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Show ' CiaCQUARRIE & MORRIS, i The Household Magazine of America ARTHUR'S Mamtfrs and Dealers in 5' Home ?' .4.; , f .rt - V s fc t - " f r !J ' ... r..i , GENBBAIi ALSO. i . MB v. . CAaPEHTERS AIID BUILDERS. J i . " : j ' - ;A . . 2nd North Street St i George. JUDD :i fc? f BLAGKSMItHS i' S': & j; r W r, instructive that ; has ft ft;- appeared , T - , ' . twelve happy days the days on which xuy mag' azine comes.' 1 feel as though I could not keep house with 1 cannot send off my order without out it. ... Opposite Courthouse, UTAHi expressing, briefly , my gratitude for such a bles8T.QE0RQE sing as your magazine is to us. and to hundreds Repairs Promptly executed. Hone Shoeing o i women in our fair land..... ."I wonder hew a specialty. Give us a call i have done without your magazine so long. I hop, n.Ter to ho without it .gain." ' M. SNOW, TERMS.FOR !Si2. J.F. GATES. ; MAKERS,, J SNOfT ' OATlg, Odo CopTi oiio jfiftryiss1'99'119"0911 O CA It Tiro copies eeaoeoeeaeeeBteertMy ' II H'flMA lUill Four ASS AYERS, M ftflO eMMNlMaBIMMHWMIMMMaHMGlVV and 1 to getter-u- p ofeluh, 1100 )S9(Oho DoorWesfc of Woolley, Lund k Judd's) tQwNew subscribers for 1682 will receive Free tbs Nov. and Dec numbers of this year. GEORGE, :....; UTAH. M9"Specimen Numbers, 10 cents. prepared to do prompt and reliable r, A RE now low T. S. ARHURASON, Your patronage is i jworkat prices. 227 South 6th St. FhiladeUa, Pa, solicited. s V Eight COMPLETE Ira taiMto ' A A. , 9 J. Pfjbt,- MACDONALD. Tin Toy-ai- fg't Done to order on shorbnotiee .rby : WARREN. HARDY. on road to Washington. Workshop ' t ,v. Choice Wines Wooden Toyfli China Toyi,' Class Toys 1 If . ibr- - - "i U T.B. & A, YOUNG, . ' examine onr stock elosely Hire J SiU Lake City , ' 1 . 1 ' . ! Masiti Ilseite s. EE I1 constantly on hand a large and varied KWhBHortmextt oi Mens'. Boys'. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens V Boots hocs. Slippers, A in rail 'asgrades and varieties, and.;- at prices, r ; reasonable as any in town u ill bt i)eamlto see any of. our Southern 'Utah iribnds when visiting .town,' and can vrome to shew them something to suit exactly. . VV i .UTAH PETERSGH &BB03. ' Ft. george; Utah. . SU THE RLACK YEN US. -- A Tale of the Dark ' At prepared to furnish ' Continent, by Adolphe B8lot author of La Grande ! lorifle,' L'Article 47 etc. Translated from the French by Geo. D, Cox. One PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, Vo lume, Taper Covur; price , T. B. Beterson a Bros., Philadelphia Fa., Fub ; .. Ushers. , : This book is one of tho most remarkable works And all other information in regard to of the present day It is altogether unlike any erection of all kinds of buildings. ' i V trfiher ever published, and occupies a place in sto itself. In the author it literature peculiar Having under steady employ a good corpi takes his readers to equatorial Africa and intro- Builders duces them to strange people, and still stranger to erect and Cabinet Makers, we are prepa Stores, Dwellings &c.f and also top customs A new world is exposed to the eye in duce all kinds of l its pages, wifh rank vegetation and in BILLS OF MATERIA! . tro-dca- URNITURB on the shortest notice. that the woods are full of bears, and stay till inprning. Of courre the girls inow that the iouug men are mining their lieal lit by keeping ranch late hours, bnt yet they ol ject to having - w " be mailed on Receipt nrru by publishers. : those bears kilted. , v L . H. PICKETT, ht Utah ; - m?- - 4 No. 44 Main Street, -i Mtai Flower Pots, Glassware, Crockery, 'I' in ware, Hardware! Cutlery; ' Olocki SEWING MACHINES v NEEDLES & EXTRAS. MUSICAL GOODS. OF ALL KIND 4 1 1k. , Depot: First NorthfiSt Near Post Office. X L. D. ;; Rubber Toya IronToj IH ENDLESS VARIETY. LAM PS (' lURORSt - MIDDLETON, , r lot of good SEWING MACHIN Howe, Weed, Hleesand Victor wb 6inger. we will sell cheap for Cash, Grain, Factory or Canaan at cash rates. Or will KEN L tb and allow rent to apply on purchase if desir S . SmltoiDta , DEALER IN SCROLt-- AWING, BURNING,; ; y GRAIN. 0 HOPPING &c. ' STOCK and save thereby.' ' j. ' money ' 1 - - VEHAVB . i THB MOST t What our Subscribers say, Each year I have taken it contaits at least WACOII SXOBE MUSIC - SMITH: . . and Increased Attractions! The i HOME; MAGAZINE For .1882 will be thes ' ; ; most interesting and ; H. 0. Smith. 4 r K w Taking a literary rank with the best periodi cals of the day, it claims to be, in its peculiar characteristics and varied Departments, more thoroly identified with the people than any other magazine of its class, going into their homes. not only as a power fbr good, but as. a plesant companiohand friend, interested in ali that in- terests the household, and ready to help, comfort amuse, instruct and delight all, from&the youngest to the oldest. o r , ' iVetn L. . - ' - AT. THE - . A NEW YEAR, with SURNlrUREy i; M agazine; O a Py.hcatin9 bros., at advertised price. f Fo erson Constantly on hand. w . - |