacross the highway motorists puUed off to Tadar ' Vernon in Tooele County Eurekas main street: With the historical society before ' 'Sept. " Sunday evening, boggirigdown at victiiiiThe posse took her beck to A pivision qf, Wildlife Resources .least ope truck and threatening to . the scene to be treated by Wot Juab . CARD OF THANKS piano airdropped 4,0d0 fingerling' .'wash other yphicles off the road A Ambulance Emergency , Medical jviay we express our sincere thanks smallmouth bass into the warm, carload of Eureka residents had the Technicians.' ;Hahke ; and Byrness to .U the frid.. relatives and r n waters of Lake, PowellS frightening experience of driving were taken! to f Mountaiif VieW neighbors who called and assisted at highlight .of my summer. I spent the ; '' Bullfrog Bay last week. The ' through the flood expecting to be Hospital in. Payson: the, passing of our Father. week at .USU in Logan as a par-- , Hanke complained of shoulder..: The many beautiful floral of--. ticipant In fingerlings, from three to five inches washed over the side any second, piin yadr;1 in length, are just a few of the 30,000, Had they not been driving a big, injury and Byrnesss back whs' ferings,' cards and '.acts of kindness the 15th, was registration Sunday, smallmouth bass scheduled Ur be heavy car, they feel that surely checked. Both were treated and are very much appreciated. dorm agignmnfa( nHntStinn. and stocked in Bullfrog, and. Wahweap would, have happened. , released Tuesday night. . Your, warm expresskms of iym- . a 'get aduainted B.B.Q., The 18tt ' A Salt Lake City, woman was in- - r A wrecker called by the sheriffs pa thy were r bays thiS summer.' very consoling at this students who attended wore notably The bass were raised in poncfc at jured slightly Tuesday evening when office, retrieved the car later, time of sadness. Thank you all.1 shy And hardly talked or mingled at Glen Canyon City, just a few miles 'her car rw$s hit by a h wall of Tuesday night TheFamily of Leonard Ryan ; theBB.Q.,. from Wphweapi Bay.- They were water in a flash flood During-- , the week, thuxrealhf artifically spawned from adult bass US Highway 6 south of Eureka near 'changed. Each student was part of 2 , taken from Flaming Gorge ' Silver City. company of ll or. 12. Each compaiqf Reservoir. Northern Utah bass chibs ' ' Juab' County Deputy LuWayne was divided, info firms Our com. volunteered their time and talent to Walker saidi Suzanne R. Hanke, 36, pany. A, and our firm took: Best ' : was driving' south through about a catch the fish last March. Overall .honors in Business ' , The innovative smallmouth foot of water on the highway in the Simulation. We also took 3rd in thf the marks miles seven about area firsts mountainous .stocking program athletic events. The ., Business attempt to introduce 'a' new game south of Eureka. Simulation was a computer games amounts Of flux. fish species into Lake Powell since s She was part of the way through where wa wptp taught tn make qtliek By Robert H. Woody In .the meantime, SUnshine is - decisions in marketing Tribune Business Editor' striped, bass were put there over ten the pond when water ' EUREKA Its business as usual continuing to drift northward from and developments, and other areas , r years ago. ' roaring from a thunderstorm in the Wayne Gustaveson, a Division of mountains struck the car at ajwut in the Untie Mining District, says the old Apex No. 2 shaft toward the connected with business firms We Viet Howard, executive vice Burgin Mine ore body., Wildlife Resources fisheries 7:30 p.m., Walker said. r- had an excellent advisor, L.K unPowell and chief stationed Lake officer at are that ' president operating biologist( Expectations Abbott, who really made the whole " derground of Sunshine Mining Co, conditions wUl be more week interesting as well al and project leader for the in- -, But theres no question that the stable than When the. mine was educational, troduction ' program, says reduction in mining operations by worked from the original ' Burgin .. Each . day there were speeches; smallmouth bass should do well in ' Kennecott at its Utah Copper shaft.. the lake. ThefiSh seem to do much most of which were dinatinna and Tintic Sunshine' to avoid of Division, the better along principal buyer . Further, hopes steep, rocky interesting, but there were free time ores, is a disturbing turn, he says, the hot water problem that had activities that really rounded out the shorelines typical of Lake Powell,, she wolild have been. swept away, So,- too, is the falloff in gold apd plagued Kennecott, ' the original day. The danres were great (6 girls muchbetter than largemouth bass, silver of the property, for so prices. operator says Gustaveson; The biologist , Another motorist, Mark Byrness,' Sunshine of is the Trixie operator noted that, largemouth bass 19, Orem; forded the rushing many years. Mine of the Tintic lease. Sunshine has since converted the populations are declining at Powell, stream,, climbed down the Trixie is a gold and silver Burgin lead-zin- c mill to handle due to the loss of shallow, . bankment, and got Hanke out but weedy areas once common when the aggravated a former back problem producer. The Utah Copper Division Trixie ores, lake was filling, in the process, the deputy said. buys the ore as a smelter fluxing However, with gold and. silver someone from here goes next year. 1 ' to took Hanke A motorist agent. to woman down, the mill iscurrentiy On heartily recommend it. prices Gustaveson,' According ore of content The silica Trixie the smallmouth bass will supplement Eureka while' Byrness went back to standby, Mr. Howard said, the combines with iron Sunshine operates the Trixie Mine in during his car. and largemduth populations crease bass numbers throughout the process to form a ! slag on a unit lease from Chief sihelting ' Eureka Police Chief Joe' Bernini, is drawn off.1 lake. A few fish will show up soon; ,solidated Mining Co., South Stan- Gold and silver values, however, dard Mining Co., and Arizona but it will take five to ten years for.-th- first officer on the scene, assumed been had the remain with the blister, copper AMAX. cars swept occupant to become firmly population an initiated and he downstream It has a separate lease with Chief established. product. Gustaveson says search before recovered are as for smallmouth bass Ashing will be intense byproduct They operation the Burgin properties, grateful to Mrs. Haynes who gaw -in her me the big boost on this end to ge from of. formed wheabouts He Powell. during, electrolytic, learning sludge quite good at A , detect nie going. can moth the male . at four refinery.'-emperor' paramedics approached by Byrness. refining predicts that the bass will reach ' So far says Mr. Howard, Ken- -' an find a female of his species a mile to six pounds. Because they like necott is continuing to buy normal away. cool: water, smallmouth bass will be . .. caught1 earlier in the spring and R.L, BRACKEN BURY again later in the fall. They should: extend the good fishing at Lake Powell and filMn the two or three-- . ,. CONST. A month gaps between top largemouth and striper action.!' ue - . . blue-gree- .v i . - . - 30-inc- - . and-syrepof- KennecoW still . y Hue from Sunshine . . ng . . , . , : - em-large- ly . . . Con-whi- ch . e 30-minu- i-a- ; v ft' : ' ' Mp k Wonffd .. UNLIMITED aarnlng potvntiall' Demonstrat House of Lloyd toy and gif' Free $3P0 kit andfreo; parties, hostess gifts. Must be 21 . Car and' phono 1 .s20 required. Call collect Elaine port-tim- e. 754-533- Businasi For Sale it worked when last 'weekends only: Call years ago. LARGE OIL HEATiER, used, 20 433-697- 4. .. Businasi For. Sale Low .investment, . a2 . . .sV THEJUBEEiA AT biSCOUNT PRICES Custom Made Belt Buckles TO FIND OUT "WHAT'S HAPPENING" IN THE HISTORIC VDCJVD(S C30HOHG BDOTODGTT GOLb,,TSHirts Mining Souvenirs tools INN, V : V a30 - PHONE: .' 4' Bussinass Opportunities NATIONAL ROOFING MATERIALS looking for dealers.. No ex, COMPANY satellite' antenna perience required. Complete unit prices $630.00 and up. Retail $1 .295.00. Phonos open 24 hours: 0. . CARPET-FLOOR- ING ' a16 HOURS: Mon. WedFri.-Sa- ' 1 0-- 6 . (Owner & Stylist . Mens cuts & styles Ladies cuts & styles Perms Coloring Frosts Manicures Solar Nails Subscriptions: $6.00 Per Year i .i ' BEPBISK Earrings, chains; necklaces :;l DIG Eureka, Utah: Patti Robinson,' MainStreet-Eure- ka New selection of hand . PITSTOP DRIVE FAMU.Y HAIRLOOM COMPANY STORE '- THE f 4 GRACE BERNINI Appointments 5" Suggested 'iy. Phone: 433-632- 7 Wed.-Sat.-- 9 L 433-693- 3 a.m. to 6 p.m. lOOOOOOOObOOOCOOOOOOOOOOPOOPOO t I I I ( . w. 4 ' 4 -- |