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Show L f J--t ff. rfit '$ , . 4 Official Paper of The Unit ed Republicans of Utah. tcftti Vol. II. Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday, April 14, 1907. METAL MARKET. Monday, April Silver, 65c; copper, 24c; lead, $6. Tuesday, 2. Sliver, copper, 24c; lead, 6.3. Silver, 64c; cop- Wednesday, per, 24c; lead, $6. Thursday, 4. Silver, 64c; cou- per, 24c; lead, $6. Friday, 5. Silver, 64c; per, 24c; lead, (6. Tic; copper, Saturday 6. Silver, 24c; lead, 6. 1. 65; PROBABLY MORE THAN 8M0KE. the extent to which life and livelihood It was as easy to get prevailed. around on the surface of the snow as on any of Salt Lake's streets, especially in their present condition; the snow was so well packed that but for the absence of the lower iart of buildings one could scarcely realize that he was moving around on fifteen or twenty feet of snow, the delusion being heightened by the appearance of horses In abundance going along as safely and comfortably as the bipeds. The writer had an office In the second story of Clasbey & Read's store building, and when going out or coming In did not go down stairs into and through the store, but stepped out or in at a window, a performance that a Jew months earlier or later would have been crippling It nothing more Piute Courunt. It Is not generally known, but It Is a fact, none the less, that when the 'Spaniards laid to ambush the Rough Riders at Gauslnms In Cuba the whole serious. Burrowed beneath that surface were plot was spoiled because one man was too eager, and shot at the head from 600 to 1000 people, chiefly men of the column before It got well Into and always busy, thtre being all kinds the line of fire. There Is a remark- of stores, half a dozen saloons with able similarity about the things that the usual attachments, two or three have happened In the political world, hotels, and the other departments of a busy from this week. Whether the Harriman let- business inseparahl ter with the attendant discussion Was mining town. At the place and time responsible for springing the mine too above stated the first number of the noon, it Is Impossible to say. If that! first mining camp paper ever issued discussion had not arisen, political in Utah was published as a daily and enemies of the administration might continued for but a few weeks, so frenot have gotten gay and talked bo quent and expensive a publication bemuch. But the fact remains that ing a little too strong a prescription someone leaked, and about the pret- for the situation, although the paper tiest plot on record in American po- was well patronized. The name of the litics has been spoiled. paper was the same as this one The It is alleged that Senator Penrose Alta Independent, but here the resem.got extra communicative at a dinner blance ceases, as this one Is a stayer. recently and announced there was a It looked for a time as if Altaj scheme on foot, not to beat the Pres- beginning was destined to be its endident for the renamlnatlon, because It ing, as well as that of the mining Inis not generally believed he would take dustry generally hereabouts. The awthe renomination under any circum- ful scandal growing out of the nefarstances, but to beat his plan for get- ious manipulations of the Emma mine, ting a free man and a man after his was one wereby our British cousins own heart nominated by the Republ- were fleeced to a finish and the ven ican party. The details of the plot are turesome disitosltion of many men ot a. little too explicit and probable to capital, whose eyes were turned this make it seem all talk. It was to the way, was chilled to a standstill. Some effect that the railroads and big cor- of our beBt and most prominent men porate interest Including Harriman, H. were inveigled in the proceedings, but H. Rogers and the rest of the Stand- they extricated themselves as soon as ard Oil crowd had started a fund of the situation became fully apparent to 65,000,000 to thwart the President In them. The bottom of the mine, (a the next campaign In securing a man false one, as the sequel has shown), for the Republican nomination who which was plainly in sight when the would carry out the President's poli- fraudulent deal was consummated, was cies. The scheme was to get dele- Immediately reached, Rthe property gates in all the states pledged to ceased to be productive, and sympaRoosevelt on the first ballot, and thus thetically every other property therepresumably pledged to the President's about suffered. It looked for a time choice after he bad declined the. nom- like a general collapse, which Is an ination, which It was confidently ex- other example of how pected he would do. The program was the great bulk of the human family is, then to stampede them on the second especially. when dealing with sifcts , tQ iQjue man not at all of the so occult as the hidden w LlPMldent,a-.jsholce- -, .. Tt is .Raid .that la true thi .Senator Penrose attended a dinner reof cently, and to put it in plain language, Sot drunk and talked too much. The camp, any more than a .erman, story was heard by one of the friends down ; and so, by dint of ploa .fug and of the President who was at the din pushing, exploring and developing, ner, and he promptly related it at the stimulated by the faith born of experiWhite House. ence and backed by Of course Senator Penrose came out American determination, Alta is Itself with a prompt denial of bis role in again and a good deal more, too. It is the story. After he had denied it not only a greater producer than thoroughly, it was stated at the White but the production comes from House that his name had never been deposits which are inexhaustible so mentioned in connection with the mat- far as this generation is concerned. It ter, nor had the name of anyone else. wants now but a railroad to put. it But the President was said to have in the front rank of the great ore all the details of the story in his pos- producers of this western country, and session, and both he and his real this will be had without much more friends will be on their guard from delay. now on till the next Republican convention against any reallzation of such A WHOLE LIBRARY OF CHURCH under-worl- v-- : the following described stock on ac- at the hour of 12 nt., to puy the de- MARY8VALE MENTIONS AND cent linquent assessment thereon together count of assessment of one-hal- f SOUTHEAST UTAH ITEMS Mrs. Martha Woolley, of Junction, per share, levied on the 6th day of with the costs of advertising and exwho has been very sick here for some March, 19U7, the several amounts set pense of sale. L. li. GRAY, Secretary. time, is slightly Improved. opposite the names of the respective . First publication April 14, 1907. Ji J shareholders, as follows: Last publication April 28. 1907. Daniel Cook's borne, at Gainesville, was made happy by a new boy baby, NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 2. and John H. Clrfew Is a proud man over a nine pound lad that Called si ... CITIZEN SALT COMPANY A Location of principal place his home. of business. Salt Luke City, Utah. Marysville had a bad case of the Notice is hereby given that at a basketball fever. In this case, howthe of Directors Board of meeting ever, it is the girls and not the boys held on the 6th day of March, 1907, who are the experts at. shooting goals an assessment of M cent per share into the steel rimmed basket front was levied on the capital stock of the the plsylng field. A well known local corporation, payable April 10th. 1907, basket ball - enthusiast writes Trum to L. H. Gray, treasurer, at 14 Eagle here that a well organized basketbuilding. Salt Lake City, tUali. Any ball coiniiosed of three unileague, which assessment this stock upon formed girls' teams, are now busily may remain unpaid on the 10th day off of April, 1907, will be delinquent and engaged rhlnionshlu series of games Miss Lulu 1,18 advertised for sale at public auction lor Cowle is the league president. The and, unless payment is made before, have been fortunate in securing will be sold on the 30th day of April, girls Miss Cora Wilcox as a coach, who 1907; at the hour Of 12 oclock m at had experience In coaching girls 14 Bugle building, Salt Lake City, has teams In the middle west basketball Utah, to pay the delinquent assessWilcox says the Utah girls have order of the board of directors on ment, together with the cost of ad- Miss a big margin over any team she has the 6th day of March, 1907. so many vertising and expense of sale. ever seen playing the gurne. shares of each parcel will be sold at . L. H. GRAY, Secretary. Office. 14 Eagle Building, Salt Inke public auction at the office of the sec60 YEARS retary, 14 Eagle Building, at Salt City, Utah. EXPERIENCE Lake City. Utah, on April 30. 1907. at First publication March 10; last, the hour of 12 m. to pay the delln March 31. Subscribe for your local paper. Do quent assessment thereon together with the costs of advertising and ex- it now, right now I pense of sale. U H. GRAY, Secretary. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO 31. First publication April 14. 1907. Tram Mark BLUE JAY EXTENSION MINING Last publication April 28, 1907. Designs Ixjca-tlo- n Company, Ltd., a corporation. Copyrights Ac. of principal place of business, ikatoh a and Saaertptlnn Aaron Madias DELINQUENT NOTICE. aa aleklr MMrtaln oar optalou proa whatharair Salt Lake City, Utah. CoBauinlaa. valaajatm jaranuoa la proOibly HXiDiOtR Notice is hereby given that at a oa Patous eonldtntlaL froa. OidwK apoaer for aaturuispatauta. Blue Jay Extension Mining Com- meeting of the Board of Directors held Mono A Co. roeolr sou Ukon u nttiet, without cbirpa, la this Location on the Gth day of March, 1907, an aspany, Ltd., a corporation. cent per share was of principal place of business. Salt sessment of levied on the capital stock of the corLake City, Utah. A haadoomtlv lllaatralad WMklr. Urnat alp. Notice There are delinquent upon poration, payable April 10th, 1907, to elation of oay KSMtiSe foaraoL Taruo, U a Sold brail nowodoalr it the following described stock on ac- L.'H. Gray, treasurer, at 14 Eagle building. Salt Lake City, Utah. count of assessment of Any cent per share, levied on the 6th day stock upon which this assessment HIhS of March, 1907, the several amounts may remain unpaid on the 10th day am WEiMawwMRi of April. 1907, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, CYRUS QATRELL and, unless payment Is made before, will be sold on the 30lh day of April, Attorney A Counsol sr 1907, at the hour of 12 oclock m.. at 14 Eagle building, Salt Lake City, U RV. Walker BulUtNk Utah, to pay the delinquent assess-- .Balt Liki City. ment, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. L. H. GRAY, Secretary. $ Office, 14 Eagle Building. Salt Lake RatRRRRRWQRItRRItRRRitItRRRIWttit Utah. K BEO. W. PARKS, March last 10; f First publication AAatz.'L Land Attorney, j Auerbach Building, Bolt Lake Clty. COR-poratlo- short-sighte- d .. . -- at, A MOUNTAIN-TO- TREASURE P HOUSE. And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors on the 61 h day of March, 1907. so many shares of each parcel will lie sold at public auction at the office of the sec retary, 14 Eagle Building, at Salt City, Utah, ou April 30th, tions ; The Elders' Journal a resurrecting the choicest sermons ang writings on exhortation, doctrine, an(j church history. These gems have converted, educated and encouraged thousands upon thousands, among whom are some of the brightest minds of this dispensation; and having filled such a useful mission once. If reproduced are able to do so again. The day of their resurrection Is now at hand, and the Elders Journal is bring-tlm- e fug them upon a second mission of usefulness, and also enabling every y his-Sno- For information concerning best investments in the new Gold Field." Troughs Mining District, Humboldt County, Nevada. wt semi-abl- e o The Seven going five to ten thousand dollars per car. We will inform you of stocks in good properties now selling for a few cents per share, that will sell for dollars in a short time. st e , 1 under-worl- d The mill at the Dewey mine In Thuudor mountain, Idaho, is to be started at onco and kept in opcraiton e , ' The new camp that is only a few months old and now shipping car after car of ore ter-da- y 1 $1. (M)u, 000. NewM wf i - V 1907 , Alta Indcprndi-ntThe story of Alta, at the head of Little Cottonwood canyon, is a most At this novel and Interesting one. of the year It presents an Alpine appearance that Is not surpassed any- Saint to acquire where in the United Stales, If Indeed latter-daIn any other country. Including that. A Library of Church Literature which contains the Alps themselves. '.covering the entire period of the snow everywhere; not a patch tory of the Church. Now is the time of bare grmnd visible, only a Jutting to begin this collection. Every LatSaint needs it; no one can ivdge or great boulder here and there, the emblem of purity holding all the afford to be without it! other natural features in its Immov- - The Elders' Journal is issued grasp until spring is so far ml-- monthly with sixteen and thirty-twvanced that when the white mantle pages, alternately, making a volume Every gives way one of green immediately of nearly six hundred pages. numbers appears, like a transformation scene ' subscriber can have his in a fairy play. It is all very beautiful bound, and thus, year by year, add one even in Its monotony: grand in the volume of crystallized thought, on of much inconvenience, and as ery subject of revealed religion, to bis copy, elevating to the mind as to the person library. If you desire a sample even though dangers dire lurk wlih-- j This valuable periodical is published In the crystalline beds. Alta, as a town, had once a considerable population, with a corresponding number of structures for residi-c. and business. When the writer of these lines first went thrre. in the the Investment pays an hundred fold, winter of 873, he thought the place must have been destroyed before he DELINQUENT NOTICE. got there. A few roofs wen visible Citizen Salt Company, a corporaand smoke drifted upward from a dozen or more mysterious places; but tion. Location of principal place of which had business. Salt City, Utah. there was an Notice There are delinquent upon to be penetrated in order to ascertain . The Tucker Mining and Milling company of Wallace, Idaho, has been Incorporated, the capital slock being Scientific American. a LITERATURE. For $1.00 Per Year. (From the Deseret News.) Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Iiorenzo Snow, together whh all other deceased representative men in the Church, as well as the present authorities, have spoken and written a great many beautiful things which are buried in old files and volumes extending back to the organization of the Church. Among these are: The Evening and Morning Star. The Mesesnger and Advocate, the original Elders' Journal, The Millennial Star, The Seer, The Prophet; The Deseret News, The Juvenile Instructor, The Journal of Discourses. The Historical Record, etc. From all these publica- oppo-nent- s W. A. Clark, of Mont., is examining some coal properties in Colorado with a view to purchase. Seven big producing mines of the Coeur d'Aleucs since January 1, 1907. have paid in dividends a total of It. will emfurnish all summer. men. ploy menl to forty-fivThe National Copper bank of New York expects to open hual ness May 1. with deposits of about $30,000,000. Elaborate ufflees are now being fitted up fn tho Trinity building, 11 Broadway. A few years ago you could not pull money into Nevada with a sixteen-hors- e team, but today you cau not keep capital out with a gatilng gun, is the way a prominent mining man expresses it. A spoonful of ore taken from the recent strike in tbe Ramsey Comstoclc melted over a forge yields buttons of gold and copper that can be hammered out on an anvil, bored and worn as a watch charm. Dividends of copper companies for the first quarter this year are record breaking, the total for twenty-fiv- e concerns have, since their incorporation, paid in dividends the vast total of $349,739,183. Tbe town of Rosebud is enjoying one of those characteristic Nevada townsile booms. An inside lot that sold the first of the year for $50 now has passed hands at $1,500, and so on down the line. During the month of March between' 23,000 and 24.000 tons of ore were treated at tbe milling plant of the Newhouse Mines A Smelters company, while 550 tons of first class ore was ' sent! direct to the' smelter. ' All men have been withdrawn from In tbe the underground workings Homestake mine, at Lead S. D., In consequence of the presence of carbon uu Vou Yarn worm dioxide gas, caused by the fire which WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Teamsters, laborers, Always Wanted has been burning In the mine for tbe We Furnish All Kinds of Help. past two weeks. DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. While it Is not known Just how ex62 East First South, Salt Lake City tensively the Standard Oil company has Invested its millions in the gold THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. fields of Nevada, that, this great corA positive and permanent cure has made several purchases for drunkenness and the opium dis- poration considerable money 4b novr and that eases. There Is no publicity, no in exploration work is aa silent being sickness. Ladles treated as prisecret nil through Nevada and vately as at their own homes. The open Utah. Keeley Institute, 334 W- - Bn. TemUtah. Lake After weeks of prcpartlon, the Ely City, ple, Salt mining and stock exchange opened Its doors on April 1. The pit was fairly well crowded with members of the exchange and considerable business was transacted. Only local stocks were trailed in. but negotiations are on foot MARBLE SPRING WHISKEY, (In to post Goldfield stock on this exBulk A Bottled In Bond) change. new friends is gaining every day. Won't you try it? For Sale EveryRosebud will not have trouble over where. the wage scale for miners. NotwithRIEGER A LINDLEY, standing a few unreliable reports The Whiskey Merchants. which have been sent out to the effect Salt Lake City. Sole Distributors. that the miners of this camp had made demands which the operators would nut agree to. there is entire harmony between the operators and sei&v1 one-quart- e, Altogether it is a remarkable story, and one that has been in the air for over a week. It was believed there was something doing under the surface in the way of opposition to the President, and that the railroads were at the bottom of it in revenge for what they considered was ungenerous treatment at the hands of the administration. But that anything so widespread and finished in the way of a conspiracy was afoot was not generally credited. There are a good many Republicans now who say that the President has been deceived and that there is no such organised opposition to him as he believes, and the avowed of the administration are laughing and tapping their foreheads significantly to Indicate something radically wrong mentally. Blit it is be lieved none the less that the plot story is In the main correct, and it has served to put the friends of the nd- ministration very thoroughly on their guard. t AI1NES AND MINING h 4 . a plot No. 16. Viiion Trust aovd Investment Company TOM D. PITT. Presn BOX 1511 Mrntioa This rir G. R. CLEVELAND. Secy. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH the miners. The annual report of the Utah Consolidated Mining company for the year ended December 31, 1906, shows net profits for the year of $2,835,009, against $1,887,385 in the previous year. This is equivalent to $9.45 per share, against $6.29 a share in 1905. A to- tal In dividends of $1,650,000, or (5.50 a share, was declared. The American Smelting and Refining company will close its fiscal year April 3o. and it Is stated here that net earnings will run close to $15,in0,-ihii- i. Including the equity in the earny or controlled comings of panies. The statement may his year show the profits derived from the sale of United Lead company stock. At the meeting of the stockholders o the Sullivan Trust company in Goldfield, there was submitted ami ratified the agreement of settlement with San Francisco brokois. provides that out of tin of the company 40 per cent receipts shall be paid to brokers' creditors, 40 per cent to the State Bank and Trust company and 20 per cent to he retained by the Sullivan Trust company. The Yerington Nipper company has e power gasopurchased a line engine and it will be sent to the property at Yerington at once. The company is planning to begin a deep shaft in addition to the tunnel work now under way. sub-idiar- fifty-hors- |