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Show 2.'' Jr - t f- j. X4rttvt2r-t- i i T if 'Jt- K-f- - H7 , - g '& fi-- It M D cat. s; VOL. 3 FRUIT ST. Il IHIjIATTSIL GEOBfiBMlTAH; OVPQ RTRY.VO TOOD OF i.. . Uoneholdi.i Devoted to tbe Orchr.nl, Vineyard Farm Garden and & a.: , XU. ;; .t APBIL, 1879. .!." JrvV. V.-?.- N0i7. , t.fti a little : added. to millet the ont German requisite preparation carry gr'angemraU for that ueeaeion, in a WHAT IT. ! m.uier- whieh shall be alike honorable A gpod walnut etain for; wood is to tip- nation and nsefnl to the great That voald happen, do yon aapposo, of water, one quartfw&hifig Apple, Pear. Fetch, Uprieot. Almond, f the mignonette should say to that composed indntr.al interute which onr aooiety ' and one half ounces; VanMulberry, aod otaer abode trees. Pome, 'The pride of roees X bats to see; one soda, wpru'aSMgranite, Fig, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Thy Aent gou heap near the ground Uka ms." Arrangements will be made with dyke brown, two and cne half ounces; lair supply trhieh vines, rV Atrawbarry Whid fflUiafoso should say to the phlox. hotels, and as far aa pouible with the bichromate potash, one fourth ounea will ba sold cheaper than aver for prod ace . and eolor are orthodox railroad lineterminatieg in Chioago, Boil for ten minutes and apply with jfora Inabai, fenciug, le. Inquire of J E "Mj to Makar, T? be, your got youve pUu Johnson, 8t. George or v , for ;a redaction of fare. Wherever a brush, either hot or cold. . . ftieieelj in all respects like me.' :n Got possible, it wOiid be but that snob arTn. U a the grape ihonmfy to the ptarf rangements should be made by the vaWashington rious delegations, .with roads in their IghatJ yon flauntuRnoat up there?. BfwalCbf stringing,:jueendft localities, as rate.', made by Chieago You onh totaling to.tha trellis like roads will apply only to their linu. JOHNSON, UTAH. What 1C the river should say to the riil:? IfembersiDeleghtu, andaooietiee are 12 miles East of Kanab. If yoatwefenVtOo luy yewd turn a mill; to contribute eolleotiona of requested Keeps general sasortmant of Dry Goode Study my'method, nndlfy to ba r the fruits of their ' respective districts, is Groceries. Medicines, Hardware, Miueta A rushing; roaring rirar Uke good for forfoer girls to; use . and p communicate Goods and outfits, Butter, Cheese, Pro Aeir handr, aofc, ?romotinv tiinoC I moTe Whet if a iwsnshonld say totlte erow, whatever Ac. visions, ma vevery " Yea belong to the riiee of jbitewhite: 'helping . Fine aaaoitment of Trunks on hand snd soeiety ud the aeienoo of i juts of aloevea dendlx sin for yon to bo .res li e out Ife AmerieanTFomology. Eaeh eontribu day, pp ' ' nade to order. ' Yomr only nope is in serving me. : einamana a havuaIsa dowttExv is tor .i5 A , What if a gooes ehonld tsnehewreal list of EVERG GENS I . To inake a candle burn all night, DOLLAR! )r an eagle try to follow a honf v aanfl with ms fruits, that a report of all EVERGLEENS1 i)r what If the moaksyi should nil agree. Put the varieties entered mey be submitted! in a aick fr ui. or elsewhere. Wa will deliver to spy partiQhe U. That there ought to be uniformity! to the meeting as early as practicable. fine salt on itaround thn wick till it S. the following Evergre&Lj Vlsi if one man should say to another By vote of the aooiety no money premi- reaches to where it is. charred, it will Arbor Vila 10 Weeping 8pruee. IQ "Differ with mn and yonre not my brother, ums will be offered, but a limited numBalsam Fir. 10 Larch A a feeble light, but will burn have the truth as the omeles toll, ' I ber of Wilder Medals will bo awarded givelbutlime. 5 Norway Spruce. . Go wilt ms or to BMP along youll to meritorious objeete. Catkfoenai mailed for stamp. Address Mibuers Monthly. At the same time. snd. plaoo with the Wm. Morten A Son. Aliena Corner lie. CiUfimria snv Manntictenr. Exhibition of Societys Pomologioal AmiSAN P6RQL0GICAL SOOETT. .Frails, the Illinois Horticultural Soeie-- r I We clip the following from the will hold A Graod Exhibition of Organised 1848. wmt other CHEAP, DURABLE, you lanci, Flowers, and products of California Farmer. Home-ma- de Horticulture, by whieh an inoteaied inThe California Silk Manufactory .of IlftMoth SmlflB. teract will bo given to the occasion, Meurt,JVm..G, Brown A Co. whoeo Wlereaei TbeAedeu Pomologioal i Pnektgu of fnuto," with, the namer of Sales rooms are 69 Market street, Buy at tba St, (ll'trgt U. Carpenter Dept Eiet of Fourth Ward achoolnouae. Jooietyhae nceepted the invitation of the oon'ribntors may be addnued as we are g'ad to know are doing well, the Illinois State llortioultnral Societv, follows: American Pomologioal Soeie-ty- ,' and on the high road to a prosperity All kiads of HOME PRODUGT8 taken to hold its next Biennial Session in th care of 0. B. Galusha, Chieago. Io oxrkang. also LUMBER, LATH, City of Chioago, in 1875: All persona desirous of beooming that will be unualiy increasing. SHINGLES Ac. no remit the fee to Thomas The quality of the various Sewing members, acid with Therefore, in conformity James P. aotieo the Esq., Treasurer. Cambridge, Silks made at this Manufactory are of undersigned give acceptance (TSTfarpenter and Joiner rork-gJ- J Life Mau. Nathat this ot Membership $20.; Biennial the highest character, and now preSemoa Fifteenth the moat Done in the approved style. ) tional association will be held in Chi- $4. Life Members will ferred by our Tailors, by the worurs Plana of Boil dings, Specifications. with baek numbers cago, Septemcommencing Wednesday, iff Sewing Muhinas, and by our heavy (Bills of Materials, As., furnished with! ber Eighth, at 10 osclock, a. m., and of the society aa for the graafst Despatch. 11. P. WILDER, President, Boston, merchants for their Wholesale trad eontinning for three days. to any kind of sewing silks from a- Dore for eale4P11 Mau. 'Imported All Horticultural, Pomologioal, 111 Price $4,50 sad $5.50 eaeh. W. 0. FLAGG, Seentary, Moro, and other kindred naeoeia-tion- s Miles P. Romney, 8upt. 7tf The quutily now made at this in the United Statu and British invited to senJ delegafor Chillblaina cure are Another I Provinces, factory is stesdily increasing, and the AbU VisM. All yw exas deem as and may send trustthey tions, largo ulss at the Office are largely increasyou my recipe, hoping Ishm 1 nrtlii rwyla af interested in all and persons pedient, will euro too afflicted, for we ing also, while new places of trade toh Msta, mn id u.iUiBwmiMjf st ing it Car u, in (Mr ,wa lMklitlw, Sarins thdr iim om the cultivation of fruita, are invited to have used it for years, ud it always is now constantly opening, the sales Wl twf thatim.11 Um U anythiM ih.will that seat Con take the in and be wi brar'i present, Urn try IuInmI; n.1 Ini. Mpltpi.it from January to Ootober has doubled relief. Here is the vnrk. Ml pndnlM.lim, tal vention. ?ves two good sised eabbage recipe: sli former at mm SmI UU;. Kw is ths mr iUnn stumps, years. The coming session will be ipadally liM Dont iMk fwvsrksr kwiaaMMMwkm.aatil r. HI. 8TIMS0K A Vs. Co. now purchase reeled ran kin Isnrnsd vhst ws hard Brown outer or the off the in rindlathen ile location from pare interesting nrtlnnS. eentre of the groat frail growing region take the pith or inside and slieeVery silk in hanks or skeins, ud 4pU Cock-a-doodle-do-of the Weet, and it is believed rill be thin, put into n spider with one tea they eau to encourage Home Proone of the moat important and oaefnl eup of good sweet lard, ud cook ducts. CHALLENGE. that the Soeiety has ever held. On this a lowly till there is nothing left bat a There are now at work in the facwill pay the above premium to say per- oeeaaion there will be brought together oft mess of the eabbage, strain off tory about 60 work people as follows: son in UTAH TERRITORY who will the but cultivators of frnite oc oar the lard, and after soaking the feet Four Men aa Directors or Foremen, how a dosen finer Spanish Towle than I have widely extended country, when may bo o young examined and compered the fruits, not ud wiping them dry, grease them Four Women and Fourty-twK. B. Eggs for sate at a reasonable prise. and thus Lads with this and heat MiMes, Workmen, laid, only of tba cooler elimu of ths North thoroughly James Keats. folks and the in Paoifio fire them the the bat of South and West, and grease young by every they encourage 6t George Jan. 15th 1875. tf is a therefore desirable State. This ie and very Slope. It night, and heat them aa hot aa ean ba benefit oar City that every State, Territory, ud Prov- borne, and my word for it hie chill good ud noble enterprise, and truly ince of North Amerioa rhould bo folly blains will soon disappear. Cor. Cin. leserves prosperity. and ably represented in this Convention Times, thereby promoting the advancement of FLORISTl, CUST0.1, lOWi. Dont tire of your comfortable ofthe grutraaonreu of our nation-etna-oA Pretty Ornament. An exceedhomes, girls, even if they ere a little Will fill Orders by Mail for ingly beautiful effect is produced by prosaic, for it isn't pleasant to make Balmoral skirts for seven cents each flowering Flute, ftaert k Barest Native whieh have heretofore existed among simply placing a handful of the heads Utah Flasti any Variety. of wheat in a vase of water. Each as some of the New York sewing the members of the society, ud the difdegrain will aend out bright leaflets ud women do. New, Beautiful and Desirable. Send fusion throughout the lead of our of con benefit the oar for continue to je place the old ones for liberations, For Catalogue, We wut all our young people stantly expanding territory. weeks together. la confidently hoped that there will many It to bear in mind that there are two NEW YORK TOUSUME- - ba n foil attendauee cf Delegates from Oar'e to talk of yourself of Canaries. THS LXADI SO AMBRIOAH KIVDAHL" Occasionally hard things to do all quarters of our country, thereby othTk, But ASnvtialng Min. place in the water a small piece of without being vain, and to tali; of more extensive stimulating cultivation, S. IM!j. flS n vmr. Wnkl;, extract of licorice, and put between ers without slandering them. toilac, fin ta NWirikm. SMrimn wiu m4 by the concentrated information and ex- the wires at roe end of the centre ntaa fiw. oiiirUrtni Tnilk,,f Swnm perience of enltivaton, ud aiding the We must all remember that we nl ,m M1k( putaf,Wkl, hU. in a its el pioce of white sugar. The do not descend the human scale perfecting catalogue perch Aiinn, TUB TRIBUXE, V, V. Society Fruits. seed boxes should contain enough It we go down, we drag some The society having already, at its last seed for the A mixture of can-ra- pe day. chain that Bow, when, where to plant; free to all ou loeeion, accepted the invitation to parend hemp seed is usually loving heart with us. Ihe Mrs. tho in International Addreee of break. si amp. Exhibition binds humanity never ticipate receipt at the Centennial Celebration in Phila- given, but hemp seed is too fattening. Adams. Wm, Morton A Bra. Allens Corner, We have always foundcuary snd rape Deoriai Mala feofifiy delphia! in 1876, it becomes neoesssTj BUSINESS CARDS &C. at the approaching meeting, to make all the bosk food with occasionally - . TREES .tv - ! V . . . jr . - W. D, Johnson, . . . . MB - :- Home Manufacture FURNITURE . Ag-ricnltn- ral l, o!! I f'4 J4 -ea $50. ENNIS & PATTON ne Snl-Wnl- l;, a-lo- ne. mi t ' |