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Show . IlMuU ' ' : '. ;-- X21i ' An advertising : I general circulation ; throughout Wishing ton) Cnnt?y -- a medium-havingv- beinguliatrihutfed gxataitonslyeMW5erme.gentoB. application. C. E. Johnson,. Job Printer, St. George. Utah. cu882 is an Elegant Book of a. 150 , Pages, fciored .&ofitist3eCe of ;lFlo andr 100. U8trateTUe choiMsl Flowers, Plants' and Vegetables, and Directions for growing, is enoTSgbTur the , Center Table dejrtmeSTSrare c&n fit ;Or a Holiday Preenii" Send on' your name gtantly ig'vipg ;.by Tn& addition f ifeT t. Office address, with IQTceiitSt'ahd I Type axflPmteft&ls.., On all each work asjiil$, hu you a copy, postage paid. This is Programmes. Tickets, Wedding and oiher blfTbe InG???S9iig In-vitati- oitt ftaQM and JalKB j&l Heafo Sf OraersfxSt esJReeCfp ts, Drafts; jjegaf and other Blanks; Cards, Tickets, Envelopes, Posters, and in Very thing in!fbb'J6l Printing litt)Ht)ill guar ran tee to do as good and at the tame price as they can be obtained for in! SaltMW City,5 'Sfenu for samples. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 cts. MiVJlCK'S SEEDS are;.the .best in the world. The.FUral Guide will tell, how to get and 'WthEnglisii-anc- .mm An editor received a letter from a subscriber asking him to publish a cure foralb'-treworms, He repli t -- Vickis FowKRiart Vs&iTABLiil'bAnnKX. 175 Pages, 6 Colored, P Jutes, 510 Engravings. For 50 cents in paper covers; $1 in elegant olpthi, lu German or English.' V A'dttrws, A !vi -- Ii , The. ituiUtiER1 $:WOOD WOftKBkVf.iV . the litle bfafehf monthly journal of inbstima-bl- e value te all those of the wuod working containiili, asit does, plans,- specifipa-tion- s Ac, of buildings, stablest (Ornamental fen ees, besides which the designs for Cabinets and other furniture appearing in each pointer irt worth more than tlm.aubscriptjanjprKSen, 'JTiltfttix for a sample wf &Hge with ns. AddreniUmTSTTte y, KurBroad s A tflAMES VICK, ii "HocbesteN. JTs 2 $ IrEOT cure until he quartcr'ofGcfcmAnk jltscost. It Ispriiitbd in' ititft'r'A ii I i ., T1IB ) s Y. i : ,i , . . (ra-terni- tyi - I !. t ,i j MIRROR. dflthl Dr avia tic Events of C the week. .!?! .! .. -- It.-.- - i1. t . Aliargel l!ardOTne,Twelvbpa2?o 'lllntrateil Weoklv. devoted strictly, a its name indicates,. to kffalr) Vbnnefted with the lJraintaic Frofes-sionContains the whereabouts and doings of all Stars, and combination of any note, together with criticisms on all the loading JrBxutm m ! 44pifeof tlretday. Irtontajin .atoso Photos of 22 all, bunny Actors andiActrctsesjof interest Subscribe for the etc. Sketches Correspondence andilluftratious, The handsomest Illustrated paper in America, , newsdealers. sale 10o for by per copy, and- the loading ,s mrting paper: in the: world. 10ecopy only . '11 "Ills Sample T to restore a mafr Spparcfetly drowned is (first to dry him thoroughly inside and out, and then clap a speaking trumpei to , his ear knd inform him' that his' ind0mpijdiijy t is dead. AgbOit-Wa- y -- - 1 It was Yery ungallaut in the ejd,bacUftlor, who. was. told that a certain lady had one foot 'in the grave, V to ask if theift v was pH j:ooip1for ' ; 1 1 Builders Union. Depots Fl'rst N OrlhjSt. !N ear Post Oflico. - Str GEORGE,' UTAH. ir AUTnUR'S HOME AGAZlNE.'told pr: II. PICKETT stand-bhascertainDW r--rs;. ' nri 'lhe Household 1 iU both.fpst. 1- AI one of itvcotempfiraries ha- - -- r ; 1. your own plie?)t7rriGood-by- Client counsel, Pat. SPECIFICATIONS, 1 (( ! i ' , i- - - y . 4 ! 1 i i ) And all other information in regard to the ' erection of all kinds of buildings. . .... and keep Sure an tis keejm bim P t nvYkip'cgTltyty law.1' ' . d e, X BILLS OF MATERI AL, fashions abdhnusehoIU instructions are tolways best. See ad v. of tho.;V.;ry.l4te,-tkn- .vnfrTr.TrorjV i OUI ( Ar prepared tofnrnlch' PLANS ! Law;pr,ift a tic y . Having muleiteady employ a. good corps of Alakerilif a are prepared Builders .almto pro:. to erect StorcflUliroliiOiis. d duce all kinds of and-Cabin- et Ju;.,-An- are advised, to o by tharRtoitously. admonif tory beings, the poets. Ifo one can smile, when, be cant. , noise i ? .. i? ' a' 1, ' r.ifrirr'd 5 .iv..; . . -- v idonstar.tly. on hand. ' i a ( . |