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Show v I Xa i 4 1. 'i 4.v 7; ' p i rfr- - r T i' V Binders Union. i - V 4 S ' f s, One Dollar A Year Depot: ; p i i r s t ! . i Pint North 6b Near Post Office. UTAUV St- - GEOKGK circulation of thi popular newspaper tore than . trebled during the pvt year. M. P. ROMNEY, I L itaina all the leading new contained In Ar prepared to furnish ... ally Herald, and ia arranged in handy do i mats, the i , . hw :i,. F0RBIQN.NEV,S , . ices special dla patches from all quarters ' Under the head of in globe. n-- AMEHX5AM r: NEWS; StJPT. . . PUDS, SPECIFICATIONS, k BILLS OF MATERIAL, y; , o' ' I. ' . t And nil otterinformationtn regard to thg ren the Telegraphic Despatches of the ul irom all parts of the Union. , This feature erection of all kinds of buildinga if makes the WEEKLYUERALD the moat nJ ble chronicle in the world, as it is. the Having under steady employ a good corps of ieat Every week ia given faithful report of Builders and Cabinet Makers, we are prepared .! elf POLITICAL NEWS ; Sluing complete add comprehensive de reports ;Joa fhm Washington, including full on (he speeches of eminent politicians - Pions ofthe hour. Mhe kaku on thelshextest notice. - department ntatho latest, as well,, as .the most practical ;,f Poul-Lmarai- vi!' ns; Trees, vegetables, &e fce.with lor keeping buildings and r farming tedls In pair. 'inis;- is supplemented by a injdited department.- widely copied, under sug-naa- na ; . iM;, Constantly on hand. r THE HOME, i. vr ,?.v "r fT . thedu bints the for farmer, Cttle, raising enf icwtlons and discoveries relating to ?. f ' LOOK HERE : recipes lor practical dishes, hints ibr ma lothing and keeping up with the latest Jus at the lowest price - Every item of z or economy suggested id this depart la practically .tested' before, publishing, GO iblfaftihent alone will save the housewife ban one hundred times the price ef the The interests of ; . TO t ' ! t V i THE MUSIC STORE ! .. JDST RECEIVED, 6BWING MACRINE8: ked after, and everything relating to no Singer, Howe, Weed, Blees' and Victor which s and labor saving Is carefully recorded, we will sell cheap for Cash, Grain, Factory pay is a page dovotda to kill .the latest phases or Oanaau at oash rates. Or will RENT them wbusiness markets. Crops, Merchandise, If desired. Dl valuable feature is found in the specially and allow rent to apply on purchase Have also, aod prices and conditions of ta.K SKILLED LABOR lok .f good . - , -V HE PRODUCE' MARKET. ting Mewsat homo and; abroad together Story every week,' a Sermon by some Inf at Divine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, . ial rnd Sea Note. There is no paper in Ifl rid which contains so much newsa matter as the W eekly Herald, which is fur to week y postpaid at the extremely low price of lb or AndaHostof vt. 1 .OO THAR A in subscribe atony time. Try It for ms. " , MACHINE HEEDLES & EXTDAS, 6 .NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann Streets, N. Y, East Yell dead just LARGE NEW STOCK EXPECTED DAILyr.vi rti mtes before the deacon was to 1 i ;,r collection. church up the AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL! Mr e loia of$ayB bp save money . ,aJ man4 down , , i ! i ! I . 1 ' . AMERICAN PRU-- RINOr-Fro- m s Prize battle fought; to the'Ryan-GosWi Ftshould ' be read' by all s ports; .Is now erki line ing in the Police Gazette of Now which Life and Adventures, Allen's 1 at rith the dar side ef thk Great City for in the same t forty yexw s lw uppearins a,Al. Sample copy for ten cents. R K. Pox mafm.St. New York (U . S . i Is ! . , . . SCROLL'S A WING, TURNING, GRAIN-CHOPPIN- . G &c. Done to order on short notice by WARREN nARDY. Workshop on road to Washington. |