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Show U.d THE 'BEST Va PEtt FOOVUeHT TRY IT ! I BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED! w I V An adverting medium having a general circulat Waabiagton .Xoun ty, being distributed gratuitously. Terms sent' on f application. ) s The Scientific American is a large, Sixteen of pages printed In C. E. Johnson; Job Printer St. George. Utah! .Weekly Newspaper the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated !with.Fspleridtd engravings; representing the new ice Solomon Smith J x stop' ufr hte.t;iSmfith est Inventions and' the mo6t recent advances in gl a stupid looking country boy," advanced to the the Arts and Sciences; including new and inter front of the platform, tripped on tho step, stood .eating, facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, The loino, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science V up and began: Natural When General Jack History, Geology, Astronomy ho. The Mr. infot Valuable , Whv. Make your bow, sir! interrupted practical papers, by eminent wrf J, Jn-made a lem. The boy stopped short, tersto.all departments of SfliencejrHl.befouiu jerky" In the Scientific American. Terms $3&) pen081 clination, ana began again: When General Jackson climbed the heights, year postage paid. Discount to agents, fiemif ; CU.. Publishers, 3 by postal order'to MUNN Here he raisod his feet, as if climbing. Park How. Now York. MSf Specimen copy lOcts And tore the stagry banner down connection with the Scientific spi D ATMTv HI the air. ii)a American, Messrs Munn A Ca oni Clutching at are solicitor of Americaa and Foreign Patents u He caught his foot upon a stump, have 35 had years experience, and now have th tl . And scraped himseli from toe to crown largest dtaolishinent in the world. Patent UK During the delivery of the last line he put on a are ootainod on the best terms.- - A special notic (tic most painful expression, of countenance, and is made in the Scientific American of all inven tn Well tions sera pod his hand over his whole person; patented through the dgenqr with the nanu rai on Mr. with and residence done, Solomon, said Whalem,go the By the imuensi ns There aint no next. verse, sir; circulation thusofgivenpatentee. the next verse. pub lie attention is directe Is Well then, give the moral comes next. to the merits of the new patent, and sales or inftdb moral, sir. traduction often easily effected. As we rush upward on our way, : Any person who has made a new discovery o Quick hastening oer the sod, invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whethe a to one side of the platform the f Hanning from patent can probably be obtained, by writin-t- o Munn A Co. We also vend free our handbon c ether. at out the Patent 1tws, Caveats; their costs, am ? Some little trouble stops our way. how procured, with bints for procuring advan Vy. urn f And down we fall,' by U ces on inventions. Address, Solomon,. said Mr. Whalem, as soon as he MUNN A C0..u7 I ark Row, N. Y. had recovered his breath .did you write that? Branch Office cor. F A 7th Sts., Washington D C No sir, ' whimpered the boy, Sam Jones wrote it for me and I gave him two apples for ce 1 thot Thar. exclaimed M r. Whalem it Invitations Tickets. Cards, Bills, 3 8 ' Sam Jones did it. he's at the bottom of every is 1 wait till get Orders, Bcdeipts', Due bills! Be. piece of mischief in tho county, r held of him. Blahks am X wards of merit. iotr-thnmg- lieut ScientificAmerican.E ! first-clas- . S til - us-t- he . Legal all kinds of Job Printing done NANA. A sequel to LAssomoik; by Emile this office. Zola. Translated from the French by John a; , Stirling. One Vo lame, paper cover, 430 pa gea, price 75 cents. T. ii. Peterson & Bros. Philadelphia Fa., Publishers. Naha is a careful study of the life and manners of a certain class of people ordinarily designated as those of elegant leisure. The' heroine is a variety actress, whose race and figure create a furore among the fashionable Parisians, who follow her on and off the boards as ifsho was a veritable queen. Her. life is one .of perpetual making the hideous Sleasure and atexcitement, length overtakes her, the more agonizing. The writers object is to make vice repulsive by picturing in tne fearful ly res listie manner which only Zola oan, the yawning abyss into which these devotees of pleasure are gradually foiling. This book has been hailed by the Press of London and Paris as the event of years, and over three hundred thousand copies have been sold in Paris alone! Only 75 cents; Postage stamps or money order. Address as above. HWe will take pleasure in ordering for our friends, any of the publications of Pederson A Bros., at advertised price. . . s The Scientific American contains J more real, genuine useful iriforma tion, written in a clear concise way, than any other publication of itq class in the,world. n 1 An perron who lias hover iriod the !ew Yorl Weekly Herald ,wil do wel to giv it a trial; yoi i will never afterwards deprive yourself and fam ilv of it. t U please and enlightens young and Id. Send 50c! worth of stamps and try it ti 1831. The paper on which it is printed is wortlyit the pried A. 1 a special' J. Macdonald makes ' ' J fty of Botilbd WinesJ Henry said his wife, with chit ling severityi I saw "you comingm Well my darL out of a saloon. A boy went crying to his father ling, replied the heartless m anKj and said he ha ! kicked a fly that you wouldn,t, have, your husband m had a splinter in it's tail. stay iu a saloon all day would you.1 ' ; t 4 - . |