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Show J r ' - Thl'ITchiAt&old'MagdziHe af-'Aihertc- d.l i dst H (toll 6'TiVfkaziff e . WestWWoofl, Lund & Judd's) (One Door SSmae lour hvKrZlrt ,-3- solicited. t , F ! New and Increased patronage is , . V, litVfkryVan 41 il trad ions! tfiu ?1? I ! a;? (! eals'ofthe.day, itclaioisq'.beu'Jhljts (Peculiar varied: Jepartfnentsp more thdrdlyiaed tided withhe people tk&hanybthef.! magazine. of its claw, going into.their homes not bniy gsappwejr, for! good, but as a pjesapt rtnpanlciri Ma friend, interested iriall.that. (n-- i terestathe hlouseholdT and.f eady tqhqlpf cpmfyrt,. anmso, inetruct'knd deUghtali.frbuiho young, cbfcrect6rfsCi.es fcna WSHEi -- unur rawurj QIlN Done to order on Jiy ' t th SiXO th t. JlOME MAGAZINE ?Ektil88Tmiwl heM;; i. m out in terestin cVJ V I, , instructive that m2 01 i Workshop on iSuSWHlIiiW m 7 in shwtynoftefe ,J . tril n-- aii ! .' -- & ufiORRlS. Manufrsand Dealers in lit t ; V:. 1 4? , ijv . ticL,i.i,h , ' 5V4.:,,,u Jvhat'Our oubscnbetsisay.' i ,1 .. y VEach year I have taken it'conta't at le"t twelve happy days the'days on which luy wag s . ; azine comes' U- Aeel as could hot keep N oust With though' f outit?L:iJt;i. carinot send off uii order without expressing, briefly ray gratitude flir.kirch a bleaand to' hundreds ting as your magazine is to us.' of women in. our fair tenU. ' - VI wonder how' 1 have done without your magazine so . long! I .; hope xievef to be without it again.11, - i 3ii 9 JnH i'lVni' . - PURiVIWR it I 1 BSE8fcA!iII? " lfo5xWl'At. 1 WO QOpieS . 1 'hoAM .ife,ztypod atfdb 6jr ihr 'eVafo6ns,&d he e1t ,!tbd 4llbdr..bmut to melt:' an&'whVu I atthlon thtfhbttort fell t out1 of the' bag hod the oysters were on. the sidewalk. We-wleave the inan there, gazing upon the wreck. with the oysteis. Pres ently a noise as ufa Uplpencjl in the salute her ear, and she goes to the door ami ppns it and finds hjm takirix tbp pencil outid 12.50 tuo unsuspecting wife. 'amsaccident-you-ei hicj-se- e, said the truly old man. as he brought his hand out of. lijfWtAQliflCet with four oysters, a little sinoking tobacco and a piece of vr as s; otherio ket, bringing 4JUJe pyrtcr auuece or an 10 cents. ' 4 .. i ? )FlI.EH 11 ' . ! . f'i I I '. 0 y . t i-- t I f V. 1 Choice Vyihes ' - I 1 JlF'i'' ! ; v M IDDLET(iN!;'J. i .1 .. . 's. . I I a4tt ovstonOska 'j i; key-ho- le (, r ' . 'V t .. ! i . I .-- i - ... UT A il . 1 B. Taie oVtt.i fesrk Continent, by Adolphonlielot author of ,La Grande Horine5 VJjJArdwlp "" lateiiffom tho French rby tlfeo. If. Vox- ttne &1I K hIiAGiv,VKNUS.--- A v ate-.Tran- s-j f Volume, Paer;Cev.eri;priee..7iuetsi oiT.:li. .Tetersou a Bros., t'blladelpbia.4 ai,.pub- i si ! i i. ,M ! o. i. libbers. , ..This book is one of the moH remarkable! works present day. It is altomher imlU guy if the ever Other published, aud? occupies,. a placfr'iu In it the author I iteraVuree peculiar to itsel f. Africa and intro rial. to readers equattakes his to duces them strange people, nd still stmnger . - 1 - oc- - ifj niltf.1 i&ug&ikyrel6ife iSimjmII finleui-i- ii m) ,T.S. AltiUJRJfcSOX. Utli St. Fhlladollia, Ia. iv . ar,d w(mUeripgiivhr iier. !Vftft3PHl,ir husband does not come owserleg of eiubt yietter-u- p J. HACUONALD. A. mg Ui rk JJo I South a y$ iil Cotajl-my-ik-ihio-- j t.V and. (to 227 first ward inahwaslii tiyf Sts wife to bring homo,aJiiuart pf oysters jtq fyy for supper, lie dtfttflftt lilt prefer fpt ions joC eggnox, (hert. tooiahey.bag'fuJI 6f selects andHarted'lor. bail to the pa oer bag.L vvv'' I ,v ... A 1 $2.CiO ( tfSpecimeu Muiubort( sai SldA V ttJ?vNwsdi.cribersfor 1 8SJ. Will roceivo: Free I .. C . the Novi and.DecJ numb or 8 of this year ?fre,eL gt. George. Xot seeing . pk-- ! J 1 J year.i fl . ipL.a. Fnur Eight " -no Wmmh thekev-h&le- ; rtS it Vic FOItlSiS: . . OnoiCoriyV 6h6 CARPElffE'RS'AHDBUILDERS. vn,iT ndx. Si Mi : .a ' my boot, anil he 1 of trained' aniHiftljj aro intiodiiico. qthe jbuus JufirrtheHIPrfd lflien . ivilllio mailed on recoil t of price by pubmher.f, put hi in to bed, ami all the tiino ho was trying JgarAVo ;willitke! pleasure in ordering idr I thtyJci;l)(qwiho4i8gkhiistieil Just'iuo he wtf in bur lrionds,any ofilie publications of. Peir;on tront of .l fc Pro-?.- , ; at advertised price. - - |