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Show & S-i- An advertising medium having Btfildiers UniotiT ' " 'vr ' r a general St. GEORGE, UTAH. circulation Washington County, -ItMNflMMNIHIMMS MIM being distributed gratuitously. Terms sent on M. P.. ROMNEY,l rf application. Ar prepared to furnish C. B. Johhson, Job Printer, St. George Utah. - throughout y . ' pictures day 'only,' 'at the old V". La- JPastethisin V SUPT. b bills of material, U And all other information in regard to the erection of all kinds of buildings. Having under steady employ a good corps of Builders and Cabinet Makers, we are prepared. Ac.,' and also to pro-to erect Stores, ' Dwellings doce all kinds of . . ' ' M. v . PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, '; BOOTHweekJ. on Takes dies Co-o- p, your hat, ; Depot: First NorthlSL Near Post Office.' When a man says I hear a noise,' it probably- never occurs to him that there is nothing in this wide world that' anybody can hear but a noise. t - . i J . onjhelshertest notice. ' 4 won't run from an elephant will break his neck trying to. get away from an oyster can. Size Is nothing A dog which Constantly on hand. A. J. MACDONALD. -- rOIALBR !R ( Choice Wines ! A NEW EXCITEMENT ! ' The Leadville excitement has subsided, and now the Hour Mirkob Publishing Co , hong ...........UTAH ixont, Colorado, are introducing a new Tomato, MIDDLETON, the Rocky Mountain Chief, which originated near the base of the Rooky Mountains in 1971. tomato known, very .large, It and of a superior quality. MADAME' BOVARY, a Tale of Provincial There is a great demand for the seed at 25c per package by mail.. They also offer to Agents Life, by Gustave Flaubert, author ofSa-lambat home lOO per cent commission and no capital Translated by John Stirling. Ore Circulars free. Address as above. required. ' Volume, Paper Cover, price 75 cents. T. B. Like a piece of steel, the man is the strongest Peterson A Bros., Philadelphia Pa. Puband most elastic who always retains his temper, lishers. or the This book is one of the master-work- s SOUTHERN THE DTONIAN. is the title of nineteenth century. It is beaming throughout the latest newspaperial venture of Beaver, No. with life and truth. The whole work, from the 1 of which is before mu. It has not, as all Beaver's principal to the.most insignificant incidents, has from: the a poignant interest, an interest unknown until previous efforts; risen. Phoenix-lik- e ashes of the "Beaver Enterprise, but comes as the publication of this book. 'ihe incidents you creation with a desire to develop the re- yourself have seen twenty times, the characters sni'r sources of the southern portion of Utah, whose are among your own acquaintances. ' ThroughMadextensive mines ofv Coal, iron. Silver. Copper. out, the tone is one of Bbsoli te justice. in the ame Bovary is found everywhere, end Ac., are bnt awaiting the magical touch of Capital to make them sources of great wealth to the centre of everything. She is a woman who wishes to rise above herZclass. has vague and extracountry. Success!. lot, it is a large (24 x 8ft) weekly, price 13.00 per ordinary aspirations,v is dissatisfied with her while a in contaminated sentimentality; $2.50 if by paid agile year, (or advance,) published by at last her pride turns against hen elf. and she F. K. Clayton A Co., Beaver City, Utah. disappears from the role of wife and mother, Treat everybody with politeness; even those and dies from the lollies which have surrounded . who ire rude to yon. Remember that you show her. in will 49"We take for ordering pleasure courtesy to others, net because they are gentle- our of the Fe'tictn of friends, any publications men, but because you arelone. ' . A Bros., at advertised price. Just Published. isthe-kaUlves- t o. . ; : : , . . A. J . Macdonald makes a specialty of Bottled Wines. n r V Whoever looks for a friend without imperfections, will never find what he seeks. We love ourselves, with all our faults, and we oaght 'to love our friends in like manner. Bills, Cards, Tickets, Invitations, Orders, Receipts, Due bills, Rewards of merit, Legal Blanks and all kinds of Job Printing , done at his office. |