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Show . ' PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY T JvE. J0IIHS0R. 1 YBaR. OBTEfiDOlLAB, or AsvcRTXsnro rates insertion 7 $2 00 1 00 3 00 nr 3 mu $9.- -0 $8. year 12 00 4 00 J eol.onolniert'on om year 20 00 a $7.- -0 moi. $13. 7 00 cel. ine IsMitlon $1& 6 dm. $20. I year 30 00 3 1400 1 col one' InMrtioii 1 year it 50 00 3 dm. $20. 6 dm. $35 t bn mi. J an, ' ' ' k . $ T f creates one dollar from the erode end etherwise Useless material of nature is more to be honored than ho who conquers a kingdom, and 'one ho produces front the soil fwhere wifhl to feed the huogry or clothe the naked is greater .in th? scale of usefulness; than he who btMhe - profits f;trde and extortion becomes a millionaire. Young men and old, be wise and leek out wiidom and become .proficient in all. usefulness bift, .rather- seek 'to create lhancraftily take a 'profit' and living from what others make from natures elements. , ... ( ' tv' OflDD TOITABL2S. i Bees have wintered remarkably well, and are ready for the first bloom of Spring, whieh is now beginning to appear, In an apiary of 130 hives that webt into winter quarters ws have now 125 in gosd fores. Our patron will, pardon our delay as we have io pfinters here in Dixie that we can press into service when in a Extracts from Roots garden manual, one of tie most useful little works iRoeklord 111 Send tor published. if ' r copy v- . Conover's Colossal Asparigus; There,! no longer any question but what litis grows much larger and 'can be cut a year, sooner than the old varieties. bhould be act at least three feet. by two,' and the. most, profitable Ci ops hive been five feet by three. wllwarrJack Wax Beans. Certainly our best snap beans, with .clear, wexciff yellow pods, brings'readJy cwmGST" one-ha- lf mote In price than any greets-podde- d variety. The ladies of St., Georgebava com . . YorkD warf ; YaXTBeans. r jThle Is the conclusion to: get . .. their (roods the most; prolific of any .of the .Wax cheaper tkn-t- t present 'xoM.here. Pat in a sijiaU mam' each, .and form a real Co-op-., employ one of th ir nuih-- ; her as elerki and leave the. sterner e gitep; sexto seek' more, manly and fitting lor .to' otlr - ( -- - . : Jincb 1st Each subsequent 1m. U col. one Ini, t . - . read 'For at least two insertions.' 4th v 'After the word 'Territory add 'The first insertion to be made at least twenty days prior to said meeting.' Strike out all of the section after the words 'Bye-Laof the - v ws iThePt OeorgeWine and Fruit Go. Company. have tganised and gous to work Aat.VHL , Insert after the words under supervision of .Misers 'If MOfobors the word 'present. land' Miller. " The company heps IN. Strike out all' of. the to cl in .20 seres of ehoiee grapes this Section ' after the words at pleasure eenfnuisl year. and insert in the place thereof the And shall have power to following: V; ; eiaer-:etic- - 11 -- sacra m ramnuss.'1 7 hurry 2nd In place? of all calls to read 'Any .special call' V " ; 3fd 'In plaee of 'Twenty days to ilj -- EDITORS TABLE. lease any partor parts Of the Company mine or mines and springs ' which may be necessary' for the. parties so receiving the use to properly work the mine or mines, but in no. ease shall the Board of. Directors have the power' to so lease the whole of any mfne or mines as to prohibit the Company's Agent or Agents fiom entering upon slid taking possession of the mine or mines in. any manner which willnot hinder the' parties receiving the nse, from' working the mine or; mines as may be specified in the contract o$ contracts of the foral New Yorker, Boehester N. - Weekly,. f2 a year, :: The leading i per in its liqeinstructire and fall ta ueetul and interesting matter The extensive discoveries of sH ver lodes in and around this locality of late, to say nothing,, of the .large quantities of copper and iron 'What has" become "of Petsrsons ore, has' been creating no tittle senhas and already to get regular sation hereabouts,' 92 ?' . the fhat is right; let usfinlsh up all table uidck'. over snows and called scores, and probably hundreds evergreens of .fly. Corn. The earlj Minnesota from miners and e monnUios '. and fragrant as. fresh ;huly ,'of prospectors the rest of ine speculation rings, buy suitable for market. Usuall as a breath from, sue estof their are of violets, vhd busily plying abroad; otir goods of the'wfmieh,' and leave ' and to each two ear! sucsalk,' gbod without bur and not. alai!.wesi it no more;;! Why that yocation the men to go toj legitimate employ-men- t. throws k of its wei proportion is ' larger it tlini? .Wherefore? !!",. ! cess. Deposits of , the. precious the and Go in;4 hitler, arm; 1 metals are being found, mines work- people desire a' ebsrige .here commer- into ihf'esr than any variety H raids College Tournal 'of San lease.' ed and ' money, being made and cially with a programme of induced acquainted with Francisco Cal, comes as regularly as Barr's Improved Cora. An Art, X. Strike hul after the word generally most of it carried away rates.' If you dont do it' , we: know ' the with light inornirg glittering as fly the words .'called for bring lenfevergreen, '.stockholders, equally elsewhere to put chase supplies. of a Yankee chap who,wlll. of morals, wit, humor, sparkling Slot gems (bird that , larger nearlybne purpose.' Now in contemplation of the and story. Only $1 year. A dolan evcrgraei X1V. Strike out the balance aud thoroughly io Cxshmew Goats. Art. of influx huzs and stir, jpopulw great be lar couldnt' better invested. tf it is tally by great pains s' j of seotion alter the words tion are we properly preparing ourwill he seen by ,an article on seed Is secured. It io laud insert TheHorlieultnrist. the thereef the place Mondily, New selves, end maxing the necessary first of in that other 'iuxd section' page Words ! to hoaiattend a York. One of such the heat o.her $2 yeari exertions, do enable, us to furnish the this industry is assuming country, horticultural Ihe be ness monthlies as' in t aid America, may. and food prescribe ty clothing, the necessary ' a wids importance, sod in California! Board 'if Directors nr the and assistance, to profit by the opBazar weekly, full of in commercial Harper's amounts to a it a acaieel great solid;, failing. offered Abt.'XV, Strike out, tne word plant to J portunities that will be fashions and funnv things. $4 a soon will be which developed dnstry Wioaingstadt Cabbage, 'by Wand .insert, iu .place thereof the increase' our means and comforts in the extensive , manufacture of the Bros N Y, year; Harper second on' between the, words veiyelwhle. word early, and add to our substance and pros soft where fabrics hair into well on s California heads aud 'order. and glossy Live tf.gmt It light .Agriculturist perily? If not, are we wise in de- beauty, and more valued than n silks, Stock 'Journal. a' very Jhu resting Art.' XIX. Strike out the entire larger, growing sorts oflei!. laying to unite in our means, labor Co. had makes a Goat The Utah Cashmere 1st sort delayei Harris 8. and insert in " place thereof f sretion! good Herring family magstine and energy to attain that end? It this started upon editor San Jose, Cai. A most de- the wolds' A. majority of I he Board experiment, fmd plantings. ' A may be asked, what shall we do? altho from knowllack of a Brunswick proper Gkago. Fottlers in meetiu; Resembl'd shall be a quo-nserving and aseful. monthly! ' The hnswer will be simple when retlio of of culture of the of second modoj to do huainess. early superior, a flection comes to our aid go to edge 'Sat; Evening Post is a most welanimals, hu not ; as yet, been fully size, of short "stump, adw loow XX. Strike out the word 'enArt. work to prodace something, come and. and one interesting visitor, tueeessfal; the tuna will come not long caves, - Kxoelleat for rJ nr. late of the best of ottr largo list of tire between the word 'Block' and thing and everything useful that our henee when the industry will very y pt 'at' And Insert- in piare iharcuf lha or in family weeklies! surroundings will permit. Every CoiJwdy. Hardy.' of investments eash. the A. bfist to word represented.' We liushel of grain, vegetables and fruit, equal Hardy, is a Hinklehave reoeivetl from Messrs Wilson, ; ' of Art. XXI. Add to the article t! A Co., of Cfooinnati, a doses cotton, tobacco, CuVatSvs Plants. erybody is every' pound word 'said property being valued at o more of their senes of very seeds, beans, dried fruit, honey, v' s at? him ahdfoul him, and vo:umei,or grumbling five bundrel thousand dollars and excel lent aebool book, comprising spelis much of beauty in tbs Die at cyrup, butter, cheese beef, mutton, i Thors werfej-fthats and Jut readers lers, Kraamare,. geographic Ae being held by the subseribere.lieiwlo verdure, and mb matter. ; If wof, aUk; every, gallon of wine or strange .ahapes1 ofand , get which Ws'shall with pleasure ahow lu as joint everylw deserts barren' wilds. our fleet thousand properly in tbe propoiiioaa undy oil, dozes of brooms their' shoes; saddlesnesses etc, of thos! deeiringto examine them. as them desert barren eall sod Ws .and represented by their aubscripifons, of lumber, bunch oflath, or shingles 'do busineWl him, why and him, which has been auld o the Grand and so." There is vege' wouidnt can of fruit, berries usd vegetables, yet they are not course of Gulch Mining Company for capita) ten of hay, straw and chaf, side of tation move or less every where, but have much to ujJ1 said Company; tarh aubacri-be- r alvei: in much the over or shoes paee, boots, sal unpracticed eye lhef-leather, pair of all the i .bieii will be a meeting of the There gfumWi; capital stock in proporule, harness,1, piece of furniture or sees little of beauty, or for useful meh Tie : eaigei TJ 9r can't Stockholders of the Grand Gulch tion receiving fa said property . bis interest to become we better other home product has a proper ends; b it when anil Mining Oompan held in St. enough, make George uphisJeatl41. lin. Brvtlbt, and real market value and may in hcquainted, we find nature has pur- sometimes he I leal her April Ifith 1878, 1 Rt the real p.m. U. G. M. Co. l'resl, fi'led or A with other into plain rime be tamed poses. valley money or and thsF1- - not having dence of Wm. H. Branch, for the pur- A. H.- IVniTiHiao, enough, ' in Yucea, though needed article, and increase our appearance ;barieu Now he pose of. taking info consideration the of usefulness, is far from being so. hides and Secretary. real prosperity. d skins in this following propos'd Amendment to hi all the wants ' It will not psy us to say we have This plant fdrms a large spongy root to Gao.-Rowell A Co.. N. region of coUfitl Pny fop prices -- the Article!, of Inoorpuraliou, viz SFND 25cPamphlet a poor country, or that a thousand from which water extracts abundance or ' AKEBMEMTSL ' Bee . 10S conof exchange, top gives boj or and one obstacles stand in our way, of m Jteria! quite as evasive as the. list and Preamble;, insert betwea the taining arfv. 3iO0Mrpaper, best of soap, The leaves and body kfobig showing coat of a veriinig. I2yfc for our fortunes lie in our action. v ' and 'Laws' the wnrd 'The' wo;d is ',i umia. Every industry will pay, if proper- yield a lanta amount of fiber that Incorporation.' v nsed for and brushes, encordage with ropes, II. 1st In place of 'Five ly developed and punued being bixil pushed Ait, CvThis along excellent paper, stout ergy and seal, and a proper associ- and makes on with mueh spirit hnndreti thousand dollars' read 'Six I AND towards Ae.: ation of strength and force. If the carpets : hundred thousand dollars.' I with its e .basemeat, Other shrubs as the Ephedra and energy and font in A IE) B go. Ig IB,. 2nd.' Add to Article 'All capital centre pursuit is too heavy or ponderous; numerous Mexicans audLarrea Antis) philliuica if the enterprise is too broad or led. end already ctean-o- r Stock not told shall be held subject The cnlygcrticalturxl rxper in Utah if tne 'scheme is too exten- yield taauihsnJ may be'1 utilised in ts nearly Board of the to Directors the and use. Tower The out Bye ed rei ' sive, and labor too great for one. making leather, while other plants and 'dome also nearly or quite Laws as follows; viz: said stock Devoted- to Uie Fern., Field, Garden medivaluable Diehard. Greenhouee, Domestic coloring matter, associate together in twos, fives or yield finished, the ; outside finish is shall draw an equal dividend with Ae. sod will giro current essential one and oils, alkalies, cine,; twenties, as the exigencies of the and nearer terra paid out stock, said dividend, or so Marer news of Mouthers Utah, ere business may require, and like men lent, the Lyuoayrus Graveolens we daily a about be much es thereof $1.25 per ).ear, postage paid, Monthly, to done, may necessary ve found to yield India Rubber. firma,' and a root of Raisin Grape, or a Phol- -: and brothers, push on to success a be used as of whenand the ne working Capital halls, fl forge What family of plants are more admi The graph of the 1 George Terppfo,or3 and fortune. and a large corps ever. there shall be an accumulation of bed, is 7bxV9 papers of choice flower eeede sent We can do and succeed as well rable for ugiit ess 'baa the ecius and of car . pushing are the such dividends, more than may be at ae a premium to every subscriber. ong asthevotCaliiomia and elsewhere, agaves; and. then for magnificence .of inside fiA sad ' have already got the lime necessary for the , working A No. I Weed Sewing Machine given and when a feasible and profitable bloom, go to the desert and mountain for a club of .60 subeerib-r- e. of the company, it shall he windows in or ready. expenses many ft have' in and all her nature sides, you will $5TS(id money by Postal Order or In iva deveral splendid samples paid ont as other dividends. If at enterprise is: started, capital Registered Letter. grandeur. imperial come at your need and blading.of. .this magnifi.ent any time, the Board of Directors conof Alien travel ing'ageut. E. 6. Noyt let us awake to our own . executed sider it necessary to raise means for TOBACCO. ; bni,vM1Brut interests and improve a golden opir by Jesse Tye carrying on of the foulness, and there in a nor for wait others to Now this is the way we diseuMthe of im Any one desiring to see has not been a sufficient accumulation portunity, a picture to? the St, QTo SEND forMPLK. come and reap a reward that our as it is, in the of dividend on unsold stock for tkat OOOEORGE Ttl question: in short, if you wjll , use it, ihisipMfldingi postage stamps can do so for a small sum. purpose, the Board shall have the taken same as cHtiSxlD Ictures $1,011 early sacrifices have amply earned; or if your neighbor does, raise it mu. C.E ,8t George, of Jesse Tye in another col- - power to sell so much of said unsold postpaid, develop every unoccupied resource, Yti, by all means raise it, and besave our forces by combination, be sides, Tobacco is a commercial article urn stcek as may be necessary to raise dbT adiyatbomv Agents wanted Q Out wise and enetgeuo, and. the battle and every pound if worth .a certain said means. fit and terma trio. TRUE A qp icon. Some time since our of foiVnae is ours. All salea of Capital Stock made by HO , Augusta,, Maine. turn in cash. Then the fact stares us in the free that we are away city visit'd by an exhibition f the Board of Directors, shall be at asd annually, over, $50,000sending to pay for asp and art in: the shape of a Public Auction (proper notice having ; ; , our smokers nnd ehewers in Utah, M Lsntein' under the supervision been given) at any time and place y.TwacGumY, . He who chsagss e waste plsee into Now we have a sell and climate wei etr. George Kirkham of , Lehi, which may he prescribed by. the Board Ferlor Organ earned by a Lady in a! blooming garden or fruitful field. adapted to the growth of Tobacco, am A'lhe: pfo'rx were not of the of Directors. Art. IV. Strike out the words 'A He who plasls a tree,- shrub, or vine, we nave men who know bow to treat Ibest, fothey were good, and were crowded houses ceveral of whom.'. has perfumed s luting benefit .upon it, and more, capable of foaming. ited in majority a accession. . Not the ' V. In place of the words Art. mankind. Those ' may gladden the. Why not take ateps to save this A0 tq tings Convanaars male female. or of Wanted, feature the (test entertainmeot 'The Officers of ne Company' to read and manu eye and heart of thousanut, nty give $100 000 at home, grow Send 10 cents for sample Magxsinn-xnmasic of Mr. Geo Rowley, the Dithe and soinr 'The Presidt-nt- , bring tobacco, food to the hungry, and shads to tiie iactuie full particular. Address Zxu Blind Organist of Am. Fora. rectors and Treasurer.'' kssry.:and such acts are monuments of the circulating medium (bisa way comfo Maoxsiii, Wuhington, in bi singing of Mr- - Kiihbam Art VI. 1st, Insert between the Crumrsts tO'tlieir ibdusity. He who produces New dont stop t little patch New y Jerxey. slao.h?ge. words 'The company' ana 'Incase' the means to feed, cloths, or give garden, but plant. 6 acres, three, twoi one at least. Whew once V'ffaciT-O- ur frmt proipiota ars atili 'And attend to sunk other lUiinR comfort, has done a good' work, and dh Pi to Ah n finer' day at home. and will infer ruau'Uerful rood, sud proencet never as may be tequirrd by the Box'd of carried out one of the Curly, everybody thus far ! go worth $1 sent fru. " ' fo the eaflcut riot 11 uriwiii. Directors tTiavuN A Co., Portlind, Marne. 124 objects of his being.' The iua who tobacco, fey it will briLS , illus-itionsd- . . ; d u-be- . - - ; - rp T 1 Ui-i- . 'Bye-Law- - ; , Bye-La- . we-headi- . pic-to- r!, ng 'dia-buri- ed ' ' : - - r m . : i. - , . 1 : ; - ikitgl;. P iag-',s- tes Utah Pomologist a V f te; 1 - . ; Kis-eelU- p ny . , ' - two-thir- ds . , t I ; . -- , . i is- thef . wior-mann- , . , . . 12-l- y. wkmt m rmmr : $2iz&.w . TWO WEEKS! . r . . Vioe-l'reside- ut, 12-l- . Aim-qpUpi- es |