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Show u s ; ,.v riail: V'AIJLVJltl' 5 . is,., - ot: First North St. Near Post Office. i St. GE011QK, UTAH. II. lOMNEr,-.- ; . . -- ' Ar prepared to furnith ;t ;i " ' LLS OF MATERIAL, & sll other information in. regard to the of all kinds of buildings. ig,un!r steady em ploy;wea good corps of ate prepared. and Cabinet Makers, al and only Genuine -- Stores Dwellings Ac., and also, to duce all kinds of .vt f i ' ; , ft pro-v oh thtt3herte& notice. f-- 1 r. 1 i rj w A.J . 6 WACDON AI.D. DIMM. with Porcelaln-e- d nder, .Tubing, Aqueduct Pipe from IK to 5 in. bore.Shatswells Patent Door and Window Screen,-- 2 Grinder, etc. Sold by the,, trade generally v throughout tke--3- L country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. " IN lioice Wines Light Castings Made to Order. POWELL &D0UGLAS, .Waukegan, HI ! i A good number p stove with furniture for cash or trade at ' ' ' Johnson's: R SALE! c Wood Pump at J - J i the Boss Sickle ;A J- "-' p 8TAK Iron Cyli- ?-- Constantly on hand.' ' I i' M 'i The Cheapest and most Effective power in the world lor Pumping water for stock, litigating purposes: supplying hotl&es and fountains with pure, fresh water, etc. All of our Mills are fully Warranted, and are equal to any mill in the market In all respects, and superior in very many. With ouc printed instructions.any one can set them up. We are also Manufacturers of the Origin- corn-chea- to 'VAssoxoir"; by Emilo from the French by John Translated j. Ono Volume, paper cover, 40 rling 7- cunts. a Bros, i lade phi a Pa., Publishers., i is a earpful etudjr of the, life and man-- a certain class of people ordinarily d (Huthose of elegant leisure. The heroine ng is riety actress, whose face and figure create e among the fashionable Parisians, who her on and off the boards as if she was a JJJJJ P.c.bIe queen. Her life is one of perpetual P1 re and excitement, making the hideous CU1 which overtakes her,- the more at ... ing. The length writers object i to make' vice Mve by picturing in the fearfully realistic Yoier wich only Zola can, tho yawning i. into which these devotees of pleasure are i Verily falling. This book has neon hailed s Press of London and Paris as the event 81 : i rs, and over thres hundred thousand worl have been sold in Paris alone! OnlyAd75 Postage stamps or money order. A sequel B A man down East fell defad just 3 minutes before the deacon was to take up the church collection There are lots of w ys to save money TIIE AMERICAN PlUzE RINflr-Fro- m Prize the first battle fought, to the llyan-GoFight- should be read by all sports. Js now of New York. appearing in the l The. Allen's ife and adventures, which deals with the dark side of the. Great City for the last forty years, is also appearing in the same Journal. Sample copy lor ten cents. R, K. Fox IK, Win. St. New York. rs ft - Police-Gazett- pa-pri- ce - T.B.-Peterso- n 1 - a - ss above. nJoWe will take' pleasure in ordering for ; ionds, any of the publications of Pecuon a., at advertised price. . Johnsons HOME-MAD- E Medicines. Family ' BONESET PILLS." For Liver complaints, Dyspepsia, Headache, Loss of appetite, Jaundice, Inaigostionl Sleep-lcsnes- s, Fcvorv, Colds, Billious Complaints Ao. EK F.NCE OF LIFE: Tho best Compound in tho world for tho cure of Wind or pain in the Stomach or Bowels. Colics, Diarrhoa, Dysentery, Flux, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac. -ius ROOKY MOUNTAIN LINIMENT, For Rheumatism, Neuralgic pains in tho body and. limbs, Bruises, Sprains, dwellings, Korea?.d ull dlsenos requiring outward appli; cation on man or beast - |