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Show f. j;-.- , , i , V tV ' ' . . ' ; i s II. Depot: First North St. Near Post Ollico. ' ;;;St. QEOKtrS.'urilf.' LVr i': V," M. IVltOMNliV, . ' . . 4 - ' ' ' i ".A f' ' . I,1 SUPT. - ' I , 1 - - r r prepared to furnish PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, , S . I Haying just received our , ; A i : BILLSOPMA'TERIAL, And-al- l other information in regard to the erection of all kinds of building. Having under steady employ ' ft. good corps of Builders and Cabinet Makers we are prepared to erect Stores, Dwellin s &c.,' and also to pro-- , i duce all kinds of on the shortest notice. Constantly on hand. A. J. .4We are uow prepared to execute MACDONALD. PKALKRJN- - Choice Wines MIDDLETON all kinds of ! & I UTAH -- I iw WANTRD ! TEAMS to haul Adobes from the yard S, E. it town to the St. Heo. Social Hall. Apply to M. P. Romney or C. E. Johnson. ?t. Heo. Aug. 27th 1S80. S" Job Printing WITH 85 Neatness & Johnsons HOMK-MJW- R Family Medicines. Dispatch S3rAs cheap as can be obtained BONF.SET PILLS. in the East! For l iver complaints, Dyspepsia, Headache, joss of appetite, Jaundice. Indigestion, Slcep-esnes- s, Keverv, Colds. Billmus Complaints Ac. EKi'ENCE'OF LIFE. The best Compound in the world for the ms cure of Wind or pain in the Ftomach r Bowels. Colics, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Flux, holera, Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac. in-,anta- ne 10QKY MOUNTAIN LINIMENT. For Rheumatism, Neuralgic naifl in the ody and I im Sprains, Swellings, ores and all diseases requiring outward appli-itio- n on man or beast. ba,-Braise- ! ft 85 & V0 |