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Show i 'w : i vM TVAzf ' t II .'J '''t 7U w ytvt-:- ' HUT WJ IJ) XJnOf .i ..i.jt; j.' mm i,.l; i!t,,ji!.i i if-- . EimiCKSTOEE-' r 'tr S . I n . ' THR MOST ET K : Ob MFJj ARTHUR'S it r i4 y I v w,. O A ; ( ' ,l SUn Jit IX efl America v- - -r- i Xc V- k. -t. -- J-a . .it ti eased Attraetiohs! ahicr rank with the' hesf a New perio&k Taking literary ftts day; it claims to be. in its peeoliar characteristics and 'varied ; Departments, more thoroly identified with the people than any other magazine of its class,' going ' into their homes. not only afe a power for good, but as. a plesantcompanion and fHend. interested in all that in- terests the household, and ready to help. comfort amuse; instruct and delight all, fromttnelyonng est to theJoldesU 'v cals STC)d K iti"tr:; ; v - ' ;v:A " r-- ! ,1 V t- -j , t, l 1 9k Th& Household Magazine ueriT - '.:50! tf. n .sffT hT M- S V r r' ... . r, vwjtf.- w v. V VI A w.w. . t ! H ' ..." tdate'ttt. ; W rMJFtmBWrSOf,' it v' ; ttv: 1 . - .weiiavr: f ;VV i'ln Toyriif ;w ooden Toy?i (jhinn 'l oys, (IIhhs Joys. u v Rubber Toys, : Iroii'IoyW ENDLESS : VARIETY; IN LAMPS ::;"- - I i Th BOMB MAGAZINE For , 1882 . will be the, in out interesting and", " 1 ; instrue ive x7that'M7;: has yet appeared. : . VA - :KSt:r.:.-r- . - MIKKOKS, :. ,1 ;4'.,.iF.u'A MRS.: ; v: ; : p iorr ij res.;, Flowen? j'oiH, ' GlasNware Oropkery Tinware. Hardware. Cutlery. Clocks. SEWING MACHINES, NEEDLE & EXTRAS. MUSICAL goods. OK ALL KINDS! iii 1 i in , twelve happy daysthe days my mag!. i v. azine comes.M feel as though I could not keep house with- -' 'i . ; I cannot send off my order without out it. expressing, briefly, my gratitude for such a hies- sing as your magazine is to us. and to hundreds al wonder how of women in our fair laud. i havo done without your magazine so long. I hope never to be without it again. TERMS FOR' 18$2. $2.00 One Copy, one year,. -- - V .. - Two copies. Tbn. ' Four Eight . A )1 ieron8 who conteiopiate buying good for Chr.ftma or A aw V ear gifts should examine our stock closely r IV n A - li lt PERFECTLY I mr ro- - :er ii. A. Mi Is.' & 1 set thenrup. Wo Manufact mors ol th and only Uenioae with MK r. in al Porcelain-c- d Iron Choice Wines! w 1I1 :r.aro oii..lii-- Wood Pump l.KAl.KRIK y j All of our Mills an fuUy j warranted, and are equal t any mill in the market in r.d respects, and superior la printvery many. With ourone r:ir. ed instructions.! y . J. MACDONALD. ek B! Effective power in the wo: Id for Pumping water lor mock - lot of good SEW INC MACHINES: ii Singer; owe. ed, ISlees and Victor which we will sell cheap for Cash, drain, Factory pay or t'auaan at ash rats. t r will 1. Em i them and allow rent to apply 011 purchase if desired. in 8ELF-RE6lMTffl- The Cheapest and most 1 3--. n.v der, Cvlln- - Tuhlnc.' Aqueduct l'ino i from Ut to 5 in. r--N boie,Slmtsveli's CO Patent Door and Window Scrcen, the lloss Sickle 1 MIDDLEloN, .. ton UTAH le nd . ' -- . Co-o- p. 1 1 - 11 t ; . 1 1 t . trade genera' V: . A throughout t'to country. Bend far Illastriited Cdtalp&ac. . pictures on week Ld- ut .the (0 only T. plU' 1 , (Hen Paste.. thle fiin ,i; . hat your -t-d- uft at 1 Grinder,- - c. Sold by the J. Take 18, V Champion Windmill Power! - complete stock of Culmer's ready mixed 1 It. . 3 outside shades, besides inside white. Can he ued for any kind of work! No ut up in all mixing required! Cheapest! sizes from one pound to 5- - gal. ! Ask for a sam- Try it. and you will use no other! iilecard! as a natural gloss and requires no varnish! 10 ' and 1 to getter-u- p iHUNew subscribers for 1882 will receive Free the N ov . and Deo numbers of this year. a9Specimen Numbers, 10 cents. T. S. ARI1UR Sl SON, 227 South 6th St Fhiladelfia, Pa. m m Enamel Paints indifferent and k - ..3.50 &00 6.00 of club, 12.00 it ii - and save mouey thereby. A - - - , H- V, ; r S. . What our Subscribers say . Each yearl have taken;, it contaiu at least on which 1. : ; - , w i 7 Light Castlngs Madd to Order. F0WELL & D0UQLA8, Waohegan, HI w . |