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Show 1 TTSTf it 0ollar One Tho.olroatitlon o thi iittbra thm trebled . he Daily popiljit th.Urdln Herald, andb t contains lear A 11 -- !-crrt- )TSllT a. 'I --- 'AMERICAN fi t 1 -- . ftlLLS OFMATER1AL, y NEWS ,t Ar prepared to furnish PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, we Jmbraces apeolil dipntcbef' from, all; quartan anclf the globe. Under the head of -- i y j a??3di - y H. pJ1 EOM5By(...'...'...'.............r.A..SDP'f1 ; pnl ,wn iniSlQNTSSVVS a p a And all other information in regard to the V erection of all kinds of buildings. 7 , - inluabla ehronicia,' in 1 V;V4 '.f.Ov steady employ a good corps of of Cabinet Makers, we are prepared faithful and if giuen Builders raiort flonpeapast to ereot Stores, Dwellings Ac., and also to proPp LItTc AL0 duce all kinds of , ibarmbracing ipleti and c py ! itphesfrom Washington, incl riding full reports otf.'ibe Sciaif the ipeocheaofeminent. politicians on the.sherteet notice. r ' r in dkbstionsotthehouf. it is the world.' a 'the-- ' Every Weak -f- laring-under news. i : 'Vi"' OSPAliTMBNT haarTTHE hi i'.Srps the latest, as well as . the most practical da al net!0DI and discoveries relating to the Pouhints for Cattle, I ini68 J farmer, raising lin sfv drains, Troesvegetable, Ac. Ac, with ior keeping buildings and farming in diren?sils repair. This is nupplemezed by a is oibll'edited dopartmontr widely copied, under sng-mtnf?l0- if 4 if - .ns ' Constantly, on hand. ill THE HOMK, LOOK 'HERE TJJdai recipes for nrsctical dishes, hints for ma Jng clothing and keoping up with the latest .JTjpnions at the. lowest price: Kvdrr:item of , economy suggostod in this denart-AJsajakingor fs practical Ir tested : before publishing. GO I aaijij department alone will fare the housewife efethe w bro than ope hundred times tliejfrige I ! - nt , "iiper.' The interests of. U 1, If AftOH : me-Jani- es porting News at homo and : abroad, together ' th a Story erery week; . went Divine, Literary, Musical, 'Dramatic, LA r,nnl snd Sea Notes. There is :no rapor in I world which contains so much news matter eonU iry week as the Weekly Herald, which is fur-- , e bed postpaid' at the extremely of r mt ! u r lat cn dbgcribe at ny time. T ry it for tf ms. . . iirnieM. e low-pric- I.OO A YE AR isi'. shion. nd C omes. Use kttgrs. injruis df Cod M E VY ' - 'And Broadway and Ann'freetif N. Y, -- 9 fa i H . - AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL rr f GRAIN-OIIOPPING&- ip delfia ;J byre, or Pride list end description, address, ' limited : . v . . j 1 Wa-hirffto- a, N. J. r , 4 c. I tone to order on short notice by i WABRTJN IfAltDV.- lion.' I). V. JJEATTFi .. . i if ! SOROLL-- S AWING, TURNING, ' of t awiiip; v'" r The Organ .j m& fa ilwi? SlcSaO v edesir ar-Hos- Y OHK H BR ALD, v ; , MACHINE NEEDLES & EXTRAS, A by-som- ; JOST RKCEiyEp. ; '.; i.t of KOod 8BVINO MACH&B8:-Singer- H&voalso; SHI on THE MUSIC STORE ! Howb, Weed.; Blees and 'Victor which we will sell cheap for Cash, Crain, Factory, pay or Canaan at cash rates. Or will KENT theni. and allow rent to apply on. purchase if desired- ' looked after, and" everything relating to and labor faring fr carefully recorded. ors k page derotea to all thcrlatest phases I) ITf the- - business 'markets," Crops-,- .UerebandUe, v ? TO Wnr' shop on road to Washington' delfia f - |