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Show ) V LOOK HKRE P&FECTLT 0npes amt most SELP-HEGDLAT- A- - In M! tM our printTerymanyw" one can ed instruction3.any set them,4ipjfc We nre aso Manufacturers of th Ktrigiu al and onlcmiine THE MUSIC STOOE TO GO the world for Pumping water for stock: Irrigating purposes, supply ing houses and fountains with pure Afresh water,' etc. All of our Mills are fully warranted, And are equal to any mill in the market; in all respects, and superior in A complete stock of Culiuers ready bodies inside and eu for used be white. Can any kind of. work! Put up. in mixing .required! Cheapest! ! 5 to sices from one pound gal. Ask for a you will use 1 placard! Try it, and lias a natural gloss and requires no varpish Patent Door and the Boss Sickle Window Screen, ? Grinder, etc. by the! trade generally & rnoutthe country; Send for Illustrated Catalogue. .Have also. Machine needles & extoj &0 J5 Light Castings Made to Order. POWELL; & BOUGLASj Wankegan, JO, ira f & Anla iU Host of $9 Manufrand Dealer in K M TU R R ! ALSO. UKNKRAI. ; ' VT PRICK3 TO SUIT ALL ,CR0LL.AW1N GRAItHffHfrPlNG Sec TDRNIN(t. AND BUILDER. Rone to order nJil)ort notice by & Jnd NYrih Street. St. George. WAliREN HARD Workshop on ran to Washington. IMPROVED BOSS SICKLE GRINDER. I . ,VT HOTIPSOV, Simple . Light and Strong. t No complicated Gearing. One man can do the work of two. and turn out a better job. The winner of First Premium wherever exhibited. Send forlHustratcdCimlar -- and Special .Discounts to Powell Uoiglas, Waukegan, III. Twenty yeah a colored 1 PHTSIfllAN. . SURGEON jWCOCCHKUR. T- SILVER. 1IEBF - LT-- ttSTWill take, pleasure inlmaking profess io visit to Washington. St. George, o ago,4ys was wof a thousand dollars Now be deAh at 2 dollabs would ley apiece. a doreii nndUioe fyowd in. ita astonishin how rfe race am runnin iloira nivvah 'A of good SEWING MACUIft Singer, llowe, Weed, iilees and Victor w we will sell cheap for Cash, Grain, Factory or Canaan at cash rates. Ur will HEN 1' t ;ji ind allow rent to apply on Jpurchaseif desi aSf-Sol- 4 .1 3 t3.Vlot CARPENTER -- IS different shades, Aqueducts Pipe from I1 to 5 fn. horetShatswcll'sl ' u Pan units . Tub i tig. FU B it. fii Cm- with ed Iron Cyli- A, B. .i JUST KECKlVSl), WrafpStan nder, II n t inert adjacent to hilrerjleef. . gfCharges trljiiiely tn derate ardroiav nded until are beifitted 1&A 3f you have any trou phifoo-idie- r, write ard tell symptoms. s 7 it t |