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Show V i SI v '7 "XT --c? I -- " -7- i A " TT ?'" tsrw-fi- ? &yri-ders Union. j3 K 4.;-v;a 1 Ms-vm- 1: h S'EY k i gi ( a. ' " ,7' y . , PowGr dMl l':4BSS4 UHil'Iil .BtMrBtHUbBXinri - Effective power in the world lor Pumping water lor stock, supply- Irrigating purposes;fountainstag ;houses 'and.; mu '" -- The 2JSUPT. .r prepared tofiirnisji ; . " fX V- . ,; v,- v, - m-- '' i 1 - retc.; pure, of our Mills are. fully) -- ; ; warranted tod are equal .tol. M any mill in the market in aUfet respects, ahd - superior. in f very many.'.With our pnntM ed instructions.anyone can ;? .set them up. We are; also Manufacturers of the Origin-al'to- d only Genuine iSXAR-.v- jtSPECIFICATIOilS i; icr information in' regard to the kinds of building. ?m. mm -- &fer Steady employ a'gbod'cprps of (Cabinet Makers we are prepared ' , Dwellings &6. atid also lo pro ,,5' I dcoVall kinds of !W' r WoodPmnpi With Porcelain-- 1; mmrm thtfsMrtart V;; ; ri.rf iotaf liitfi; .rU:) 1 1 f U-- ; edj Iron: ' Cylln-de- ti Tubing; 3 Aqueduct Pipe froiq lft to 5 in. bore, Sliats wells1 'Patent Door and' joR ( : Window Screen, the jBoss Sickle! Grinder, etc. Sold by thei trade generally throughout the 7 country. Send forlilustrated Catalogue. i : I, HUCDONAl; ; k;. UKALRR v if. r' j '; i 'w I t V LightCasti ngs fel ado to Orderit j?0WELL l& SOUQLASj .aokeguit .in, S--- ; " ? V : , , 7 ' CJAU y. Johnson's v ' . H0MEMJ1DE BONES ET PILLS, ; For Mirer compIaint?, Dys)Pfiaf Headache, Lofs of appetite, Jaundico, Indigestion. Sleep-lesnes- s, I everv, Colds, Bill ious Complaints Ac. ES ENCE OF LIF: ni J Tho best Compound in the world: for Wind of or cure pain in tho Stomach or BowelffCeliefc,' Diarrhea," Dysentery, Flux, Cholera, Cholera Mor bus, Toothache Ac. thoin-stantene- f EZwgMiiT" ManuPr and Dealer in if SOtQsilLXf ?v S' '$?$ ' ! I ;f.:. .l!J . ..A : AUSO, OMKRATi '' - CARPENTER AND BUILDER. ,x J. nd North Street, St. Gcorgo. . ' |