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Show i t t Jri' V . M ? rt A '. . f . " FOOTLIGHTS. An advertising medium having a general Builders Depot: First NorthlSt. Near Post Office. St. GEORGE, UTAH. circulation throughout Washington County, being distributed gratuitously.' Terms sent on hi. P. gOM N E , ... ..m.. ...... .....m.. ' . ...... application... ; Ar prepared tofornish C. E. Johnson. Job Printer, St. George. Utah. f i .8UPT. ; SPECIFICATIONS, PUIIS, Special attention is called to the advertise ment of The Cricket On The Hearth, which apThe Premiums offered by the pears y. publisher cannot be bought here at retail for less And all other information in regard to the than two dollars, and yet the whole seven, to- the journal is given for only One erection of all kinds of buildings. fether with a price at which the journal alone Is Having nnder steady employ a good corps of dirt cheap. Send for it. Builders and Cabinet Makers, we are prepared Ac., and also to proAt the ball; Grace' (whispering) to erect Stores, Dwellings duce all kinds of BILLS OF MATERIAL, to-da- 'What lively boots that fellow's got Mary! Maiy (ditto)- Yes, unfortunately he shines at the wrong end .4 e ontheSshertest notice. . BOOTH J. on weekTakes pictures days only, at the old Ladies p . Paste this in your hat. Co-o- - ' Slilnnles, Constantly on hand. t A. J. MACDONALD. -l- uinn- Choice Wines knife with 10 blades was sent man on his birthday. to a St. G But he doesnt like it there are so MIDDLETON,....;...... many blades it takes too long , to ' Published. find the corkscrew. Vi A Just - ! . UTAH . THE BLACK VkNUS.-- A Tale of the Park Continent, by Adolphe Belot author of I Grande Florine, Li r tide 47 etc. Translated from the French by Geb. D. Cox. One Volume, Paper Cover, price 7ft cents. ?. B. , Peterson A Bros., lhiladelrhia Ta., Publishers. This book Is one of the most remarkable works of the present day. it Is altogether unlike any country. Success! and occupies a place in is x It a large (24 weekly, price 13.00 per other ever published, to In it the author itself literature peculiar year, (or $2.50 if paid in advance.) published by to his takes readers A equatorial Africa and introF. it. Clayton Co., Beaver City, Utah. duces them to strange reop!e snd still sti anger i . a new world is exposed to the eye in When a man says (I hear a noise customs its pages, with rank tm feat vegetation, and inhosts of wild and terrible animals. it probably never occurs to him numerable That portion of the tale relating to the Black that there is nothing in this wide Yonus and the Amazons is foil of weird beauty. story has been dramatized and is now world that anybody can hear but a This being performed in Net Yrrk. in which 'bands of trained animals are lntiodnced. Ihe book noise. will be mailed on receipt of pi ice by publishers. 49" We will take pleasure in ordering for A dog which wont run from an our friends, any of the publications of IVtrsm A Bios., at advertised I rice. will break his neck THE SOUTHERN UTONIAN. is the title of the latest newspaperial venture of Beaver, No. 1 of which is before us. It has not, as all Beaver's from the previous efforts, rises. Phoenix-lik- e ashes of the Beaver Enterprise. but comes as a new creation with a desire to develop the resources of the southern portion of Utah, whose extensive mines of Coal. Iron, Silver. Copper. Ac., are but awaiting the magical touch of Capital to make them sources of great wealth to the a , - elephant . trying Atq get away from an oyster can Size is nothing, A; J . Macdonald makes a special- ty of Bottled Wines, - u Bills, Cards, Tickets. Invitations, Orders, .Receipts, Due bills, Sewards of merit Legal Blanks and all kinds of Job Printing done at his office. . -- Sdi iite xin eg i eca asa $3-n-gei swi! Cai 1 al |