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Show SATURDAY EVENING POST. ' rmrfwrth m. tb Ollfrt Ulmrjr la iatrlMi 2 Lvntanns. A Repository of Fashion,. Pleasure grange pricea, and will be deliv12 3 Geraniums, 1 Fuchsia, 1 HelioNo. remote matter bow no ered at your door, and Instruction.' trope, 1 Luntena. 1 Fair la, I Cu-- 1 you my reside, it you write for them. Address,-Thomson, Hanna A Co., 907 plva, 1 Lemon Verbena, 1 Carnation. Y. N. Broadway, No. 13 1 Tricolored Geranium, 3 Fuchsia ILLUSTRATED.. 2 8alvia, 1 Cuphea, 2 double Vio1 double The Basar la edited! with a contribuPetunia. let, Coleus. I No. 14 One Rose, One VerLona, one Ge- tion of tact and talent that wo seldom find DAILY AID WEEKLY FOR 1875. ranium, 3 Fuchsias, 1 Colsua,l Car- In any journal, and the journal Itself is , t. nation, 1 Dahlia,, I ntltotrope, 1 the organ of the greet world of f aahlon Ti e approach of the Prea'dentlal ElecSalvia. . Boston Traveller. tion give unusual , importance to the No. 15 I Tuberose, I double Violet, I PeThe Bazar commends itself to every of 1875, We events and developm-nl- s I Salvia, I Musk Plant, 1 member of the household- - to tbe cbildreu tunia, hall endeavor1 to describe them ruliy, Lemon Verbena, I Cuphea, I Gladi-oulu- a, by droll and pretty pictures, to the young 1 Begonia I Bouvardla. faiihfully and fearlessly. ladies by iti faahloirplatea in endless vaThe WEEKLY SUN has now attained Np. 16 One Petunia, 1 Lantana, 1 Agera-tnriety, to the provident matron by Ue patu circulation of over 70,000 eopies. Its 1 Ruelia, Tuberoae, terns for the children' cloth e.io paterFormoa,l readers are fuund In every state and ter1 LobeUa, I Rose, 1 8alvia, 1 Gladi--. familias by its laeteful designs for emo!ua. ritory, and its quality ia'weli known to broidered elippers and luxurious dressing Wo aball not only endeavor No. 17 One Caladium Esculenfun., I the publie. gowns- - But the reading matter of the to keep it fully up to the old etandardbut a Coleus, I Acbyran-ihu- s, Basar ia uniformly of great excellence. to improve aud add to its variety and I Koniga, I Canna,l var Balm Tbe paper bee acquired a wde popularity 1 Pyrethiiim Golden Feather, X var. for the fireside power. enjoyment it affords. N. The WEEKLY 6UN will continue to be Geranium, 1 8trlpad Verbena. Y. Eaening Post. a thorough newspaper. All the news of To one remitting Fifteen Dollars at Txaxsr any the day will be found in it, condensed when one time,. wrVIII send the whole of the free to all subscribers in tne Postage mounimportant, at full length when of above 17 collections toone address; varyUnited Mates. ment, and always, we trusfj treated in a ing the plants that no two will be alike. one year $t4L0O Bssar Harpers clear, interaatlng and .Instructive manner. Or to any cue sending aa a club of not includes prepayment of U, 8, $4,00 WEEKLY make onr aim to It is the less than ten rf tbe above collection, and postage by the publiehera.SUN the beat family newspaper in tha the full price for each, wo will remitting Subscriptions to Hamr'a Maoazikb and world. It will be fnll of entertaining end any of the above aa a premium, and Wexelt and Bazar, to one adJreeefor but of every sort, appropriate reading mail or expreoa the plants separately to one $10 00; or, two of Eat per will print nothing to offend the moat scru- eacii member, year provided not less than one will and delicate taste It Periodicals, to one a dress for on veaiv always collection goes to each. pulous contain the meat interesting stories and $7,00. JOS W. VESTAL romances of the flay, carefully selected either (he Mio- aIndiana. I An Extra copy City Cambridge and legibly printed. Bazab wiU be euppli or Wisely, sink, The Agricultural Department is a promed Club every gratia for of Fivb Sub-seJAMES VICE. inent feature in the WEEKLY 8UN, and 00 bbu af $4 each, m one remit its articles will always be found freak and SEEDSMAN A FLORIST. ' lance; or Six copies for $20 Oft without useful to tha farmer. Rochester N. V. extra copy. Will send by mail postpaid to any psrt The number of men independent in poll Back Humbert can' be supplied at ties is increasing, and the WEEKLY of the United mates nay sort of seeds, at SU V is their paper especially. It belongs catalogue prices. any time. Tbe seven V ol jmes of Harper's 'Bazar, to no party, and obeys no dictation, conHe keeps the moat varied assortment of or the years 1868 to 1874 inclusive, eleseeds in for for flowers the and of election the and tending world, plants principle of the beat men. It expose! the corruption and sella at prices ao low that no one can gantly bound in green morocco doth, will-- ' thatdisgraeeb the cqpntiy and threatens find fault with them. Bend a dollar and e cent by express, freight prepaid ; for the overthrow of republican institution!. see how wonderfully beautiful you ean $7.00 each. News papers are not to copy this adverf knaves, and seeks no make your home. tisement without the express orders of favors from their auppnrters. Per Day gu&rranteed using onr HARPER A BROTHERS, Now York. The markets of every kind and the & Well Atlffer and DRILLS in good fashions are regularly reported. A Gomplete;Pictorlal History of The price of the WEEKLY 8UN is One territory. Highest testimonials from the Times." "The best, cheapDollar a year for a sheet of eight pegee, Governors of Ark. Iowa and Dakota. W and fifty- - eiz columns Aa this barely psye Catalogues flee. Addrfcia W Giles, 8t. est, and most successful Family Pa7 2ins the expanses of paper and printing, we are Louie Mo. per in the Union." not able to make any discount or allow eves 1875 aa . Journal, printod on large fine white paper ai d beautifully illustrated. Contains dScolumna of the choicest reading. Powerful and popular Original writers of Bern! Stories from 10 to 15 rour with each number, ability in and Sketches Essays, Tales, completed covering a wide range of literature, and each the beat of its hia'. Our 8pecial Departments are a brilliant feature of the paper The Boudoir, with the very latest Fairies Column and Our fashion new eoureea of Ing Own Sphinx, struction and aniueeueot tor the Little Kewa of Interest, The Reviewer, Foil New Publics ione, Facetie, and the Bureau, containing solid and valuable information given in Answer to ail. Inpuirefe upon every question wnich can be presented or discuaeed. During the gratuitously to all year we shall laaue Bubaerlben Eight Handsome lllustratac. Pupplementa, choice copies A rare and costly pictures' TERMS: THE POt Twill be sent.poet aee paid by ns, to any address, either single or in clubs, as iollowe: Single subscribers. one copy, four months, $1.00 one year $3.00. Clubs six months $10.00; Four copies,oDe year,post-paid- or which is $2.50 per copy. Eight copies, one year, for $20.00, and an additional Additions Copy Pres to the Club Agent. msy be made to elobs at the same rates. viX: $2 50 each. Bps rl men copy free. FHKMiUMS EXTRAORDINARY, . United States Centennial Medali. These Medals, commemorating 'he One Hund- -' redih Birlhdav of our Country, have been Mint under a special truck at Uie U. Act of Congress. They e of four different kinds, enclosed in a handsome case, and cost frcni' One to Five Dollars each; and holders are protected from imitations, as makes counterfeiting them a the w crime. Wo have perfected arrargemente Medals by which we offer these valuable so Premiums on the following liberal eight-pa- ge well-know- n never-failin- Cox-reeponde- nts' li0; r a-- l-- term Gilt Medal, aae H In. for every 2 subscriptions at $3.00 each, or b tubecriheie at $2A0 each. 1 Large Bronze Medal, size 2) In. tor every 4 subscripline at $3.00 each, or 9 subscribers at $2 50 each. 1 Solid Silver Medal, a za 1 in. for every 5 cubscriptioi o at $300 each, or 12 subscribers at $2 AO euJi. In. for every 1 Large Gilt Medal, size 12 subscription!! at $3 00 each, or 24 aubacribere at $2.50 each. Sent securely packed to any address, postage prepaid Remitanceo should be made in P O. Order,- Draft or Registered 1 - Letter, Address. b. J.c, (. Phils. nt in, Proprietor, WALK W It la asserted aa a fact that every can vasser who has turned his attention to the indrocuction of the New Family Sewing Machine in locaity, or who haa been fortunate enongh to secure an agency has outstripped the beat efforts in msking money of the old and tried Agenta of the ed machine, which latter they The demand ii enoimona, now replace ard sales so rapid and money made so readily with an little effort that Farmers Tradesmen, speculators. Ac are flocking into tbe busUeaa vs fast as they can territory and get thela goods on the ground to supply nations customers. It ia marvelous how these machines sell when exhibited, it being a recognized fact that people will hny tne beet at the lowest price. It certainly is tbe machine of the times and doea the same work, aa other Machines at 80.00 or $90 00 and we really believe it would nelljust aa readily at don ble and then not coat half tbe usoal price of ao good an article, for it ia astonishing to seethe var t mount of labor it at so low a cost. The Inventors are daily inundated with testimonials of the woilh of llifcis new Machine! which so suddenly and successfully bounded into popular favor. It proven t" be just what ia wanted every day by every cue everywhere who have a family. It haa attained an rnviabla reputation in many thous anda of hemes ami lee'orlee, for its solid strength, power, rajibity, simplicity, car tainty, and ease of operation, with extreme beauty fineness and reliability of its sewing; while the wonderful low price 'iwentv Dollira for a largo and com plate sewing machine wl h a strong table and treadle places ell idea of out of the quo lion. It I staids entirely alone in ty merit sand 'price. W to invest in one at once for advise Mother Meter or your Wife Dam-liteLady Friend and make a home happy or piit them in your factory, or what ie bet ter ii you are lucky enough, secure an ! agency if there ia none in your town, The many new at Ti make money yourself. tacbments for doirg extra fine, skilful i and d fficult work, an a surprise In their simplicity of construction and far below high-pric- ae-cur- per-feri- com-patt- r- r ; Harper's Bazar.. - . - ins al ' any nee: Under the new law, which requires payment of postage In advance, one dollar a year, with twenty cents the cost of prepaid postage added, is the rate of subscription. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to have the WEEKLY SUN at this rate Anyone who sends one dollar and twenty cents will gut the paper, postpaid for oaM year. We have no travelling agenta. The WEEKLY SUN, Eight pages, columns. Only $1.20 a year, postage prepaid. No discount from this rata. fifty-si- x Tne DAILY SUN. A large four page newr paper of twentv-elg- ht columns. Daily circuia'ioa.bver 120,000. All the news for two eenta. Subscription, postage prepaid, 55 cents a month, or $6 50 a year To Clubs of 10 or over, discount of 2d per cent. Addi eta, THE SUN, New York City. e ne en J). W. The Xj ANCASTER Fj A First Class Monthly Newspaper. For the FARM, the GARDEN, and tba HOUSEHOLD. Edited by Prof. 8 8 RA1 HVON. lm Tbe Fabmeb eoutaina twenty-fou- r columns, perlal8vo. pages, or seventy-tw-o with practical illustrations of Farm and Garden toplee, including tha able contri button of the Editor on Practical Entomology, in which then is no more reliable authority. UJith one of the beat appointed print-in- f offi-e- e in the state, and an experience of thirty year as newspaper publiehera, we have the facilities, as wsll as the ds termination, to make Thi Fabmeb in all agricultural journal. respects a first-class ' Terms of The Farmer: $1.25 j One Copy, one year, - $5 00 ' Five Copies, one year, $9.00 Ten Copies one year, suuaxv-aq.L jo j&rajvj ' Advertisers. Lancaster being the populous and wealthy agri cult art county in the nation,, this journal ia a very We will aend any one of the following desirable medium tor those who wish to collections of plants by express, no charge reach a thrifty class of farmera. Ady?r for boxing or packing; Or by mail post- tiaementa inserted at the rate of ten eenta paid. (Larger plants can always be sent line for oach insertion! Plants guaranteed to reach by express-- ) Pbabsol & Gust, Publishers, their destination to any part of the United Lancaster City Pa. 7xtf States or Canadaeeure from beat or frost at ail seasons, on the receipt of one dol- Dollar Collection ofHants 'o for 1875 To mot lar, upon the following conditions: 1st. The different varieties to be autiraly Wild or from Nuraeiy, any size from our selection 2nd. That orders simply Dime the num- two inches to ten feet in height, in any ber of the collection and date of the list, quantity from one tree 1000000 by aaail or ess. at prices that cant be beat. A detailed list of the plants not being necAddreas for priee Bate Ac, essary. Lawrences Nursery Company, no chanmade be for 3rJ, Tha; request lin Sturgeon Bay, Wis ge in any colfeetion at these low rates. All who wish to select their own plants ean do so at the psiees per single plant in Salt- Cliryatal our descriqtive catalogue which wll be Found in ledgoa near the Colorado in sparkurnis'fd gratia to all who apply. ling aud beautiful handsome cubes We have No. I Eight profiis floweringaorte. just rcc'd a nicely selected lot and will sent No. 2 Ten Z.uiale double scented and va- samples by mail at from bO cents to $1 according to sixo and beauty. riegated Geraniums. 3 Ten No. Fuicliias, double and single, distinct colors, We have recd the April number o No. 4 Ten Coleus. distinct sort. that popular, useful and interesting No. b Twelve Basket Plants li vara. 0 i No. Twenty Verbenas, diatin t colors. magazine. Smiths Illustrated Pattern No. 7 Mght Dahliaa, largo and Pompon a, Bazaar; a great family assistant R-s- flowering. No. 8; Eight Carnations, perpetual No 9 Four Uuaes, 10 Vorbenns. No. 10 2 Roaea, 3 Verbenas, 3 Geraniums, 3 Fuschiaa. . No II 2 Keaee, 5 Verbenas, 4 Geraniums, making garments and a thousand useful things besides. Published by A Burdette Smith, 914, Broadway New York, 26epr number. Weekly. Harper's ILLUSTRATED. Notete of the Prut. .The Weekly is the ablest and most powerful illustrated periodical published in this country. Its editorials an. scholarly and eonvinoing, and carry mueh weight. Iti illustrations of current events are full and fleshy and are prepared by onr bast With a cireulatieu of 150,000 designers it is raid by at least half a million perabna and ita influence aa an organ of oninjoo is simply tremendous. Louiivi1)e Courier Journal. d Ita articles are models of discussion, and ita pictorial illustrations are often corroborative arguments of no mall force. N. Y. Examiner and Chronicle. Its pipers upon existent question and its inimitable cartoons help to mould th bigb-tone- sentiments of the country. Pittsburgh TERMS; Postage free to all Subscribers in the U.8. Haims' Wxxklty one year. . . . $4 DO Subscriptions to Harper's Maoaxike, Wixklt and Bazab, to one address for one year, $10.00, or two of Harper's Periodicals, to ono address for one year, $7. postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every club of Five subscribers at $4. each in one remittance, or six copies for $20,00 without extra copy, postage flee. Back numbers can bo supplied at any time The Anual Volumea of Babfik's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will b sent by express free of expense, or $7 00 each. A complete set. comprising eighteen VeU met, sent on receipt of cash at the rat-- of $5 25 per vol-- , freight st expense of purchaser. Newspapers are not to oopy this advertisement wilhont ehe express orders of HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. TheN fif"The undersigned liavo in preparation, s Nurseryman's Directory, embracing a list of the Nurserymen, Florists, Seedsmen and Tree Dealers of the United States. The work will bo sold wholly by subscription, the price of which will be FIVE DOLLARS PER COPY. A limited space will be given to advertisements at tho following low rates. d Full pago $25.00 J pa go $10.00 14.00 J 3.00 Ualfpago Ono sixth page, $5,(0 For sample pages and further information, Ouo-thir- Ono-fo.r- th addreas D W SCOTT A CO. Printers aud Publishers za Galena, lilt . |