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Show Smoked Out the Burglara. Lead! (England) policeman, betf Ing suspicious nolaoa In a dark cellar, sprinkled cayenne pepper on aomo cotton wool, aet fire to the cotton and put It through a grating of the cellar. Two burglara apeedlly came out and were captured. DECLARATION OF flCIPLES Annual General Conference of the Church of Jeaus Christ of Latter-daRalnta a Memorable one. Seventy-Eight- h y A Chicago man baa discovered that white of egg la a lure cure for cancer when applied directly. If thla la true, the Amurican hen la a greater benefactor to the human race than haa been auppoacd. ISSUED BY FIRST PRESIDENCY GREAT CR0WD8 PRESENT. CARE OF THE SICK ROOM. Trongs Gather in Zion Conference. no faster than he gets knowledge. With three meetings, comprising Mormonlam la not destructive of live anthe seventy-eight- h the sanctity of the marriage relation. nual sessions,conference of Church the general Marriage waa not designed aa merely Saints an earthly union, but a union for eter- of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y came to a close Bunday afternoon. nity. The generations of people bom and Sunday's services In the tabernacle reared In Mormon homes will compare were attended by numbers that found favorably In Christian virtues with any community In this or any other the vast auditorium Inadequate. President Joseph F. Smith Invoked the country. The charge that, tho church alms blessing of the Divinity on the people at absolute domination in commercial of all the world, particularly those affairs is untrue; it is true that the church claims the right to counsel who dwell In Zion; to he prayed that and advise members In temporal as mercy be extended H.the enemies of the church. Anthon Lund, second well as spiritual affairs. This has presidency, disbeen done without exercise of arbl- - counselor of the flrsL. cussed the subject of marriage and trary power and has resulted from the growth of Above All Things tha Walla Should Ba Kept Dry. When the bedroom becomes a sick room there la an added reason why exUNCLE BY' treme precautions should be used to keep the room in a thoroughly sanitary condition. Experience. Above all things, the bedroom should if I could live again the days never be damp. It should be nice and That lend through honey suck led ways, And profit by the lemons taught. dry, always warm and comfortable la Cm aure Id do more things I ought! winter, cool and airy In summer, and Cm aure that I would be more kind, bright and suuny some parts of the More philosophical of mind. Mon thankful through the livelong day day. For blossoms all along the way! If there la any suspicion of dampness tn a bedroom It Is probably due, tf I could live again from birth, if there la wallpaper on the wall, to. ( would not covet nil I lie earth. I know that I would love Gods things the absorption of water by the paper With purer love-a- nd still the .stings which frequently acts as a blotting paOf venom I have shot at will per and holds quantities of water in It At those who spiked me, up the hill. The use of wallpaper on walla Is to Id try to smile more and to feet That life haa less of woe tliun weaL be deplored; It means disease. 111 health and unhappiness. It Is freIf I rnu Id live again nnd had The choice of quently the cause of lung trouble, not good or had. Im aure tliut I should know, at lrssk only because of its dampness but also That goodness Is s wholesome feast. because of its power to retain InfecThat badness Is the poisoned muss tion of many kinds. We drink to drown our hupjlness! The desired method of treating a Im sura that I should KNOW the truth And should I profit not, forsooth! bedroom wall is to tint It for the wall Is a perfect wall. It The error we have made through life never Hakes off, chips or peels. It abTurns back upon ms us a knife. For every sin, we pay In puln. sorbs moisture and expels It, It opens For all excess we stand the strain. the pores of the plaster and makes a If hearts we break, our own Is made room livable and breathable. IJke tllnty boulder In the trade. No matter if we full or win. The floor in the bedroom should We pay for all our worldly sin! have light, eleanable, dainty ruga that And now all scarred and gashed we stand can be easily shaken and a floor that la thoroughly oiled or varnished, that Upon the sunset bordcrlHml! We cannot live again the days will not absorb moisture. The cracks That lead through hnneysucklod ways. In the floor should be thoroughly filled But ere we go to sleep the sleep. and covered. Woodwork In the bedCan we not one more harvest reap? room should be attended to carefully, Can we not now till golden grain And reap without a tear or pain? window sills should be thoroughly varnished or waxed, and the window casCan we not pass the word along That life should be one gladsome songT ings kept in perfect order. The doors should be wiped off frequently as also That Qod la good and man Is good. And blessed of all Is brotherhood? should be all the standing woodwork Can we not teach the golden rule In the bedroom, as the presence of Ie meant for life and not for school? dust on woodwork Is a menace to Can we not live again and be A race of freedinen, doubly free? health aa well as an evidence of poor housekeeping. That Remember Salt Lake City. The chief feature of the opening session of the seventy-eighth annual general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which convened In this Enough to Depreaa Anyone. city on April 5, was the reading of Ur. Auatln Flint aald at the Century club In New York apropoa of a tho declaration of principles and Its will content that had been tried laat approval liy the thousands of members year: "The- - plaintiff loat and no wonof the church present at the morning der. Ilia cuae waa aa difficult a one session; together with the address aa thnl of a young mau who appeared of President Smith, which was largeunduly depressed after the dea'.h of in nature the of a review of the duly of the church membership It has been the policy of the church the hla rich aunt. Why are you ao sad? ly in sustaining the authorities, who, he of work clmrch the the year. to during foster home Industries. to said the an acquaintance young appointed according to Government by consent of the gov- declared, were man. 'You never appeared to care Addresses were also made by Apostles God. Apostle Francis M. of will the Is the rule of the church. The I didnt,' aald Hiram Smith, George A. Smith, D. erned much for your aunt. ecclesiastical government exlata Itaelf Lyman urged the necessity of assignwaa the the youth dolefully, 'but McKay and George K. Richards. by the will of the properly equipped men to the mispeople; elections ing means of keeping her In an inaane Their addresses were devoted large- are field. Apostle J. H. Smith sionary liband members are at frequent spoke on the evil resulting from the asylum the laat live yeara of her life ly to theological The erty to vote, as they choose. themes. and now that ahe haa loft mo all her The elective system operatea by Indulgence in an excess of worldy tabernacle was crowded, at least 8,000 money I've got to go to court and rather than pleasures. popular acceptance It is estimated by a man who took people being present. selection. prove that ahe waa aound mind. through popular With the assertion that the memAll church officials are answerable account of the number of Sunday's bers of the Church of Jesus Christ to the church for their conduct Such attendants in the tabernacle, assembly Churchs Trade Mark. Latter-daare living better a government cannot lie classed aa a hall and outdoor meetings that there of I waa vlalllng the cily of lxmlsvllle, Uvea than everBalnta that they paid tyranny nor considered a menace to were 18.0U0 In attendance. before, Ky., aaya a correspondent One day more tithes during 1900 than in any free Institutions. Enemy father took myself and little ether year in the history of the The tithing system Is not an oppres- President Smith Asks Mercy for brother, age four, out for a walk. We ehurch, and that as a result the bond- sive tax, mies Church. of the a but of will free system ed Indebtedness of tho church has offerings. It is a voluntary offering passed many churches, and 1 noticed Joseph F. Smith, president of the that all the churches had croaaea on been wiped out. President Joseph F, for religious purposes and not a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dathem. I then aaked my father why Smith opened his address. scheme of extortion for the enrichPresident Smith denied the charges ment of higher officials. Saints, delivered a brief address at all the churches had croaaea on them, that have been made to the effect that Neither In mental attitude or In the afternoon session of the conferwhen my brother spoke the officials of the church have been conduct has the church been disloyal ence on up and aald: Why, don't you know Sunday. President Smiths diverting the tithes to their own per- to the government that la their trade mark? were la the nature of an Inremarks Mot one gensonal use, by saying: The only conduct seemingly Incondivine blessing upon of a vocation the church eral draws authority of the sistent with the profession of the THE LIFE OF 8ERVICE. dollar from the tithing fund for his Mormon people as loyal citizens Is the people of all the world In general own use and profit. involved in controversies concerning and those of the Mormon faith in Merciful Sentence That Waa Passed President Smith then proceeded to plural marriages. The law against President Smith said la Upon Man by the Creator. explain where this money goes, say- polygamy passed in 1862 was consci- particular. I pray that the blessing substance. ing; entiously disregarded by Latter-daof God be upon the people of Zion, I want to take you Into a secret Saints in their observance of a prinIt waa a merciful sentence which upon the officers of the church, upon the Creator passed upon man for hla tn the past money belonging to the cipal sanctioned by their religion, and the people of the world. I pray that disobedience In the sweat of thy church has been used to help start as being contrary to the constitution. the blessing of God he upon the presia number of such as the Institutions, face shall thou eat bread; for to the The supreme court decision did not dent of the United States, upon his Z. C. M. I., the sugar factories, and obtain until 1878, and no attempt was cabinet and upon our brethren and punishment Itaelf he stands Indebted Popular and wise men uae a other enterprises. Every cent of the made to enforce the law until six our sisters wherever they may be. for health, strength, and all the en- amount dozen youx to one "I. so Invested has been returned joyment of life. And,, though, the to the church, the stock of all these years later. Sbrely, this toleration pray that the mercy of God be upon binds the people of the United States our enemies. It is my hope and our ground waa pronounced curaed for hla concerns Is now paying dividends and to the exercise of patience and char- - hope that these enemies will see the disobedience, yet la that curse ao orfrom these dividends the expenses of ity In dealing with this question.-Whserrors of their ways and be led to dered to be the punishment, chiefly the general authorities of the church the Mormon Trailers. people did In disregard repentance. The church does not wish and almost solely of those who, by in- are paid. We are not using one cent of the court decision Conscience to x good man gone waa In the spirit them misfortune, nor the Buffering of Is what green apples are to the temperance or aloth. Inflict It upon of your tithing except for the purpose of maintaining religious rights, and a penalty they will bring upon them- wrpng themselvea. The stoutest timber for which it was Intended. When because the law developed a conflict selves retribution which all must small boy who has made a clandesthe stands on Norwegian rocks, where you go home and hear some of the between a duty to God and a duty to endure who transgress the laws of tine visit to Deacon Whites orchard. The Mormon people God and of man and who deal unThe beat time for a girl to become tempests rage and long, hard wlntera Old charges about what is being done government. with the tithing fund, I want you to have now bowed In respectful submisla just before ahe la married. reign. The muscles are seen most and with malign maliciously fairly engaged lay that we are not using thla fund sion to the laws enacted against plur- - their neighbors. This retribution will fully developed In the brawny arm for No, dear, I cannot see any particuthe purposes which they accuse al marriage. be in extent as the degree of offense lar objection to buying a set of Lamb that plies the blacksmith's hammer. ub of; that the fund la intact The union of church and state, dom- has been. The great judge will measEven so the moat vigorous and and we have a tithing . to And eo-little spare. ination of the state by the church, 1 ure the punishment that la to be bound in calf. healthy piety la that which la tha I would like to say to some of those clealaatlcal Interference Wedding bells always herald the po- - meted out to the enemies of hla the with busiest, which haa lta hands full of who have charged us with misapprocoming in of the tied. freedom of citizens are con-- 1 good works, which has neither time Cast your bread upon the waters priation of this fund Put that in your trary to the policy of the church. This pie." one no to referred Smith President nor room for evil, - but, aiming at pipe and smoke It. doctrine la predicated upon the un- specifically aa bearing animosity to- and watch the curlews eat dough. .In referring to the general finangroat things both for God and man, that there shall be no In- ward the church, but included all When a woman finds the dearest cial condition of the church the presi- derstanding terference by the state with the who criticise adversely its works, Its little hat In town, it is quite apt to promptly and summarily dismisses dent said: Today the ohurch does church. temptation with Nehemiah'a answer, creeds and dogmas under one head. be the dearest In town. I have a great work to do, therefore, not owe one cent to anyone that It Mormonism la in the world for the I A Kansas man snores ao hard he gpeaker declared that the church cannot not bordo to want We pay. world's good. I cannot come down." Montreal Herwas following the will of God Al- awakenB the dog. The dog alta up, row money and we do not have to ald. mighty ae proclaimed by Jeaus Christ, howls and awakens the man. The borrow any. We expect to see the 8econd Day's 8esalon. hla son. President Smith, aald that man swears at the in near the awakens future when we will and dog Flowers Always Fresh. lay Saturday's sea- Zion was growing constantly and that not have to ask yon for one cent In Salt Lake City. At Apropos of flowers. It la not everyconference presently there would he demand for alon of the seventy-eight- h donations don't wish that to you give - more room. "We will not be confined body who haa the knack of arranging 1 hope of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latthe with will. of freest kind them. The woman whose fingers canSaints. Apostle Reeil Smoot by the restricting boundaries of see the day while I yet live in the ter-da-y to not Impart Just the right artistic touch fleBh. waa tho principal speaker of the day. talley between two mountains, nor or whose maid or butler la not able to President Smith referred to the dec- Apostle Smoot made no reference to valleys between many mountains. Our Improve on her efforts, keeps a supply laration of principles which had been his recent experiences in and with the people and our doctrines and our of her vaBea, silver or glass, at her formulated by the church authorities, federal senate further than to declare teachings are spreading and will, with florists to be filled at regular Interand immediately after he had finished his belief that many persona who the help of the Lord, cover the whole convinced at one time that he earth. vals and sent to her for drawing room als address the document was read were not retain hla seat, now have should O. P. Whitney, and adopted decoration. by Apostle their error of judgment Zions People Increase. acknowledged by the members present, a rising and are glad that the senator-trf Offers Dog Collar Free. vote being taken, the vote being Roosevelt's President agitation as they did. Apostle Smoot delivered A Scarborough (England) woman, unanimous. race suicide seems to an interesting address; one u me against The document Is quite a lengthy who desired her name to remain a features of his talk was the recital of have inspired Mormon fathers and secret, has Instructed a local saddler one, and we are unable to give It in a list of Instructions which, he said, 190G there were to supply dog collars to any local full, but the following covers the his mother hail given to him, and mothers, . for during in 542 more the birtha stakes of Zion pertinent points: which follows: peraons who can show they are too than during the previous year. This Declaration of Principles. poor to buy them. The woman, who Pray to God for guidance and bless- fart waa pointed nut in an address liy Is a lover of animals, has taken thla The principles and purposes of the ing. Anthon H. Lund of the Counselor In motto: Take for "Faith are your widely misrepresented step to prevent the destruction of dogs church at the conference. Elfirst presidency IndusGod. and seriously misunderstood. honesty and under the new dog act. in the fact that the der Lund gloried The religion 1b founded on the rev- try. Inscribe in your homes this motto: Mormon people are increasing their To Clean Carpets. elations of God. It teaches pure Chrisnumbers and prayed that all of the To remove grease spots on carpets tianity and Its theology Is based on "Luck Is a fool: pluck Is a hero. children would be brought up in the Re source from what careful yon or matting, cover with French chalk the doctrines of the Redeemer. faith and eventually Itrcome leaders advice. take your If it be true Christianity to accept and sprinkle with benslne. Allow the And willful of the hosts of Ziou. above envious Rise the aa tn him revere Jesus Christ divine, brush off benslne to evaporate, then as the Son of God through whom liaiw. Flour for Famine 8ufferers. the chalk. The spot will have disap- alone Place your ambitions above the mankind ran attain salvation, f i to muil Mormon church will send the baby. The baby yells and awakens Intend reach The peared. you accept his teachings as a guide, to the mother. The mother growls at Remember that deterand energy twenty tons of flour to the famine precomply with the requirements Madrid High Above the 8ea. the man, who forthwith proceeds to scribed by him as essential to mem- mination are tile levers that move the was This In decided China. upMadrid lies higher than any other bership In his church If this be world go to sleep and start the linn all over Don't drink, chew, smoke, swear, on at the conference Sunday forenoon. again. lta height above Christianity, then we are Christians.". European capital, the sea la 2,000 feet. The theology of our ehurch Is the deceive, read trashy bonks or pay at- A resolution authorizing President Many a girl has a face like a tention to vicious and lying news- Joseph F. Smith, trustee in trust for poem, Christ, the Yea, I've says an exchange. th(iIogy taught by Jw-upapers. the church, to supply this donation, noticed that. Sometimes I theology of scripture anil reason. can't unRe in earnest. Re Re R. John was of generous. Winder Introduced by Those who accept of Jormoulsm civil. em derstand myself. e second-Ijivwas the first presidency, and ere among the best men and women If your doctor allows you but one truth ami virtue. Love your I ed by Elder Brigham II. Roberts, of the nations from which they come I drink a day. employ four other physiund pray for its success, The year we started to sell good country to of tons Hour, according Twenty honest, Industrious, virtuous and strong. Shun not. the struggle, avoirdupois measurement of weight, cians of the same school. Jewelry and Watches. Been at It reverent. They are opimsed to vlre Bn Stand up and sjieak out bravely In means 40,000 pounds. ever since. Married men never put much monDivided, the and crime and training. Instinct by name. P. O. Box 1862. Phene 1882. Is 800 Backs of 50 pounds ey In clothea. There are two reasons. quantity There Ih nothing In Morinonisni to God's John R. Winder, a member of the each. One Is they can't and the other Is it's attract the selfish or the vile. first presidency, mxike at some length. The Mormon people are not goml. The drift of his remarks was dangerous, with a wire who has a Women Sorry for Their Action. that It honest but misguided folks and the'r were far better for the habit of making midnight exploraleaders the personification of all that ri,s,.nt ltsrIf than to ll0 misrepresent Salt Lake City. During the course tions. ts bad. IriesrtirKid and the people :0(j jiv 0,ii,-r- . of his address at the general confer-encThe Chicago broker who made are Inseparable and stand together. ...'aVrs of the day were on the recent trumped up Reed Smoot said: Senator (,h,.r 170 on Hie charge that the church relies pIVi(Iont .Ioy(,nh y smith. Antlrt I have met many of the leading panic in Wall Btreet doesn't care duplicity and slums investigation, Hl.jK.r j (;r:in. nd' Rudger riawson. women of the nation. rMAIN They have whether the panic was doped or on Is contrary to reason and fact. ail(1 ,,rs Kll;im S. Wells. R. IL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Is the Uohrts. .1. W. McMurrin ami Sovniour asked me concerning my belief and the square. Enlightened investigation the doctrines of tho church. I have A man who ran swear at the medimeans by which the church seeks to n. Young. . talked to them and tried to tell them cine Isn't dangerously ill. At the gf nrrnl conference the re- promote belief In Its principles, are. Many of A Kansas man fell Into a barrel of The history of the church and the election of the present officers or the what our principles them have told me that they had hard cider and broke bis wrist That's precepts of Its loaders are sufficient church w.j concurred in. The audit-- 1 a but that me, against signed petition eroof tht the charge that Mormoiiisui Ing committee reported that it had ex- they had signed It under niisappre-amim-- hard. : Is is false. opposed to .he ncrotmta of the trustee-in- There Is but one thing to do to and that they would do all henslon. It is imposilili- - fur a man to ho hooks were they could to undo the wrong they jbreak a boy of wanting to piece be' i.11? i11"'' . A nun is saved kept In excellent form. saved in lgiioratu-otween meals. Fut the meals closer tohad done. Believes in 8even-dagether. Religion. President's Policy Endorsed. 'SUSTAIN PRESENT AUTHORITIES. No woman wants to be won "Wo invite an honest investigation easily, and Salt Lake City. An auditing com-- : yet no woman desires to be ao Inof our teachings, and If It is made, milter has examined Mu hooks of the -- eders of the Mormon Church Se both the Investigator and wc will be different about It as to be lost en,ected by a Unanimous Vote. Mormon church and has declared that. Some of the thinking tirely! tho gainers. Salt the accounting In the various de-City. Tho conference on men of the country are deploring the Train Time. purlments is properly done." thill Saturday unanimously sustained tho fact that there appenrs to be some Kansas since the ruling of editor, cor-; "every dollar received has been pres nt authorities of the church, , the Interstate commission recut off hla in nR I present wronp pay redly entered and that the disburse- President Smith read thp names of j ments under tho regimn of President !tlie appoint meins and asked those I IMn- - and that it seems to affect peo pass, haa dropjied the time table from Joseph F. Snil'h have lieen econom- - who favored them to signify their I pie's lives on Sundnv nnlv. I would bis paper ami prints this line: "Trains are due when yon see the smoke: hv raising the right hand not lcally and Judiciously made for the a 'shuck for any religion Townsend's Enamel Cream j exclusive benefit of the various infor- - approval He then asked those who disapproved I whichgive seven-daand Is not a religion sets of the church. Tie management U" A.0 ' Indicate such to I does not enter Into the every-da- y Hake ttineiln hew liaaiiriM'r. Superior life to im pew am. Is heartily of President I Smith be their hut no one opinion, raised claims who man piuhim believe to of the For Polo everywhere. Prlwe 50 eente .. dotted. ; his band la roieit. jn swara aynawsr-"- '' 1 y y four-year-ol- d y To-da- y t He who Is firm and resolute In win molds the world to himself. Goeth Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syren. For children tee thins, oofteni the gun., roasesi W I Tallinn, si 1st pels, curee triad ooliu. lace bottle. When a tall man la broke long and short of it thats the peo-lltlc- - ' auf-fere- Fainting for Profit No one will question the superior appearance of property. The question that the property-owne- r d asks is: the cost? ."Is the appearance worth Poor paint is fix: temporary appear, ance only. Paint made from Pure Linseed Oil and Pure White Lead is fur lasting It appearance and for protection. saves repairs and replacements times the paint investment The Dutch Boy trade mark is found only on kegs containing Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK "A Talk an Faint," Itm Yaluatilo info. Butt Lon on tho Mint NtyBct. Bonl IpoanqiiMi. if M jfU mcM R Jfttf tear Mi mart NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY ta sIMnir cf Ifc IhUow-in-g min It immt yoM, Kta ChllBjllk SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these ; e St tress trom Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Sating, A perfect remedy tor Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Tula in the Month, Coated fiongue, Pain In the side, TORPID UVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHM1P1LL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Sim-ila Signature , , I j J j 1 , - doto-sod- . Little Fills. They also reheve Dis- s 1862 pusses REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. |