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Show rrarsnsrsv-- MMIWMM w C VALUABLE , OOEFU L filCTQ SEVEN., ' vn vSrAND : j i. Offer! Special1 nsdof t . Vptn m3 port-paiBern ValoobU' and .CaeAil Praalnul a follows: 1. As Elegsat sia Silver-Plate- d Sugar-SpWM- fo of tbe beintlfal oad stylUh LHt pattera, maaufretared by ibo well:iuown firm of Ungers Brfufa caaraatoed JtoavUy d, platod wit?? paranoia silver, and aa artlolo aUko durable, aocfal : and.haadsaiaa. i.Fiae, Hear.SlIvchPUted FKIt Kslfe. Aa eatlrelj new and very handsome pattera la a frail knife, guaranteed heavily plated with pure coin sliver aa article . The Oriental tbat every family needs and should have. useful artlolo poasibtk BsromtUn eta' barometef fery in ii'0 form of a heautlfel flower, the eolors of whose leaves oh ange by Uic action of tho atmosphere, oorrccily foretelling the ehan gee thauvkor ktkMmsA in advanee; tag addition tb this, U isammtViUrMtiv4fcifenmeut for bracing Ih IhtroeniJ ! 4j An Imported Box orPAlatfo'eoutarning'tlshieetf' dolors,' with brush and all complete. The possesnioa of a box of paints has -- mb in w always furnished to tho young a mort nSefol and nbaorUax pas- time; this Is not a eheep article, buteae of genalae merit. , Tke Fan Autograph Album, eotulttlng of aa autograph album la the form of a ran, nmlji combination of the twolaa nr Hole which every yoang lady should poeeeaa, and very deairahlo am for bails, private parties, cto. . S.t Ilaadoome Jnri ever before a stylish, useful aud durable . Introduced; now Ttnndaome Unlike a of rad. very anything deefgfe tatfan Coral piece of jewelry. 7. Packet Comb la due, a handsome oombmadsof an eutlrely new material or a bright games eolor, mperior tov rabwhand enclosed fat a neat aud serviceable ease, Ueuember, tro tend, not one. hut tho entire list of seven valuable and eortiy premiums above described, together with a vho!e yrar's subscription ta.THE' CRICKET ON. THE HEARTH' opn receipt of usually offered, bat mo guaranteed to b the moat valuable only One Dollar. Tbe prbraidmi are nos cheep, traabr article such as am wo seoure this year we .desire to retain foe. tataif years: end eostly articles ever given with any publication All the subscribers that hence THE HEARTH most entertaining, In ,ft BOW structive and fascinating famly periodical publiilxL Koch Issue oentalne It mammoth pages, 64 odnmna, stu of page 11 lfiinekee, and is filled with the (choicest reading matter comprising Serial and Short Stories, Sketches, nemo. Useful Knowledge and Valuable In- - formatlon upon every. topic of interest. Stories, Sketches and Pnssles for the Tonng, Farm and Household Hints, News Of thfe DSy, Wit and Homor,ete:lete in brief, it Is a oomplete family periodical la every particular, andjost sneh a one ai Is seeded ta every household, This is a Grand Special Offer, made to ifodaoe the paper into new bomeo, and to Inerease onr eiienlation. We gnarautoo that the premiums alone could not be bought at any reuil store in the ooantry for, Ins than $1.50. Yott ssonrw' them all abselntely five by stxbsoriblngfof uf paper under tile special offer. , Send at onee. sad If Ton are not norfoetlv satisfied with roar bargain, vonr asmug vUl b$ ckurfiiUM rtfundtd. Ao to onr reliability, wo refer t 42 nremlums:v Address: 8.11. MOORE, Publishers . H ' T if , si 1 ' t. : :i i ' ' ' - AfcVJS " ' pio-ete- s, llrwaat-Pl- a, " Il ! i!-- - 1 ' . 'l' snow & - -t r... - i.-.- . .4 INDIAN ELOQUENCE. es. gAtes, OK iv Oil IKK WHEN TOllBl.gODK INYITKD '10 YKKaWaLK. i l U hen the white fa her starts the miikio, we .. , waits to it , . i . We have been asked to Irrigate tbe 'jrcountry ;aMT (One DoorWest of Woolley, i undX.liidd') hero and he corn Jike the white iiinn, Cur UTAH. M.MiEuKOE, heart? are'boavyy aud we caumil m,niite the now prepared to do prompt and reliable htringbeaii. ; N e will do u hat b right, but we ARE at low price?, t Ybur patronage is cannot work.1 "The Indian cannot hunt the pplieited when the deer and antelope are ripe. V; l otato-bu- ? I o ;u the sun when ' the cannot dig i I: ii spirit move? him hr go forth into tbe lorat. 1 ere., where we have, rpauied thmuuh.. the, ;; tall graand hunted tho deer and jbnflaio, the:; srLTMNiNn work ditch tax and plow1 fiSk? lale'faco , k ii;, Isilri! w :i the green earth,us'to i(U with a.rebellious mule. y , ' ' . ASS . RS, a. -- ost-hoi- es a c : II Al N . t; jm &c CHOPPING i ; t . i has been answered iieie, where our war-cr-we are Lack by the giant hil's, asked, to' grub ; . . fhort notice by sage brush and join the ihunh "" .They coine to us aud tell us, to go to school w 1 i'VAKUlSN aiAHItY. and wear pants I hey ak u to learn the WorVshop on read to Washington, and go to Cougresi. They send men to. iiswho T7T to loam us to spell aud wear tuspendwant V; Done to brder'-on- ' Ian-gua- & it ' , Mi . . 1 , i n-v- . . K U B N ' IT UR Et? 14 ; 4 . t r... ,- - W a . fovt; t' r' im " . ' -- r. the-lan- d I a S!S8K! V . . C-- . , , ;' 3 ;.Vo,cannotdp thi' ' We are used to the way. o' ojr people. We scratch our abacks, against the. mountain pjco as .they did Wethoucan sand years a o iio cani.ot Vbaiiae. cks s our leave our, land, but we cannot change does. over? spring and fall as tho white man ' t We can go away from our home and Mvo.in t a strange and. bdt we cannot 'wear openbak ' 5?.; rhirtg or play in a.brasa band the whitQ ilarrior we will go to Lo u withdraw Wowill . f'ather ha given miORRfS. ManuPrs and Dealers in ' ge this land:oursiiaW. wigwams, do, fleas, and our eflluvia1ewilloto our new. home beyond the; (Vo in - comes spring-tim- e werwiJt tafte ajifidal HentleUnpieJy,i jiiniw.l f J. tour-bacto this country. And we will 'nn8trut. a holocaust, whatever thot is. and spatter the intellectual faculties of the ranchers all over the country. r;,;This is all. I am done. 1 have remarked 1 have twittored my twit Finis. iny remarks river now. and whei the k A. 7 ..y,' ALSO. GENERAL:1 J; 1 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS; Cl i d Kn th F in et Ft eoige. - ti A O. that n.alfCH tlie llfteij iWhen a mau says 'I hear aiioige, him cst and loudest; prayers is i not ' ,waj s the one that pays thq highest that' there is nothing in' this, wide but V prices to its washerwoman j by any world thaV' iaiiyhody ;U means. .v ; noise r ikrotyMer,oc&i'&- - ; can-hea- r' V TT |