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Show 'V' C--- Nr" ;-' ' ! 'K. . I J i:' i.'A !?- - MAfcjDOSAIiD. J lit j ( y Li DBlXEft IK I ! " - fit Geo. V K - Au, . .I s. Sl ."V , 1- friend a copy of the book entitled: Cause of the Groat Rebellion. Will you be ' kind enough to return ' it and it owner?. oblige the TO lento Firgstfal unhappy-without-- - i ... fit. Geo, Aug 28tb 180. ,0. E. Johnson.; UTA - V' ST W''i .a VI 'll AlliT j3, O 5 i StfVO'i' to ofl S a.- Kaj I S v - I; E . Champion Windmill Power! PBEFEGTLI SELF-BEaULATI- Na ! l ' The Cheapest and most Effective power in the world for Pumping water for stock, Irrigating purposes, supplying houses and fountains with pure, fresh water, etc. AU of our Mills are fully warranted, and are equal to any mill in the xnarkot in all respects, and superior. In.. very many. With our printed instructlons.any one can set them up. We aro also Manufacturers of th Original and only Genuine r. . t. c S p wS p, IS- S Tubing, VA tosfu. from bore,8hatswelPs Patent Door and & Window Scran, jJSi the Boss Sickle by the trade generally throughout the &ats.S.v -- U- Si 3 Light Castings Made to Order. ' Johnsons hojue-mj-d Family Medicines. BONESET PILLS. ? Vi Per Divor complaints. Dysnepsia, Headache, Loss of appetite, Jaundice. Indigestion, Sleep lessees, heverv, Cold, Bill ioui Complaint Ac. ESaENCEOF LIFE. The best Compound in the world for the instantaneous cure of Wind or pain in the stomach or Bowel. Colics, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac. ii )' ru - - r; srd ra o ki VB XT n. , mwAmi! it Manufrasd Dealer in Mi m FURNITURE I i C'Jl f ;j If in St SJg s3 5s 2E n FS S' So Ha 2 o w o o;ss Fa lj V 5 POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waukegan HI t - r Mi country. Send for IUustrated Catalogue. I vv a Aqueduct .Pipe ' - e A or. with Porcelain-- : cd Iron Cylln K id E-- Wood Pomp i; ALSO. OENEIUL CARPENTER AND BUILDER. fitf id North Street, St. George. 0 j it XMPXtOTED BOSS i SICKLE! 6BINBE ; 8Jmple, UjghtaiftS Strong p No 'complicated Coarlng. man can do tho work of two, s ll turnout abetter job- - The wini of First Premium wherever vs UH bited. Send forlllnstntcdCircu ;t; and Special Discounts to A Pottcu Douglas, Waukegsn, . - ' bi fe 5 . '.L r- - i II 1 |