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Show ' I s' ' 1 ' : U i r v 1 n ; - ...... r:,-.- Two i - - , ;. t ..... s Ii , ' .'.i ir iThei, Eureka, Reporter , , f, k . . - i '(' - . . t V'- , t. t i i . ... . ' f f" .. r j t . Biggome .f't ' - July "K rvcrfYops, i ' .. T : v i; .PublishM weekly at Eurekd. Lltdh 6462$ . I. ',; Prints by PUiUSHIMC stg i 4'' Utdil43- - v'i v COMPANYi'-V'f- ' ; ; . s i p,r Scond . v - rv;--:-- MARTIN WCONOVER . MRS. GRACE BERNINI. 'j-V- ? tS"- v1.-- . . .' ;. . Sy- ' V.,W:v rS:(,K- 'i . i .Utah N663. Entered a second office Springville. Utah 84663, under the act of March' - 3CJ879;.i;.x- v . . poitage pqid ot Springville class matter Ot the. post 4 : in dvancW, par yaar. $6.00 l' 4?;l,Subsci4pMbii cIqsV : 'y: yi .. , v .Publbhar . . i -.- V.-.T - " ; r Mwcle-powe- ASSOCIATION . v1 . i ; ; by the Slx-Cocm- ty. Thdr wivh Commiislooen helped get thefar .bat tfcem moral adpport. gave . Sin-Coun- commissioners ty sv- r";: Six-Coun- ty . . 35-mi- : f fiiiiys 84 n 00010 R6VI0W . Continued from page ' be. set, he said. Brush Wellmans protest hearing will be with the State Tax Commission at 1:00 p.m. in Salt Lake. City on August 21. The superintendent furthef added that this could reduce the amount of ' taxes paid by. all citizens of the ' district. le . As concerns professional , . ? . - now indudes jdi descriptions and . .'- i . - If 'a iii links money to student performance. It was noted,' in other business, that 18 new computers have been the Dook(inobile) - . . v .park (Free) 7:00 p.m., Tintic Country Music Show, old hs: gym; V-- ' (Come early or bring your own seat.) 10:00 p.m., Firemens Dance .32 SfSSSSfS?a tS' the Ume - Sunday, September 9 - ; 10:00 a.m., Bus tours (Free) Arts and Crafts Show . .Garage Sale, Depot. (Free) Museum open. Noon, dinner. Memorial Building. 5:00 p.m.; raffle, lst-gugrocery certificate. ' The historical society feels that something is available for everyone; and a number of the activities are free. There will be food, souvenirs, crafts, and tours to spend your money on, but as in the past, prices will be kept loW' so everyone can enjoy. Spread the news, and plan to enjoy Depot Days in Eureka. As soon as the society receives their' flyers, they will be available at business places around the Tintic area ...' - r: . - n; 2nd-$10- 0, and, most recently, The, University Of Wait! Dont write this new book off asi just another overiilown pep talk! Two things make this book different . First, the total number of pages devoted to the superhero creed are : limited to maybe eight' at most. and sons holds a powerful message Curiosity in great and general ' WW UOORmODIle Mandino is just now developing his talent as a novelist. This book is an outstanding example of how the virtues of enthusiasm and minds is' the first passion and the sensitivity project through an last.! emerging literary style: The impact Dr. Johnson of struggle in a fellow human being suited. Asto; working one day par week. as 4 psydbologist Delworth Keith young is being considered for ' the posittovof counselor and special education The Board voted in favor of employing Mr. Young and Dr. Hansen if the superintendent feels - . . , SiitaUh6eIemenarych001 Tertid-- . In final business, the Board will secure bids wi surplus items . no longer' in use. Included will be the 1975 Ford 9 passenger .wagon. August 7 September Mr. and that . ' r rr.?t gtobefatesdxiols Sported lliat Bernita ps eldg w SSnS hernosition at the lunchroom the school is .. Success. - The opportunity for doing mischief is found a hundred times a day, and of doing good once in a year. Voltaire nnt SrferainlnTO.Wprkl" ! iducatii esfaUish standards for competency of teachers in various areas. Tintic School District has no option but to adopt the standards as set forth by the Utah State Office of . Education. : ? The superintendent reported that the third draft ofthe Career Ladder Program hfes been submitted to the State Office of Education. This plan of p'.-- :' . com-occurr- ed petency, the Utah legislature mandated that die Utah State Office Li-- : '.' 1 in: The County Clerk will make the necessary information available to the district so that the mill levy can . .1 , . . . ay Gee. b, J; marks the. deadline for 31 pur-Frid- . UpcndddYmleitreet near e - ,- 1 . . . . applications for big game drawing permits.A public drawingAugust 17 at theUi vision of Wildlife Resources Saif rLa.kd office, 1596 West North Temple, wUl determine successful applicants for 1984. Division Information Officer Ray Remund says the public is invited to attend the drawing, which begins at 9 a.m. He bays volunteers from the UUh' WddKfc; Federation will , announce successful applicants over a public address system during the computer . selection process. , ' Successfulapplicants will be notified by mail a few days after the drawing. Drawing results are-alsResources offices posted 21 those wanting to ,by August, check the list in person. Office addresses are listed on the back page of the big gapie proclamation, j October-to : Hunters have, until purchase open area bull elk permits this year Remund says thats two months longer than in previous years. The permits may be . chased in person or by mail at any Division of Wildlife Resources of-- Commissioners Upon arrival back in Eureka, die on was unloaded at the courthouse bus Eureka in Organization gathered afternoon for their quarterly for an official ceremony. An historic marker was presented to the. Juab meeting. Commissioners Juab County ; County commissioners by . Tintic Historical Society, and then put in' a and the at hosted, group partners dinner-meetin- g held at tbe Pick 'N place near the front entrance of the Shovel Restaurant. . building. . comAfter dinner, while the Topping off the days activities held a missioners businessmeeting, .was dessert served at tbe Pick N the ladies were' taken on a tour of Shovel. ' . Tintic Mining Museum.Earlier in the : day, the com-Later all boarded a school bus, missioners were given an op- driven .by Supt. Fr6d. H.C. Open- - portunity to inspect West Juab tour of Tintic Countys new ambulance. It was shaw, for the Mining District. Serving as tour much admired and the E.MXs gude was June McNulty, chairman were recognized and thanked 'far of the board of directors, Tintic their many volunteer services. . Historical Society, who fielded all David Bernini. Eureka from Counties represented in the Six- -. taken Peak; of view Panoramic by Eureka, tour. to the !lf him along questions put County Organization are--Jua.The group thoroughly enjoyed the Millard,' Sanpete, Sevier, Piute, and' four, including a mishap, which Wayne. Currently .serving as near the Silver. City chairman is Juab County Com- f cemetery. The bus became, high missioner R. Roscoe Garrett. centered while attempting to cross a. v: , dp in the .road; which necessitated For some in the group this was 84: Well, emptying the bus of all passengers; their first trip to Tintic District and jacking up the rear of the vehicle; a unique emerience. Many ex- '.'v;j8atnrday, Septembers 'i . . . 10 K. Fun Run (register at? aim.park) piling rocks under the back wheels;. Dressed a desire to return soon. : ' . (Free) 7:30 aim. ... . Juah County extends 'thanks to .Parate and much' pushing by the men. . v (Free) 10:00 an3. . . .i ... i : women the moral lent Supt. i sup ; Openshaw for fiunishing the Immediately following the parade. . . h : bus andacting as chauffeur, and to (Free) Kids races and games,- - elementary schpol, spohspred by LDS port: Church .. Highlighting the tour were the' June McNulty to volunteering his time to be tour and museum guide. (Free) Antique Car Show, elementary school parking lot many, deer seen along the way. v Memorial Crafts Artsand Show,. (upstairs) Building, (Free) . Garage Sale, Depot. Museum open.. (Free) V . Old Time Photo Booth, City Hall, St. Patricks Church. U-.. Dunkin Booth, T.H.S. Band ' up'unusual interest from page Basin 11:00 a.m. Mountain Men (Great . Brigade), park'. ; (Free) ByltouglCbHstensen f ; to page. The aid of the book conus Noon, Hamburger stand, T.H.S. Band, park Og Mandino hM aulhowl toolber : almost Bake Sale, L.D.S. Church, park . gs an abrupt interruptton. Its exdting book,. The Choice. This ton to. find such a book one that time he. chose fiction to his 1:00 p.m., Competition Shoot, Muzzle loaders wily, (NoPyrodex), Hie ' . o meef in ; h Vf? pop) - : Mornbor: UTAH PRESS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER .: r ifili. i Editor : - f v' t - 21984 August . . t i r . ' 4 j.m1 SV . - 4 and 18 October 2, November December 16, 30 13, 27 11 January 8 & 22 February 5 & 19 March 5 & 19 April 2, 16, 30 May 14 - : Gasofihe has vp specific freezing it does freeze it never solidifies totally, hut resembles gum :or wax. v.t: - point.- When . |