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Show k ' Vs, r . nMM MW NSrliiSt.'tlorPo.t )potyjnt St OBOBaB, UTAH. lavitfgfa general Ao Mwrertisid me circulation throughout Washing toirCounty, bring distributed gratuitously r Terms sent on application. I , ) JL. Johnson. j 11. .& ROMNBYm XL- - AtKSHg Job Printer, fit GeofgerUtah.T Sv 5It (GcX(wlB4pa3n 1 yelybootsthat fellows riVVhat V ' 'Having under steady employ iT good imp of. J riget4fccmw Swalfinid Ae?, IW a ton 'not. al luyavrairacsHhe iB cst and loudest'prayer ways the one that pays'the'-nighes- ai duce all kinds of Constantly on hand. f' i h ta trade at Johnsons. 'Mi DDLKTOH,. A knife with lQA)lfid&?3vaB $en to a st. g r S ri& But he.doesnt like itthere areifeo takes too buer to vmaiiy,blade8;jt t . find the com screw . i II t 'H f 111 M jn ' i M ntyi EXC1TBMENTI The Leadville excitement has subsided, and Xnowbe'Hbkic Miksoa Publishing Co., Long Colorado. are introducing a new Tomato, , MhbKocky'Mdrihtain Chief.? which originated 187V. near; the base of the Kocky Mountains Vlvis theKAUtiKSt,toinato known, veryip large, hd ofjJsuperior quality. There)S.areat.domand for the seedat 25c Cler package by mail.-- They also offer to 'Agents er cent commission and no capital Circulars as 'required; r free. Address above. )H ? - previous .efforts, risen. Phoenix-lik- e 'dshfes of the from the i 7u'u UTA II ' .v Just Published. f THB'BL'ACK!.VKNP8. Continent, by Adolph TtlaoMieirirk A Belot jmthor.of La Grande KlorineV LXrtfele 47 etc: Translated from the Frefieh'W Geo D.vCox One Volume, Paper, Covey price .75cents . T. 13. W... Peterson h Bros., Pjiiladeiphia iT This book is one of the most remarka.blfe4rorV is altogeiheruplike any of the p bthbr etrer published',, and occupies ' A pMce in literature peculiar tojr itself. In it .jlhs, ahtbor takes his readers to equatorial Africa and intro-- 1 duces them to strange people. andretfllrtipi ger customs A new world is exposed to the w e in its pages, with rank troHcarveketStion and of wild and terrihJj!iiJaar& That portion of the tale relating to .the. Black Venus and the Amatons is full ef weird beauty. This story ;has been dramatised and, tow tMfnaid being perlortned in Ne York, in of trained animals are linUoduecd.The jbeok Will be mailed on receipt of p- iee'by publishers. 49We. will takq pleasure in ordering for our friends, dny of Ihe publications oti i elirgon : . it ttdaver Enterprise. but comes as a new creation witba deireto develop the re sources of the southern portion of 17 tab whose extensive mines of Coal, iron, Silver. Copper, c.f,ire butapitfnffthe magical touch of capi tal to idake them sources of .Bros. at adyertised, price. ' great wealth to tn ' i AH- -f country , :8ucceMI fi' Isis a large 124 x 8J) .weekly, price 18.00 per Pills, Cards,vTicketB. Invitations. tor.S2.50 ifpaid in advance,) published by OrcJcrs. Ecceipt, JJue? bills, Ctaytori A Co., leaver City, Utah r - i V. - k Ke-avds'- A ' J. Macdonald makes a ,tl . f "I --v mjm special-tyxofottedlpnc- A 3, ;V of ifcerit, 1 egal Blanks., and all kinds of lob Pviutinflr done at his |