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Show .a- - ns IFimnniKBSgallD ' A ? ' W V - ) - w 0 a It tOEVEN l VALUABLE AWD USEF,ULTf) GIFTS! 1 Special Offer Dollar TcVSiT1 offer: upon reoulpt of One Idw regular r--- Sevrx Voluble and Uiehl PrealBai, post-pai- d, lefit Cola SllreivPlated h follow: 1. Au tSpoow, of nibo benuiifsl m4 stylish U,y pattern, aanfoatured. , IIAnn of Kpgfjrs A Brittln guaranteed bcuvily by tbo .jlatcd with pureooiu HJrei, and an article alike durable, naeful ' I and hanltoiae. t. Fine Heavy Silver-PlateFrwlt Kalb. An entirely new and very handMMne pattern in a fruit Sigf well-know- - d knife, guaranteed heavily plated with pure coin ailroran article that every family need and should have. 3...The Oriental Baramcteri This very useful article pan silts of .n barometer in the form of abeantifol flower, ghe colon of whose leave change by the acticn of the correctly foretelling tbeehangee In the weather several hours in advance in addition to this, it ta a most attractive ornament for banging lit the; rson Am with liox'cf Imported PalnbfN'inlng tighieni brutk and ail coiapim. The MMMioiut of a bon of paints baa always tarnish! to the young n moot usetal and aboorbiuv pas time; this is not iaejlfWp Rrtiee but ouk af genuine Inipriti ?sj The Fan Autograph Album, etifcisiliig'of an autograph album in the form of a fan. aud a couibinmluu of the two, an ar tlolawhiah every young lady should and. wry desiraUe ew. ?! llnadmune Imifor balls, private parties, of a new and very handsome design, nnllks anjrihicg ever before introduced; n stylish, urul and durabit tation Oorol CreMt-PI- n, 7 of In Coats n handsome, comb mad ofon entirely new material of a bright garnet color, Miperler to Comb Pocket pleee jewalry. rubber, and enclosed in a neat and serviceable esse. Remember, we send, not one. but the entire list of erven valuable and cosily premup receipt of iums above described, together with a whole year subseripttab.la THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH articles such m arg usually oflbred, but are guaranteed to bo the most valuable only One Dollar. The promlmueorabot cheap, and costly anlolcs ever elves with anv nubQcation, All the subscribers that we secure this year we desire fe retain for ftiure y carat cTino-phe- re, i- pie-nie- s. -. E !, trtT THE HEARTH noat entertaining, in ctraetlve and fascinating fami y periodical publlalsd. Each Isane eont ine 16 mammoth pages, 64 columns, sis of page 11 a 16 inches, and Is filled with the choicest reading matter. eempriing Serial and Short Stories, Sketches, Foeuis, Useful Knowledge and Taluahe Information upon every topief inwrest. iOnriea. hketebesnnd Pussies for'the Young, Farm and Household Uinta, News of the Ifoy, ffll and llmaor.eiasetoj in brief it is a complete fstuily pei logical in every particular, and Just such a one aa la needed in every household. This is (rijrasd Special Offer, made to introduce the paper into new homes, and to increase our circulation, i W guarantee that the preoiiume alone could not be bought at any retail swro In ibe ouuutrr for hut than $1 Ad. You tecum them ul! aboolatcly fire by subscribing for our paper under this special offer. Send at ones, aud If yen air net perfectly satisfied with yonr bargain, poor moaeg in this city f For KI.C0 we will rend oia subscriptions ana will 6s cktarfuUv iwhsiM. As to our rwiiability. we refer to aar publl-b- cf Address : SL U. 1IOGKE, i'nUtkcn (5uct.essor te iloora A WiUo , Slfi BraHwifiiNew York. & :' -- J.F.OATES. M.SNOW, THEWEW1 BARBER SHOP Yt Strove & G4TE8, AS SAYERS, i Will be kept op6n every W( One Door Wwl of Woolley. T.nnd JrJnddi) St. GEORGE, CTAII.i prepsred to do prompt and reliable ARE now at low prices. AA Your, patronage is . soli sited- ; t f 1 ; , f- ! AND EVENING. SCROLL-SAWINTURNING, GRAIN CHOPPING Ac. G, A watch, movement hunting. cased for sale or Done to order on- - short notiee by WARREN HARbY.; Workshop on road to Washington, - i ;? .. 1 Johnson's HOME-MJ1D- fjMtnufrnnd it - - if ; bon jes$t pi lls. For Idrer complaints, Dyspepsia, Headache, Loss of appetite Jaundice. Indigestion,-- Sleep lesness, 1 evert. Colds, Billions Complaints Ac. P 0 RS I TD RE ESbEKCE OF LIFE. aui :4 i 5 The best Compound in the world for the instantaneous cure of Wind or pain in the Stomach or Bonrein Colics, DUrrbea, Dysenteryf Flux, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LINIMENT. ALSO. UENRRAL CARPENTER AND, RUILDER. 2nd North Street. St. George. H s K Family Medicines. Dealer in Boors, Sasu, . good to trade at Johnson's. . B, FOR SALE! Silver American Jf' 4P- -.' For Rheumatism, Neuralgic tains in the body and limbs, Bruises, Sprains, Swelling Sores and all diseases requiring outward application on man or beset. II |