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Show !ti r4TX -- ;j J.S.OATR SSTEBS, .?. .30 1 '9 :&$ ManufrandiDeiler in v ' fi Ml80r, e .r .'K a NT(Oo Door West lv oY Woolley. Lund A Jud fi EOR 0 E,.vrlJTAH r; V.RB now prepared to'dtf prompt afcd relh . Your patrona; wk at low prices. olicited. v , j pi 9!, f1 If FORtfcffiURBr I iteRGSttU4 ?(&! ALSO. UFNKRAI, OftlPMEIt -- - AIID BUILDE8J TJr3Ty;3SS -- - V j TO RNINv GRAIN CHOPPING &c yL i ts Worrier ouishort notice by Dbne ' w . , i '.if ! warres hardy. X ' :T "! ?r "T '! f iue f - SdcOnd-han- ti ;f Maclinie7 TRYIT BEAUf ODtlY liiUJSTRATRD! .: A Tl Tf iUkik THE iBEST PAPER I goodtyl - Wurk.hop on raid to Wuhington. - J PI who spent a lengthened perlojjj in Ireland correspondent of a) leadiii American jour and his observations were made without pit dice, ai04 thjrfde can be relied on as anthei The alms and purposes of the Land Xeog meetrfbrth hi intcnsitingf Sfcd fiinpor manner! the conditions of the Irish peo itation istr which gave rise to the weaent fUlly described;f nothing being extenuated oveydtap.v 4pfagrt, price 28 cents. Add St., N. Y. r .y written in ,theU'41hO?bicuthc, i t 2ria5?orfSstrMtT St. George. w ibis Jnst .published, ! ant inter esting g&8 C. Fl :E. Joknion fry M Yfcto Scientific A uteri can . Hnger cew xlieap ! & (if! K uyn-- i BAKBERi'SHOB v Will be kept open every with splendid engravings, representing the new Invention and the most rvceqt advances in vt the Arts and Sciences; Including new and inter citing! fact in AipricuUure. Horticulture. The -- 0 4sW Home. Health. Medical Prepress, Social Science Natural History, neology. Astronomy Ac. 'ihe4 most valuable practical .lepers, b eminentwri- ten in all departments; fxfcteji lentil rbeTfound in the Scientific American, i'erma 13.20 per discount to agents. lletuiU; Irear postage paid, 1 riibliihsra order to Park. Row. JTTYiaw WTS necimen ropy 10ct. connection with the Scientific PATENTS In American, Metar Munti .A Co. KoiioitoreofAmAicaaahd foreign Patents. t kre S ad SSara experience, and now have th targe t establishment in the world. 1 atents are putained on the bestterms. A special notice' :is knd&e inliWScieiitiriHAiiJericinofhlMnven-tion- s patented through the agencv.w; ih.the.Dame and residence of the patentee By the immense circa la ion thus given public attention is directed tithe merits ofthnew patent. and sales or inA i h o it tho Patent Laws, Caveats their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring! advances on inventions. Address, MUNNCO.i i.7 Park Row. N. Y. Fran.h Office cor. F'k 7th ilti., Washington PC. . s V r V. ' i -- i ' : AND EVENING. v V CU-- . troduction often easily effected. Miy person who has made a new discovery tor invention, can asceiiain. ftee of charge, who her a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to M ur.n A Co. W e also endfree our handbook 1 ! r. tL: II For l.iver Johnson t 'i t i r. r mmJrJS 'V Srili PI LLS.' . complaints. Dyspepsia. .Heads :Losef apiwtite. iaundicei Indiieation.Sl leaness ir.. i,. i evert. Colds Billions Cuinplcints , EKENCEf()F tl4PP, world for th ;.The best Compound in the itantaBerai cure of Wind or pain in the Htou or Bowels, Colics. Diarrhea, hysentcry. Chiflefa. Cholerp Morbus. Toothache Ac. b LI K1USH yForRheumatismr Neuralgic i tins dn Swell! ROOK V. M O U NTA I N body and. limbs, Bruises. sprains. Sores kLd all diseases requiring outward a i.atioa wo man oi beact. v |