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Show Subscribe for (he Police Gazette of New York. The handsomest Illustrated paper in America, and the leading s porting .'paper. Jntho world. Sample copy on ly 10c- k: '- An advertising medium having a general circulation throughout Washington County, being distributed gratuitously.' Terms Sent on The' Worcester Press man' shudders to think of the. time" when woman's dress will consist of a application. I shred of black silk4 which she will carry in herharidlat a distance from ahd behind he?. C.15. Johnson. Job Printer, St. Goorge, Utah. I m m I' i Job l ":I ! 3,' aPIAMfl imwazarrTy ! -- .MarK. $ 1 ,000 Plano Only $2G5 Plano. Grand Square Three-Strlx- ifr ARTHURS IIJME MAGAZINE. the old cons jn our Job Printing department we are y stand-bhas certainly earned the title of being ..the . addition efNfew improving by atantly ;vi Not Household The Magazine of America! T pe and materials. 0 n all such work as Bills, one of it cotemporaries has kept so constantly on j fc. Programmes. Tickets, .Wadding and other In the alert to give their, readers such a monthly r tV ; ; vitatiohs, Letter, Note, Bill and Statement J eads, Orders, Notes, Receipts, Drafts; Legal and other Blanks; Cards, Tickets," Envelopes, v Postersand :in fact everything in ' the Job fat ? Ul Printing lino we will guarantee to 4o as good and at the same price as they can be obtained Salt Lako.City. Send for samples. (: .v-for- ' f fdast of wholesome reading. 'No trashy, articles are ever allowed to appear in its pages, and its fashions and household instructions are always of the very latent and bet . See adv. Mother may I go out to skate? Yes my darling Julia, 1 . . .in dont you trythe figure 8, f or it will surely fool you. But W recently sent the young lady, following note - to her Sweetheart: Just as you make' the lightning whirl ;'7 'Deer will; i aout kum to see me eny To show your sfjringy muscle. more for a whial eny. way, Farther The boys will see a silly girl has got awfully, skeered abowt Sleigh-ridinou.her bustle. and he setts up every nite till laite with a dubble barril shot THE :.v gun, watching the back yard. He put mourn a lb of lead ;; in .Brown's nnfoundland dog which Ws kuinmin over the fens after a bone Inst nite A ; . bur-gular- s, g ; . . 1 The rose i red. the vile's blow, I wouldnt kum novvif i was ypii.V- A Reflex - of the Dramatic Event t of I the week. Illustrated A Largo. Handsome, We desire to call special attention to the name as its devoted indicates, strictly, Weekly, advertisement of Messrs L, D. 1 A.. Young, Boot to.affair ProfesDramtaio with the connected and Shoe Merchants, No. 44 Main St., Salt of whereabouts and the Contains doings Lake City. '1 hey are alive to the interests of sion. Twelve-pag- e 14 t'f.-- i's. t!litt BEATTY WSSUSSSk Th; ILignlitoeat Sosawood CasoTsauxinUy Strinjn. Weight whou bosod, over lOOO lbs. Seven and o: third octavos. Fall agral lo f oalo. Rosewood ca8o,all rou comers, bcaat&dc&rvetUcgs r.nd lyre, heavy corpenti and top mouldings all around t!io cose, back nnixhcd sa as front. New sorpcnUne, with Beatty's very latest f Iron frames, bar overstrur base, podalfScl hammers, agraifo treble and every can Ln any way tend to thn perfection of the lnstrurir has been added. This instrmnent is magnifluont Fiai forte. rgThia offer ;nay nopcar fabulous, hut I tuena 9 r word of it. It is a speelil oUer, iuoro liberal than any otl nunufactnrer con safely make onr.n imtnunentecr ihootmeoaperlornool lie, andwero it not that I do bt ness on o otrletly Nh boolA. I would not bo justided i:i tm Ing i& In presenting- this instrument to the world ct t very low price, I do so with an eye to the futniv, knowi this its introduction into avy lcfcolity will resrlt fa maki many solos. Its stylo r.nst be adnilrud and its iatxio qualities highly endorsed. 'Folly Warrantod for Cisc Years, No money required until Sent on half month tcst-trlo- l. Plano is fully tested at your ovmhoiiu. IwanttliLsbc tifnl Piano more generally introduced, hence this unr allelod offer. Order at once, as every Pior.o when int Am duevd in a new localityAsells others. We all know a g( T.. atlaln 4a a etan Vines n .mwf ani.mnf UammVmm . ... XA Iii-.c- l ; krf f: I f (, i it. W'-s- A j -- - 'jrVf V: 1 .;r laf.-f-'- FOE ONLY $255. AMAB ? i V1 v- W. ?.JVv -. Herfeot flew, up into th air, the sight it was quite shocking; for as she struck we caught a glimpse of then an. awfully dirty stocking we looked the other way. is The BUILDER & WOOD WORKER, inestima---neat a of title journal the monthly pf r,; ble value to all those of the wood working fra- ternity, containing, as it. does, plans, specifica- -' stables, ornamental fen ;,iionskc, Of buildings, the besides which designs fo Cabinets and Sces, t.tiier furniture appearing in .eapb .number, is worth more than the subscriptiori;J?rice. Send lor a sample copy and agree with us. Address, Chas. D. Lake, JL76, Broad 11 way, JN.! Y. 11.50 pr year. w -- Address DANIEL F. BEATVY, Washington, New Jersey, U.S . For 1882 is an Elegant Book of 150. Pages, a Colored Frontispiece of Flowers, and 100 Illustrations of tho choicest Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, and Directions for growing. It is handsome enough for the Center Table or a Holiday Present. Send on yohr name and Post Office address, with 10 cents, and I will send you a copy, postage paid. This is not a quarter of its cost It is printed in both English and German If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cts. VICK'S SEEDS are the best in the world. The Fleral Guide will jtell how to get and . grow theta. Vick,8 FaowEB Vegitable Garden, 175 Pages, 6 Colored Plates, 5IO Engravings. For 50 cents in pajser covers; $1 in elegant cloth. In German lor English -- r - ft f. ' , . Hie true way for a woman to drive a nail is to aim the blow square at her thumb Then shell at least avoid hitting her thumb. jd . JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. V. Address, fS 8 - Uvered on board ear., to tho roadtn of thin payor, h erdoi all Stars and combinations of any note, togethar Jmto It mot fraonlljr latrodaeod. with criticisms on all the leading Dramatic topics of the day. It contains also Photos of Actors and Actresses of interest to all. Funny Sketches and illustrations, Correspondence etc. ' Forward your order by letter or telegraph and the ment will lie shipixid at once. No money required until newsdealers. when visiting Salt Lake City, and. we. can vonoh lUo ior copy, for sale by is Plano tested at your own home. If lu any way a, I .Pa aZfully ou are under n o obligation whatever to lc or it that they ..will nofthere 'fthd two' znhre i back and pay freight char lecrfallytake igrecable or aeddmmodating ydtjjg? jsuntlemen. both ways. K3TNew Parlor Oigans gdd, 7ii, $8,1, to $ .. XateRt lilustrated Newspaper, with much informal bout coet of Monos and Organs sent free. their customers and keep the best assortment of ts, Shoes, Slippers etc. iq all grades from Eh most expensive to the very cheapest, and at j prices averaging lower than, anywhere else in town. Our readers will.de ell to call on them jf ( |