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Show ni T I fy '"W f-'f , & . . , C. - - jyrTr,:,r" .' wt'w m . , .ti& , -- JLj ..W d uJ - 'Irst St. general circulation throughout Washington County, being distributed gratuitously. .Terms senog application. A0 N "VJFiS&rttzrairrr A (THE.: BEST&PAPKS !3TRYIT I URDTIFnLLY ILLUSTRATED' '$ :. M ! J k."i .""advertising, medium having VM4JT . 4' HE' . til wif E. Johnson. Job Printer, St. George. Utah. The old igro; preacher liitthV nail on the head when he discoursed thusly; rDe man jg$ $qnan , .shtfipr; or Christian, who can't wisjt de theatre w idputfe$inViwjckBd ober it, or wideeiil'?!idrd 'byMt. had better hanglfp on a pole -- longside o dride in t,gppfl for nuffin else, tfa man who .emag-me- s r first-clas- s l !P Si est Inventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences;' including heir and interesting facts in Agriculture, .Horticulture, The lIpi nMXldcdickl.lxress; Social Science NaturalHistory, Oeology, Astronomy Ac. Tho A l0r most valuable practical papers, by eminent teta in all dopartmentsof lienepftiW tefound lo a in thSt Scientific A jtterj jani 'Terms b'ojftS perL. jU.. D to agents. Remit year postage paid. Discount by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row. New York. J9Specimeneopyl0cts. DATEMTQ ' lncqonfon with the Scientific i I , appg dat The Scientific American is a large, . jj . .1 A I Lll 1 0. American, Id essrsMunn & Co. re Solicitors pfAmericaa and Foreign Patents1 have hud 3 years experience, and now have tho de Lawd piit him on earth largest .iOktablisargent in tboVondO Patents to carry a face like Dtitdh chee an are obtained on the best tonn. A special notice made is in the- Scientific American of all invenshut hiS'Olfnp like an oyster no tions rateuted through the agency vritb the name And theI hs f - bizness tottirnrqun autqiPoddfer , immense' residence of the patentee Jiy circulation thus given public Attention is directed ' to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction otton ensily effected. r Any person who has madq new discovery ox' invention, ban ascertain', free bf charge,' whether - . folks howhayhgels am 'in hcab-en. as to boss raciri9 it kin be lots carrid to cxiremdsiBohisaihe-aob oder tings hut wign Xpe. a ato man who ttqris awal'nini a squar, about the how honest ra6fewhaVe ; boss boss am ces on inventions. Address, 'MUNN37 bark Row, N, Y, . CO., k gwine to win, 1 sot him down for a ..Pranch Office cor.F,& 7th Sts., Washington D.C. ii de on Lawd serves dat Sunday chap &hf de butchan9 cheats de grocer Bills, Cards, Tickets.- Iuvitafions, Orders, Receipts, Due bills, Reer do balap.ee ob de week.9' wards of merit, ' Blanks' and1 FOR SAiLEhsA.gobd number all kinds of Job Printing1 dqrie'&t tm Cr ' Furniture com this oflSce. stove with cook M- rtr plete, cheap5 for cash or fradc, at NANA. A sequel.to, LAssayorH; by Emile ' s -- - f ; V - !.-J- rV.iii Lal ' : m A landlord in;NeVada writes his own bill offarethyrebysaviii, the cost of printing IfCannotinbcs: Coffey, supe, rose befehanatn, boyled and bakt pertaters fride could puddn, mins- - pyes, mutting chops, veelo., culverts .hascht 11 and-crucifie- chickeu'eV' ' ft paper coyorAffl) pa- Stirling. One Volume, H. Bros. Peterson ges, price 75 cents. T. Philadelphia Pa., Publishers. , Nana is a careful study of the life, and mah-ne- rs of a certain clgssof peonleordinarily doH nated as those of elegant leispro, JTo. neroioe is a varioty actress whose1 face afid ngirre create a furore among tho fashionable Parisians, who follOWher on and off the boards as if she was a . ,r 1 ; ,, . ' . . !- ! iS : . - i ' length .agpniziqg. The writers object is to r make vice , 5 I repulsive by picturingiin the fearfully reapstio,manner which only Zola can; the yawning abyss into which these devotees of pleasure are This book has been haital aradually Press Lqndctn of hud sris Is (IMicrent j - ' ; J f by the .throb mdndfed Ithousahd- - J b i years, andj'ovor boon have sola in Paris alone! Only 75 copies cents. Postage stamps dr money "ordefT Address as above. - Vi - -- "A of Bottled Wines, ! , i'Qrdetintf'-f(Dr(- ) J . Macdonald makes a . ! The new ;Ettampl PAi at Whitehekus is a splendid article very convenient and requires no iwiU take pjeksure ip mixing. Wove tried it aqdspeaf 'ourAVWe of thepnfcUa.Uo&s fPerson friendsany & nt adv Call A an Bros., see. price.. positively. t sThJ n't V W aterburyCWatcb at Whiteheads is iti1 A ' i ! I 1 Translatea from the French by J obn Zola. , t ,; a now siid splendid arrangement. take a sipint. Call and ' -- ' : |