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Show .LOCAL MANUFACTURERS O'ACER her, the Pvince now added eup to cs and like a Muscovite he grew more bitter as the wine mounted to his head. He leaned forward and laid hla hand CARDS. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. of Manufacturer mm. fence. Hank, Otllc.o and Counter Bailings, Flower Stands, Kin. All kinds of fnncy wire and iron work. We do Klentro Fluting: In Nickel and Copper In all the latent Flnlaliea Write for Irlrea. Salt Lake City Slate St & S R; CRJDCKETT, vt,vilKlu. IMS, 11100, cS TtcQafdcnZdo Autior 8. R. CHAPTER XXXII. Crockett.) by more. He pushee it from him! swered Alexis In the same an- half-whispe-r. Krencbi,ror,i Tana) nr. The Marflraf'a Powder Cheat. Theresa mill her ruin'iielor stood within the lent of the commander of the Muacuvltc army. She found - will tvili tnl-lut- ber-ao- pleuH-an- d lf f Hare-Kuari- , TEA. S MAXHELD VINEGAR CO., 5 , A Manufacturers S' S; shadowy pile nf kegs and boxes, only half concealed behind a curtain. "I bid you welcome, my lady," said Prince Ivan, taking her hand. "Surely never did ally come welcoinor Ilian ns you to our camp hear your news, and then will we find you such lodging anil welcome as may be in among rough soldiers and in a samp of war." He went to the front of the pavilion and pushed aside the dripping flap. "call up my pere "Alexis!" he erli-dplc. Bid hem bring a brazier, a ml tell these lazy fellowa to serve supper in half an hour on peril of ihelr lieiuls!" IIo returned and stood before Theresa, who had sunk buck a if farigued on an ottoman covered with thick furs. Her feet nestled In I he bearskins which covered llio floor. The Prince looked anxiously down. Pardon me, your shoes are wet." he said. We are lmt Muscovite boors, but we know how to make ladle com-- , He encased fortable.- Permit ine! Theresa's feet in dainty oriental slippers, small as her own, anil placed them dellcaLely and respectfully on the couch. "There, that is better!'' he said, standing over her tenderly. Theresa dhl not answer. She only smiled at the Prince, leaning a little farther back and resting her head upon the palm of her hand. The warmth of the tent and the soft luxury of the rich ruga had brought a flush of red to a cheek which yet tingled with the volleying of the Baltic raindiops. "Alexis never told me this woman was so beautiful. Ivan said to himself. "Who la she? She cannot be a Court-land- . Sneh a marvel could not have been hidden from me during all my stay there! So he addressed himself to making the discovery. My lady, he said, you are our guest. Will you deign to tell ua how more formally we may address you? You are no Courtlander, as all may see! I am a Dane. she answered, smilTheresa. ing; "I am railed the For the present let that suffice. I am venturing much to come to yon thus! My father anil brothers built castle upon the Baltic shore on land that has been the inheritance ot my mother. Then came the reivers of Kernsherg and burned the castle to the ground. They burned it with And they Are from cellar to roof-treslackened the Are with the blood of my nearest kindred! As she spoke Theresas eyes gilt- tered and altered. Tt Prince read easily the meaning of tl.nt excitement. How was he to know all that lay be-- of I "PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. Factory: w- - South Second West Telephone 979-720 z tt a . REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not curry In stock Temple Brand Garments, Baums Head Sweaters, Se-gIdly Underwear, send your orders to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting WorkB. o THE PORTLAND CEMENT STONE CO. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want te establish a plant In every city, town and village In Utah. Block machines from $100 upward. Start a small plant and become InBERRUM dependent Correspondence solicited, F. O. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. Ind Phone 3806-7- . BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. Many bright boys and girls are making $5 weekly after school working for us. If you want the aame chance, send us your name and address and we will end you $2 worth of our quick-sellinWhen sold, Household Specialties. send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. You can do this in one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. H. Groesbeck ft Co., 8pringville, Utah. g TRUNK8, TRUNKS. Oliver R. Meredith. e. runk Manufactur-- s er. 1SS Main St., Salt Lake, tsxsw hls princely senses more But the light wine of our country is dangerously strong. "Convey his Highness to the rear, and lay him upon i lie powder barrels! lie indicated with hls hand the array of boxes and kegs piled in the dusk of the tent. The servitors did as they were Inld; they lifted Prince Louis and would have carried him to that grim couch, hut, struck with some peculiarity, Alexis the Deacon suddenly bent over the lax body and thrust hls hand Into the bosom of hls princely habit, now tarnished thick with wine stains and spilicj meats. "Excellency," he said, turning to his master, "the Prince Is deftd! Hls heart does not beat. It is the stroke! warned yon it would come! Prince Han strode hastily towards the body of of Courtlanil. "Surely not?" he cried, in seeming astonishment. "This may prove very inconvenient. Yet. after all, what does It matter? With your assistance, madam, the city Is ours. And thdn what matters dead prince or living prince? A garrison in every fort, a squadron of good Cossacks pricking across every In every village plain, a these are the best securities of princedom. But this Is like our good Louis, lie never did anything at a right time all hls life. Theresa stood on the other side of the dead man as the servitors lowered him for the inspection of their lord. The weary, wrinkled face had been smoothed as with the passage of a hand. "I am glad he spoke of his wife at j the laat, she murmured. And she added 1o herself. This falls oat well It relievea me of a necessity. Spuken like a woman!" cried Prince Ivan, looking admiringly at her. Pray forgive my bitter speech, and remember that I have borne long with this man! He turned to the servitors and di- rected them with a motion of bis hamL towards the back of the pavilion. "Drop the curtain, he said. And as the silken folds dropped heavily down the curtain fell upon the career anil regality of Ioiils, Prince of Courtlanil, hereditary Defender ol the Holy See. The men did not bear him far. They placed lilm upon the boxes of powder for ihe Margrafs cannon, which for safety and dryness Ivan had hade them bring to hls pavilion. The dead man lay in the dark, open-eyeas If staring at the circling shadows ns the servitors moved athwart about the Biipprr table, at which a woman sat eating and drinking with her enj emy. conserved cari-fully- And so, he said, yon have no goodwill to the Princess Joan of Hoh- enstein and Courtland. Or to any of her favorers?" he added after a pause. man At the name the who had been sitting unmoved by the ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. grey-heade- . sSeseeiieeiCeAeiieii'ee Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phonee 4444. 230-31-3- 2 CALIFORNIA BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR .WINTER . J. a a a a a a a a a a a a a It is worth It all. If you will It. no hand but yours shall have the shedding of the blood of your houses enemy, Henry of Kernsherg. Is not this your vengeance already sweet in prospect? It is sweet indeed! answered Theresa. Your Highness! said the voice of Alexis at the tent door, am I permitted to speak? "Speak on! cried Ivan, without relaxing his clasp upon the hand of Theresa von Lynar. Indeed, momentarily it became a grip. The man went safely through at e Flassenhurg gate. The passwords were correct. The man who chal- longed spoke with a Kernsherg accent! The Prince's grasp relaxed. "It is well," he said. "Now go to the captains and tell them to be In their posts about the city according to the plan the main assault to be delivered by the gate of the sea. At d&wn I will lie with you!" Alexis the Deacon Habited and went. The Prince rose and came about the table neurer to Theresa von I.ynar. She drew her quickly and checked it as sharply with a kind of sob. Her left hand went to her side as naturally as a nun's to her rosary. But it was no rosary her fingers The action steadied her, touched. and she threw back her head and smiled up at him as debonairly as though she had no rare in the world. Ivan laid his hand on her shoulder, glad to see her so resolute. All in good time, he said, sitting down on a stool at her feet and taking her hand her right hand. The other he did not see. Then he spoke confidentially. (To lie continued.) : And then Theresa had spoken. Very fu she lad told what she had Kpn,-- ' e Ra,uf r which ,,y t,ie ra'n f d . PAUMFB KVKISIAN spoke In a hushed voice, the Prince sipping and nodding as he looked Into her eyes. She gave the passwords of the Inner and outer defences, the numbers of the defenders at each gate, Mistaken for a Butler. the plans for bringing provisions up London society folk are much the Alla Indeed, everything that a a at recent misadventure of amused to needs know. besieging general Newton-Butlewho Is a digniTxrd And 8R slum as she told the passwords ihe Piince asked her to par- fied man of rather stiff carriage and don lilm a moment. He struck a sil- who is himself responsible for the ver bell and with scarce 'a moment's story. It was a musical at. home In delay Alexis entered. i Rratla. to which the lord was invited, tint Prince: "send one of our fellows familiar with the speech and, it being a rainy night, ho wore a felt hat and a long waterproof coat of Courtland into the city by the The passwords are over his evening dress. The family gate. Henry the Linn' at the outer cate and butler opened the door to him, looked Remember- at the Inner Let tinpuzzled for a moment, and ilien asked man be dressed In the liahit of a tentatively. "Name, please?'1 ler. was the reLord Newton-Bu- i countryman, and carry with him some wine and provend. Follow him and ply. Oh, Iird Newton's butler, are you? rejMtrt Immediately.". While the Prince was speaking he Come along, old chap, and have a off Thereea drop of something in the housekeephad never lakm his von Lynar. ilui'ich lie had appeared to er's room. They've got a job lot upand your master ain't be regarding Alexis the lVacim. The-.res-a stairs did not blanch. Not a murk- - of come yet. if ynn'ro looking for him." "With pleasure." sahl Ills lordship, her fare qiivire,. And wi'hin his Muscovite heart, fail of irem-heras who spent a chatty five minutes with an egg of meat. Prince Ivan said. the butler over a glass of Burton ale. "She is no traitres-- . this dame; hut a Much obliged to you, I'm sure, ana The now T think I'll go and have a look simpleton with nil her at the job lot' In the drawing room.' woman U speaking the truth." j trull-ShAnd to the butler's horror his new And Theri.-su;i pe thing mui-ihail expert-such test ai.l acquaintance strode up the stairs and was prepared; but only told the was soon warmly shaking the hand ol defenders' pians to on- - man: and as hls hostess, for the pas? Hurds, she Lad arranm-with BorN it:at at the carl'-'-Quite Different. dawn . He chides tho password were to he cl s::i:-'i'- i and sarcastically, for . I distrib-iled10 look at the women the force r, turning about While lilt sc two waiter tor ihe re-- they have t You cannot rt slut the temptation," turn of Alexis. '!. Prince Theresa to speak ot r wrung, lie he fays, "to see what they are wearwatched with ai prnlia' ion th-- - sparkle ing. of her eye as she spoke of .loan of (tu "Not so. she replies. In defense. Sword Hand. He nosed liow she shut I merely turned about to see If they down her lips wlu-Henry the Linn had turned about to see what my new was mentioned, how her voice shook dress was made of. as she recounted ihe cruel end of her kin. Listeners seldom hear any good of Though at ordinary times most ao- - themselves, or arybody else. r, PYB WORKS SALT LAKE CITY. 6$ W. Second South. H. BURTNER. D. P. A.. Salt Lake City r,rFJFF.r.FFFFr.FFr.rit.ii'rr.rLrrrrrF,rrjwwiu 1 j h,ch Co. Alexander-Dlbbl- e Shortest and best line to Bullfrog and Nevada's Mineral Belt, via. The La.a Vegas A T0nopa.l1 Ra.Hroa.iL Ask the A$ent, but specify San Pedro, Loa Anjeles Salt La.ko ; ,en"d Dizzy 8polls That Eye Strain. - i j Those BBMM 1 hind? SALT THATS ALL SALT aches. (MA w Prince Ivan regarded Louis of Court-lanwith disgust. IiOok at him! (IirhiWho can wonder at the ladys taste? t result In ii in the Immediate presence of lie is a pretty prince of a great proveurprlsu tr HiilterlnK woinini FrlSco lie live he will do well Ivan, who rose with bin usual ince. But-Iladli-NTile ' An older enough to .ill a chair and hold a goldIn nasoe lithe grace to greet her. nf painful nr aup man, with a gray, pinched face, sat en rod. Take him away, Alexis. preHHeil nienxirnn lion Tl IKY Kltt'CMKIi. Prlt-n- fg.OO per listlessly with Ids elbow on the small "Nay," said Theresa, with quick tiox. At nil drug stores or by mall, camp table, lie leaned hls forehead alarm, "let him slay. There are many eecurely nenleil. IHiull Prug Co.. San on hls palm and looked duwu. Bethings to speak of. We may need to Jtnln. Suit Lake City, Utah. hind, in the half dark of the tent, a consult Prince Louis later." I fear the Prince will not he of low, wide divan with cushion wa DRINK. revealed, and all the upper end of the groat use to ns. smiled Prince Ivan. tent was tilled up with a huge and "If only I had known. I would have An . Stop Those Head WMAtStntltSiRStWCRtRat hls companion's white wrist. Theresa quivered a little, hut did not take It away. The Prince was becoming confidential. "Yes, he said, leaning towards her, "you have suffered great wrongs, and do well to hate them with the hate that craves vengeance. But yon shall he satisfied. and you and I shall have our hearts desire upon our enemies. Yes, for many days. Sweet sweet It Bit all be sweet, and very alow; for I, too, have wrongs, as you shall bear. Truly, I did well to come to you!" said Theresa, giving her hand willingly Into his. You speak truth." He hissed the words bitterly. Indeed, you did befe ter than well. I also have wrongs, and Ivan of Muscovy will show you a Muscovite vengeance. "This Prince Conrad of theirs balked me of my revenge and drove me from the city. Him will I take and burn at the stake in his priest's robeB. as if he- were saying mass or, better still, In the red of the cardinals habit with hla hut on hls head. And ere lie dies he shall see hls paramour ca to her funeral. For I will give you the life of the woman for whose sake he thwarted Ivan of Mtascovy. upon 627-29-3- 1 Tui-luta- PLACE YOUR EYE8 IN OUR HAND8. t ta ft1 5 S aa1 aa aa ta THROUGH jg MAN AND TOURIST J, X SLEEPER8. TO DENVER. AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address X I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D.( S Jw Salt Lake City. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TORONTO, QUEBEC. OTTAWA, MONTREAL. BOSTON. PORTLAND, And all principal points in Canada and New England, via Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from A. C. SHAW 232 General Agent Passenger Department South Clark Street. Chicago si-i- COS, 1,11 , COTTON FELT MATTOES3 DOCTORS WHO CURE Plus-senbur- banaivti. (UTUSH sad 0 wiUi Unit, ilamMs mi th Thiwi Store mIi, Lira, Kidneys, Bleddw Hurt DIimi SUa Bnstnre, Manhood, Chore, RhontUre, Pit Xw Hom, sod Bowili, - in-r- UTAH SALT LAKE CITY eis IN BOTTLES. COCA-COL- a plant for botmost ibis popular drink and we tling want an agent In every town In Utah to handle It. Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Bottling Co. Salt I.ako Salt Iake City. P. O. Box 3. W'c have established Coca-Col- a Encased Theresa's feet in dainty oriental slippers. table with Ills elbow on the board, raised a strangely wizened face to Theresa's. "What" he said in broken accents, stammering in hls speech and grappling with the words as if. like a wrestler at a fair, he must throw each wl.o has a word t to say the Joan, lrin-?es- s of fminhnd? Who wrongs her name has to reckon with ay, were It my halt 1. In. self! "Not I. ceria'uly, my good Louis," "I would not answered Ivan wrong the lady liv word or deed for all 10 the Germany from Due sotcally "wluu n-- nlitiHin-- foe. Writ for mu LETTER before! onto I VrrwrNVs-fkArfAy. Micrna. . Hill In-Iin vi nt-- re and we send S. ml mnrii-1- . photo ur vki-ti-I PAT-ON IMMEDIATE FREE REPORT ENTABII.IT V. lu years practice. Rei- tered Patent Lawyer. W rite or come to Ins at 605-607th St.. WSSHINGTON. 0. C. 1 M Bor-Kussl- Hhine-fa'.l- ! He turned to Alexis the Deacon, who was at htz elbow. "Fill up hls cup remember what 1 bade you! he said sharply in an undertone. Hie cup Is full, he will drink no y ! , -- i e J I ! ! lu-r- Lt Vart-O'-oo- l. Oonorrhou, Syphilis Proitatlo Trouble, Karrena and rrivata Dl af Map, and children. $1 a treatment nr 111 far a cure tarrhal Diaaaaaai II a reaath reedlelnee free ahrosla JIlflHI Ohrenl and 11 Woman for Cafar all CONSULTATION FREE man Dre. Bhoraa Eya Dapartreaat far th ulak anr af all Era Dlaaaaaa and for th rropar Suing of glaaaaa 1 unaaaallad. hatnr In aharsu af a Bpaaiallat aa tha Xy af 17 yaare a las ding. Consullatloa and Adnaa fwx A Dr. Special Department for Men. Shore hare a Spaalal D apart reanl azalmilraly far tha treatment and aare oxeosaos or ooataglon. af all Private Dlatasaa of lion, whothor oouaod hy ifaoraao man whs rho hsva bcoa lod astray by bad aomnaaloaa reiddla-ataYoung bore zone to oaaraaoo old men who Sod lhair sanal vigor rono uslurtonatoa who hare eontraetad dlaaaaaa tha viatire of Blood Poison and all others whs ajsd the oounarl ond aid of experienced and kindly phyitatana, are aordially iarllod ta sonsull this department and ha advised PEEK Or O&AKQB. MODXBJV METHODS lu all Private So aura la tha aura under DH8. SHORES Dleravri, that you may arrange to poy tho too for a oure In small weakly at monthly Initollmeats. as tbs sura profraaaaa, er yeu reay PAY WHEM CURED. for any DKst. SHORES Doal advertise re la alnsla ailment" and than charga you tea tlreaa aa reach a tha amouiit advertised because th aasa la "aorepll-rated.- " Tako Mediaal Drs. Fhurea leave that to tho Dra. Shores guaranta that ana fa pays Institutes." and that If thay treat your oai for ALL your th fe for a CURE will ha cheaper than you ana ha cured for elsewhere. Drs. Shorn alio fnrnieh yaur FREE there la no "hold up" for "Modiolnos" after you hare arranged the fe. Qnacks and Fakirs resort to such trlrka to rob tho nnirary but Lofitiaato abhor and denounce them. Beware of any fakir who hides behind a faka Madl-rInstitute" because ha dare not advertise under his own name. Thera nut bo a reason for 1L Homo Treatment I 'urn. Writs for Frto Symptom Idol If you rannot call. Consultation fra. a. re. t OFF I HE HOURS: p. re.) Evsnlnca, T I t; Suadays and holidays is d ailn-ent- reed-trin- e, lrs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 S2t L.'cttTuuh |