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Show ' 'X'.'.y. . ' V'! f- A V LOOK HERE PERFECTLY SELF-MDLAT- M! .v TLa Cheapest and most Effective power In the world for Pumping water for stock; supply . CO rr '.-- All of our Mills are fully warranted, and are equal to any mill in the market in all respects and superior in very many, With our printed mstruction&any one can set them up. We are also Manufacturers of thoOriginr;. al and only Genuine Forcelaln-e- d nder, Tubing, JUST RECEIVED, A complete stock 'i ,1,:' 1 of Culmer's. ready : f.-- ; j - 18 different shades, besides inside and e white Can be used for any kind of work Put up I mixing required! Cheapest! ! 5to "Ask for a sizes from one pound gal. no c use will and you it, Blecard! Trygloss and requires no varnig WoodPump with THE MUSIC STOR TO Iron Cyli- Aqueduct Pipe from 1H to 5 in. bore.ShatswelFs AMot of goS sEWING MACIII) Window Screen, the Boss Sickle Grinder, etc. ' Sold Singer, Howe, Weed, Blees' and Victor we will sell cheap for Cush. Grain, Factor! or Canaan at cosh rates. Or .will; KEN f and allow rent to apply on purchase if de Have also throug MACHINE NEEDLES & EXT) Patent Door " ' trade; oountry; Send fot Illustrated Catalogue. V"' BSUMGAiL Made to Order Light Castings WMMnMMimMMMMMI POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waokegan, HI And a Host of. n. . E)onafij; Manufr nod Dealer in a t!3 .i RURNITUR R & rj , AT PR1CKS TO SUIT . . aCRlIBKHFRAims?, Z- - . I - ALSO. HKXRRAt CARPENTER ! AND BUILDER. m 2nd North Street, TURNINd. $t. George. GRAIN CHOPPING &o ( Done to order on short notice by ,r. i ! r ; I SIl surance. -- - . V i : THONP801V, ?SUB(tF0N AGCOLGHEUit. FR REEF, . Will take ;. ;;A i UT pleasure in making profess! visits to. Washington, St. Geoige, or., any si meets adjacent to Silver Reef. ftfuCbav ge moderate, and no r a.v. asked until aro lepejUted.'A If you hare any troi ' v write and. tell symptoms, v- -A' t-- This. line is to tell you that the Noble Romans will: next appear in the fine old comedy of I ondon As- 1L PHYSICIAN ' ! . ' . A. . ; ' AVAntlEV IjARI Workshop on road to Washington. , No complicated Gearing. One man can do tho work of two. and turn out a better job. The winner of First Premium wherever exhi- bited. Send forlllnstratcdCircular and Special Discounts to Powell k Douglas, Wsukegaa, IlL ': ' : ; I I M BOSS SICKLE CRUDER. Simple light 'and I Strong. m2. SCROLL-RAW- All 1 |