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Show JL si lines "Commemorative ' i i ' of Ghitrffi History. t' r C. W. ' ; In tho spring, we moved forward to.Kai But found them in sorrow and globm. "swept through the country, And mapy went down to the tomb. So we toiled on in sickness and sorrow. Till our hour for departure had come, the Saint to the mountains, The Cholera . J. To-iollo- My mind has-bewandering backward, k ar back to the land of my birthWhen the tidings first reached us that angels , Again had cume back to the earth ' ' And brot who glad news that Jehovah 11 is Latter Day work had begun And brot back the Priesthood and Joseph, In the year eight We next up at Kirtland did gather , (The Saints there in numbers were few() Bat Joseph the Prophet, was with us, ' And our hearts were all loyal and true He taught us that if wo were laithfuli Triumphant we always should bet. Pur enomies never would conquer o. In the year en - , -- . ' ne. een-thirty-o- . . I ! : Vln well-passe- 1 .. k$- ... - . LOOK v-ri' . .v v eighteen-thirty-thre- He taught us to love one another. And neither bo haughty nor vain And give up bur pride and contentions. Ana from all bad habits refrain. We there to ilod's name built a Temple, For each for his blessings did strive, And in it received our aunointings, In the year Our enemies gathered around us, And dissenters arose in our band;' The Prophet, with, many Saints, left us ' For Missouri! our fair promised land. With the poor Saints, we soon followed after; By mobs from our homes we were driven, We traveled in sickness and sorrow In the year iT T THE MUSIC TO CO . JUST HBCBirSU,- .A. complete. stock , . . eigkteeu-thirty-liv- e. e. Then the long, tedious journey as over, Our trials'and sorrows, r When we reached our dear homo in the m Tq meet with pur broth eren at last, Since then, twenty-nin- e years have vanii 'And some have grown wrinkled and oh and eig And this year, eighteen-hundre- d ' is old! Tho Church just fifty yean . . eighteen-fifty-on- qf Cqlmors ready Emamnell E . - - eighteen-thirty-sevo- n. We next found ourselves left in Springfield;-Twyears to tako care ot the pour; While the Saints from Missouri were driven, To gather on Mississips shore Then again wo were travelling westward, To finish our former design To live with the Saint and tho Prophet ine. In the year eighteen-thirty-- n o We next built a town called it ltasmus (A branch) twenty miles from Nauvoo, Where often we met with tho Vrophot, Who taught many things that were new. great secret It was there that we learned thefow: but to was revealed That then Many wives we could marry, if faithful, In the year ft 18 different shades, besidos inside and white. Can ho uedfor any kind.ofwor I Iut up mixing required!' Cheapest nsizes from one pound to gal. ! Ask for I and use no Mill Ble card Try it, and no a natural gloss requires varni.0(. lot of good SBWINO MACH Singer, Ho wo, Wood, lllees and Victor 1CU we will sell cfieap for Cash, Crain, Factoi ttB-- A . or Canaan at cash ratd. Or will HKN f and allow rent to apply on' purchaso if de Have also, MACHINE NEEDLES & EXTI lla 1 jp .And a Host of eighteen-forty-tw- o. We next built a Temple at Nauvoo; By toil, it was finished at last But traitors, and mobs, gathered round us, And Joseph in prison was cast: Then Joseph and llyrurn they murdered: Their blood stains the Carthage Jail floor e 3TT0K) g ,To colne up. in judgement against them. In the year eighteen-forty-fo- ur m Then Brigham was chosen our leader, When. by mobs we were sorely oppressed, And-hstarted, with all that could follow. To find a new home in the west. ... At Eanesville, and old Winter Quarters, ' They stopped, and for winter did fix, continue their journey In the ppring to . eighteen-forty-si- x tiie Jn year , f e ! . . The Saints that remained still at N auvoo, .Were leaving as fast as they could, To follow the Saints to tho Mountains, Where they could raise clothing and food. - , Then traitors set fire to the Temple, And tho season was fretting so late. That a few of us wintered at Nauvoo, : -- eighteen-forty-eigh- t. vj f AT PRJGESTO. PCIT ALL ft yo ' , scroi turning; nh s l-sa- wi GRAIN 0 HOPPING &c Done to order on short notice' by " In the year .t lyorkefcop i)!: - .v .WABllEN IIAJU) read to Washington. i ' -- ojy i . fe |