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Show i ( I n .t. V ; H AT THB , ii. i;. Vi ? IIUSIC A Having, just received our STOKE, ' lot of FINE To wei; Pots, : ' J ; Hanging Pots, tanging Baskets, ft Mosses;'; ;Shells, jJdDIB ihrbuno Ornaments PipSDDtfBii Vase's, :;'' . . J IPr, Mirrors, AGHIIIE NEEDLES & EXTRAS, We are now prepared to execute ft CLOCKS, mm fr And a Host of all kinds'of P?0M . STaTJSMSIi'i?,' !, samsietmasBi, bsmj I (5 3 IPri minim ft & A AT PRICKS TO SUIT ALL! A complete stock 4 WITH ! Neatness of Cu liners ready mixed ; i Dispatch ! Pan units! different shades, besljeslinside and entlde bite. Can he ued for any kind of work! Ao lixinc required! Cheaert! rut up in all tea from one pound to 3- - gal. ! Ask for a Try it, and you will use no other! as.anatural gloss and requires no varnish! 18 ram-lecar- d! lot of good .SEWING MACHINES; II inger, owe, Weed, Wees and Victor which fe will soli cheap for Cash, Grain, Foctoryfi ay r Canaan at cash rates. Or will hfiN T them And allow rent to apply on purchase if desired. CP ft 9--A i Ml Wl cheap as can be obtained in the East! b |