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Show j . Lt V 1 t V' f -- , V )epot: First North St. Near Post Office. i -.- ,. Sr. .GEOUiiK. UTALI. a v : ; nbiisEri V ! S '.?. . , , Ar prepared r ' ? , r - . . '?? ,vL-J' , . . j IMIM .ii yin n gmrnmfjM; - i i'StJ i.yV-1 '. - isi'iiflTilKJl -1 ' Vi :,RTl - . SUPT. J-- i v- - ii , r,J i ' v ' JV k HaviDgju8troceived our to furnish t; - Yt ms,SPECIFCATIO)S, 31LLS OF MATERIAL, ' - V i,: ' iii'..-- : t- -. 'i. , d all other' in'ormation in ion of allkind of buildings. ' . , c-.- 4 i regard to the ( ring under steady, etnploya good corps of iers and Cabinet Makers, we are prepared jet Stores, Dwellin &t., and also to produce all kinds of on the shortest notice. 7 f Constantly pn hand.; ' 1 r : v A-J.tU(;- " ' - 1 . . t 5 Jlow' prepared.io execute' DOX(LU. , - A ft. ' . 1 1 fi lMCAtEK! .. . j. -- t - J Choice Wines I.ETON, A VV T all kinds of ! u v ; t I UTAH j " 1 rf . t MS to haul Adobes from the yard S , E--, to the St. Cow Social Hall. Apply to M.P; Romney or C. E. Johnson. i. Aug. 27th D80. . WITH Keatness. : i Johnson' ti UQME-MJID- K t mi1y Medicines. v i J i SSrSs cheap as BONES&T; BILLS. in the irer complaints. Dysnepsia, Headache, Jaundice.' Indigestion. appetite I - (&- i East!- - ; can be obtained . 1 - Sleep- -' : ever?,. Colds, Bill ious Complaints Ac. ES-fiN- CE S'. OF LIFE. 'K lest'Componnd in the world for the in eiuseure of Wind or pain In the totrach els. Colics. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Flux, it Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac. IY MOUNTAIN L1NI w ENT. Rheumatism, Neuralgic rains in he id limbs, Bruises, Sprains, Swellin s. . ).d eH diseases requiring outward appli- - ' m man or beast. . , i i .V i WJ w 7Tf s j |