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Show Page Two The Eureka Reporter July 19, 1984 Open Web be iEureka Reporter , Published weekly at Eureka, Utah 84628 Printed by ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Springville, Utah 84663 Subscription in advance, per year $6.00 per copy 20 1' Second class postage paid at Springville Utah 84663. Entered as' second class matter at the post office, Springville, Utah 84663, under the act of March 3. 1879. Publisher Editor Member: UTAH PRESS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION. raer? in on t do pergsoey EMERGENCY does the word alone frighten you? Emergencies arise and accidents occur without warning. Do you know what to do? What not to do? Understanding the basic first aid facts and guidelines puts you in control of the situation and enables you to quickly and ' properly aid the person in need. Your husband has been doing contraction work all day in the heat, When he arives home he is pale and clammy. He complains of a headache and seems very weak and nauseated. What would you do? Your husband could be suffering from heat exhaustion and you should immediately place cold cloths to his skin and give salty fluid such as broth, Gatorade or Pedialyte. If he begins to vomit or becomes flushed and confused, he could have, heat stroke and a doctor should be called immediately. Your small child runs into the room crying and holds out his terribly burned arm and hand. You find the pan of boiling water is no longeron the stove, but on the floor. What would you do? Do not remove any clothing that may be stuck to the burn. Quickly put the burned area into cool (not ice) water. Call your doctor and cover with a sterile dressing, no ointment, until you can get medical help. You are visiting with a neighbor and you notice he is having difficulty breathing. He complains of chest pain and is suddenly on the floor and his lips, skin and fingernails are turning blue. What would you do? - eut The Utah Taxpayers Association on all taxpayers from throughout Utah to immediately call their state legislators and challenge them to use the anticipated $65 million state surplus to cut taxes. The UTA statement came in response to an announcement by Governor Matheson that Utah State government would end the year with an estimated $65 million surplus. value lake land, when owners were cost to finish it right) and instead made the no dam laws of 1983, assured of not being flooded. we now will have to repeal. which (4) The now beautiful, dredged h Governor Bogs Drysdale also its Utah Lake (only in behalf of all the state mentioned now but size surface deep original and clean) provides recreation and a officials and mayors statewide that useful reservoir. Also com- watergame park that equals Lake they wish to thank all those willing and helpful citizens for their un- memorated were the state floods of Powell and Willard Bay. 1983 that provided the motivation to The sale of the reclaimed rich selfish Efforts in aiding with sand- -' build our well constructed and agriculture land provided the funds bagging and controling all the water functioning water storage and jo pay for most of the water projects in the cities and avoiding any more we now celebrate. We express our damage than was dime. Although we control system. Governor Max Waters said the thanks to our forefathers and the will have to temporarily increase fitting location for the main wise leaders of the 1980s who had a taxes to pay for the flood damage celebration was the Thistle dam need, envisioned the projects and cost and for clean up, (as has been done in previous flood years), we even though it was not the states then built them. water the will The most beneficial dam, it governor enjoyed try to keep the reconstruction largest or as and as much as taxes below the billion dollar figure, has become the symbol of the recreation anyone wet. Our hearts go out to those who beginning of these much needed promised, enjoyed getting have suffered serious losses and water control systems we now 100 Years of Waiting deaths as also to those who have have. Floods and Five the Major experienced minor disturbances and Following short speeches and 100 of After waiting many inconveniences, such as boiling your years governors proclamation there was a Utah beef barbeque with all the environmental statements, water, fighting backed up sewers, trimmings, then water recreation, thousands of test holes, and five contending with washed out roads whatever kind the citizens liked major costly floods (this last year and bridges, irrigation systems, best. Governor Max Waters, an avid the most costly) outsiders pledge temporary shut down of business, water skier, said, Waters is looking help and money to see that the states etc. no dam laws of 1983'are repealed. forward to getting wet. Says Governor Bogs Drysdale, Once the flood damage and clean Below is the governors How nice to know that something proclamation of thanks and can be done and that out of state up is completed and paid for we hope celebration. Where as it has been 100 interests and money will help us that we can begin tapping the years since the Thistle slide has develop a sleeping treasure that will treasure of a sound statewide water been converted to a useable dam and benefit our people. For years we control project that has been enjoyable lake, and where as the have heard our leaders and overlooked for years. Paul Prior floods of 100 years ago motivated our forefathers say nothing can be to our is build drouth and leaders implement and done, flooding statewide water control projects we something we will just have to live now enjoy, I proclaim and declare with and make the best of and if May 2083 as thanks for Utah water something can be done it will take control month. decades." The Church of the Nazarene in Along with Thistle Reservoir the. Money and input from Arizona and following projects were started and' California where massive water Provo will be sponsoring a Vacation-havsince been completed. (1) Each projects and reclaiming the desert Bible School July 7 from community now enjoys its own dam have proven themselves beneficial a.m. to control the water and produce to all for over 150 years, will now The theme of the week long school is Choices and the Bible and will benefit us here. With the expertise hydro power. (2) The large dams planned by the and experience of those who have underscore the importance of giving Bureau of Reclamation have also built this type of system before, our children and teens guidance for been built, to provide control, construction should go quickly. making right choices based on the Bible. A Governor Bogs Drysdale said, recreation, and power. (There has The school will also feature crafts, been no major floods in our state in possible starting place for such a over 90 years. would the be music, Bible stories and recreation, finishing project (3) Although the diversion reinforcement of the old Thistle mud puppets. All youth from grades 2 systems to the Snake River and the slide and convert it into a useable are welcome. There is no cost and area have been used only five dam. Again the governor admitted it transportation is available. The times these past 90 years their was 90 percent completed in 1983 and church is located at 100 N. and 700 W. cost has been a beautiful lake was created but the in Provo. Call for more construction recovered many times over by the leaders of that time could not see the information. saving and generating of money wisdom in retaining it (paying out as from developing once marginal much money to drain it as would one-sixt- Bible School 23-2- K-1- and hopefully they will be prepared to help you Take care of important to us! 99e surplus sEiuud headline in 1 00 yeans? Today most all state officials and department of interior officials along with thousands of private citizens took part in the festivities celebrating the wise conversion of the Thistle mud slide to a dam and (UPS-179-62- 0) MARTIN W. CONOVER MRS. GRACE BERNINI letter ?is 374-01- Open also made $96 million of sales tax justments and increases, said Utah Taxpayer spokesmen. ad-cal- ls does not letter Overeaters Anonymous may seve your life terms of tax cuts rather than ding increases before various special interest groups begin dividing up the $65 million, said UTA. people of Utah. The surplus is money that government collected in excess of needs and for this reason it should be forthwith returned to the taxpayers in the form of reduced state The upcoming special session of tax rates. Rk the legislature would be a good time for the lawmakers to make good on LYMAN'S BEAUTY the promise made last year that the half cent sales tax increase for flood SALON control be temporary, said Jack EUREKA, UTAH Olson, head of the Utah Taxpayers Association. LYMAN LONEY, NEPH- I- A native of Heber City, Dr. James M. Besendorfer has been named to the .staff of the Juab County Hospital and Nephi Medical Clinic. He will also be practicing at the Fountain Green Medical Clinic. Dr. Besendorfer is a graduate of Wasatch High School where he was valedictorian of his class. He served an LDS Mission to the Navajo people in Arizona and attended Brigham a.m. anymore. Saturday, Clark Auditorium, West Wing, Utah Valley Hospital, Provo; , husband was embarrassed to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Timpanogas My didnt think anyone liked me. I didnt have a job because I was afraid of doing things wrong and 1 couldnt bring myself to look for one. I was extremely afraid of rejection. The first OA meeting I attended I wasnt sure this was what I wanted, Owner and Operator but the people there said you have to Olson added, cutting the state to trust in a Higher Power. I took this sales tax back from L percent Blow 4V4 percent would just about return as it styling cutting meaning that you should turn to God to help you with your weight and all of the $65 million to the people Perms other problems. Long before I found and would have the added advanit Coloring OA I knew God would help me but I not or of slashing endangering tage Bleaches seror state didnt know how to go about getting program any existing Frosts his help. vice, said Olson. Since they said to keep coming The 1984 legislative session it Expert Styling taxes to the meetings, I did and I back state a record $147 jumped learned alot about myself and my APPOINTMENTS ONLY million. They hiked the state gas tax and how to handle them. I by three cents. They increased the PHONE 433-636- 7 business income tax by $11 million learned how to be happy again. Most ? and the gas and oil severance tax by 1 Closed Sunday and Monday J important of all, I learned how to :H give and accept love or friendship. nearly $20 million. The Legislature H :xCL xx 4-- 58 10 doctor Juob staff When I first came to Overeaters I have been in OA for one year, Anonymous (OA) I was at the very Ive only lost 50 pounds but I am bottom. I felt, only despair and getting better one day at a time. I depression about every thing. life dont need to think about the past or belong ticipated surpluses It is imperative that state to the legislature, the Governor or to was becoming unbearable, I hated the future. OA meetings are held at lawmakers now begin thinking in. any special interest group, but to the myself and didnt want to live spen- - Mew 21 graduated from the School of Medicine. He served his residency at PREAMBLE Iowa .Lutheran Hospital in Des Overeaters Anonymous is a Moines. He specializes in Family Fellowship of individuals who, Practice. through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering Dr. Besendorfer is married to the from compulsive overeating, former Lila Stringham of Ashton, We welcome everyone who wants Ida. and they have a daughter, to stop eating compulsively. There Janae. are no dues or fees for members; we are The residents of Alaska move through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor from one home to another more accepting outside donations. OA is often than residents of any other not affiliated with any public or state. . self-supporti- ng private organization, political movement, ideology or religious Most people by the age of 60 have 50 percent of their taste buds and 40 percent of their sense of smell. doctrine; we take no position on lost outside issues, Our prrimary purpose is to stain from compulsive overeating and to carry this message of The Babylonians and Egyptians to those who suffer. still brewed beer more than 6000 years recovery Name withheld by request ago. ms |