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Show a Furniture House Hew -- and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Agents tor Home Comfort Ranges and 8uppllea 33 West First South SALT LAKE CITY Bell 1287-Phones, Ind. 7C3 (Mention this paper.) THE MISSING MAN By MARY R. P. HATCH Author of "The Bank Tragedy' Copyright, 1MIS, bp Men and women to learn barl-e- r trade In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night 'Graduates earn 815 to $25 per week. Cat freo. Write us. Mohler System of Colleges, 62 E. First South St., Sail utke City. Utah. WIWkKAWknAlirAltWtRWRStW1! gIt tatis 35 A. D. TOBIN, .5 HUDDART FLORAL CO. n n Cut flowers and floral work forjj 2 all occasions. We make a specialty of shipping 5 funeral designs. Write , telephoned s 5 or telegraph. CHAPTER XXII I. Continued. "Your question is a strange one, from you to me. If she were my wife, nothing should drag her from me. Hut If she were not my wife, no hope, nor her beauty, should allure me. Your question has made me doubt, and I will open my heart to you, as 1 never have to mortal before. 1 loved that woman profoundly otirc. It was alter she donned black for her husband. I had always derived Inspiration from her presence at. church; but when he failed to return, I allowed my heart to lead my hopes along. Ycu think, perhaps, that I am Incapable of such love as you feel, but 1 tell you no one can understand what I suffered in wrenching I his love from my heart when you came here. But I did It. You can do It, if it is a sin to cherish it. Mr. llammeiiy a rose to depart, and the two stood a moment, face to face. Then each reached forth his hand. Good night," they said "Good night, and parted. No UBe, no use. said the minister. "I laid bare my heart for nothing. She must be mistaken." Mr. Carter came Into the library and found Mr. Hamilton In deep thought, evidently, for he did not look up. 'I think I will go (o bed. Vane," he Im and Mhupanl now y mi thriiHi me back Imo hell," be said, wiili teirihle tdgniflcancr. The womanly . pitying element awoke la her moiiI now for .(he flrat Mme. She approached him anil laid lier soft hand on Ills arm. Victor." slu said. "Hniilior Victor, 1 can love you. I do luve you aa a brother. I forgive you what you have done, every thing. If you will now set matters light. Von have done wrong, lint we will forget all that ami love vou, Vane ami I." 'For the tmnm-ii- i to she erased She Ihfnk him a forger, a perjurer. eierythiiig in her pity. How could you do it, Victor?" was her uexi womanly cry. She saw him shrink and cower at loi-gn- t her words, and she Tell me tell Sister In Christianity tlounht I 11 simply a cloak. Cun you understand It?" "I think I do." Il took her hands, lixiked into hei lari., anil was gone, fnnxlniice sank down into her chair slid began t(, er; silently, lint there was Joy In het tears, Joy fur herself and Vane, but sorrow fur (lie olio who hud left her: vim had gone out with the world Again Ini'iiiiM ho iiiuxi. W'but would be the cud uf H h II ? She ui'iiki-- . .ip hid (lie and Salt Lak City 6M All MMf said, soothingly, Constance, about never CHAPTER It. Victor." leant return j COMPANY, D. F. 328-82-9 Walker Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. We are prepared to undertake all proper detective business Intrusted to us for corporations and individuals. Consultation and advice free. Call or write. 'Phones: Ind. 8988, Bell 1316-We want three good, capable, detectives. Write for particulars. IT AWAY. WASH Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at its touch. For rate apply to C. H. R. A. HASBROUCK, i PtiyuMan and Burgeon, OIBoa 60 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Thoaea 1412-- Z and 1429-totoMMsttsfctoklalafcfclsfelrt'kMr.aa'.s,' L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United Static Land Office, U. S. Bur eyorGeneral, State Land Board, 100-80- 1 State Engineer, scrip bought and sold. D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. wragWitWWWWWlWMiw tatsgtetffitsiBiCttaxasxBitwimsaaBBBMfBMXMxsgg liUSIQ, PIANOS, Organs And All Musical Instrument i Beesley Music Co.P 46 South Main Street Salt Laka CKjb UUX 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE 6 a. an 513 FRBB 50 Pay Unless Cured Consultation Free. suspicion no one WE ARE THE Leading XXIV. Confession. Specialists Not only In Balt Iak City, hut In the Pacific West. The results of our profcMlonal work arc bringing to our office men from every slate and Territory In th West. We use the mlacroacope lo make our diagnosis. If you want a permanent cure, coneult u. We cure ell forms of Blood and 8k!n DUeisei. Nervous Decline. I'll.- -. Fistula. Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary PImmcs due to Weaknee and the result of xpeclfio dines m. and all Private Dlewie of Men. OUR SY8TKM OF TREATING la superior to any In this country, and our cures are the result of thesa methods. We nevor fail to effect a cure In any ease wa take. If you suffer from neglect, from want of money or from unskilled practice here Is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled specialist, a graduate physician, with years of rips experience In treating complicated and apodal disorders of MEN ONLY. It will cost nothing to talk to us, and may tie the means of restoring you to health and happiness. Why not call today! Our offices era very private You see only the doctor. Our fee being so low. It anablea many who are afrilcted to procura the highest sclentl flo medical assistance. Terms mads to ault If necessary, so that anyone need not go without treatment. whol We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. Hours: I a. m. to p. m.; evenings, 1 to t JO; Sundays, I a. m. to U noon. LAKE SALT MEDICAL SALT S. XADT ST., 159V, T.AYF, INSTITUTE, CITY, UTAH. 1906 MODELS. Grand Prize, Grand, Send coupon Paris, payment A written guarantee from the oldest, largest and most successful manufacturers of Talking Machines In entire the Columbia fTTI Copyrights Ac. BJ Scientific American. A fcandeometv lltnetmted wreklv. Ijuwt rtr- - MUNN & Co.86,B,,,,,,,' New York now UOc G F SU WadUUklun. U. U world. Co. Phonograph GenI. Name Street and No. rttv Rtnt that sickly, "Nevertheless, dark-haire- d not. wretch is my husband, and you are CLEAN MOUTH.; ....IS AN ATTRACTION these communications. Marks pro lexsed to receive Impressions that saw you Will you promise me one xuch sums as he slated were sent to thing?" a given address no Are would take "1 think so place. The sums were not large, and quest. If not paid ir paid, all went well. Let this Interview be secret and :hn were burned. buildings do not read this paper until a week (To be continued.) To SHOULD HAVE EVERYONE 11 Hamilton. "Flease say I want to see her alone, ard on important, business," he said, if she is still up." Yes. she's up. She don't sleep no great nowadays, said .Mrs. Fry, throwing an accusing look at him before she left to deliver her errand. "Walk this way." she said, returnShe says she ing In a few minutes. will see you." and Mrs. Fry conducted him to the silting room, which had been given up to Mrs. Hamilton's occupancy. The night was chilly, and a lighf gleamed from the open grate of the little stove upon the lap and white hands of Constance as she sat before it. But her face was in the shadow, out. of the range of the She did not lamp, feebly burning. look up when he entered, and lie strode lo her side and gazed down at her before speaking. Then he said, almost with fierceness: "Look at me, Constance." She raised her eyes and let them zink again. Then, as ir wishing not to anger him, she said, Will you be seated? I think you wished to see me on business." "I did, Constance. I did. It was on i he business of my utter happiness or misery. I asked to look at me lo see whether you could doubt me. Am I not the exact Image of the man you has passed." What could she tlo? She was a weak, loving woman, whoso sympathies outweighed her sense of justice. She had In mind the Savior's words to one who had broken the law: "Neither do I condemn thee. Go, and sin no more," and she said, gravely and eanrnestly: I promise not to read it till a week has passed. Would you like to see Clare and Perley?" Yes, if I may. Without speaking she led the way lo the room where lay Clare In her OUR A wear out $4.00 to LN Work, the kind that lasts, made of the best gold, will sot $4.00 to fldBt break Bind folly guaranteed Gold Fillings, absolutely pure gold, and guaranteed not to come out f 1.58 tad tsy Alloy Fillings, tbs next best fillings to para gold and guaranteed Tie to $1.00 to preserve the teeth from further decay Bridge Passenger Would Have to Go. John McCarthy, a hunky, well-buil- t man, was a conductor on the Newton electric railway. One day (Maas.) One while tham fares, in ........ 50c and sp Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to come out If YOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken tho KLBCTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do it perfectly. They have three doctors each an expert In bis branch. running from Newton to Wal he was very busy collecting and by chance happened to ring only seventeen (area wlion there were A eighteen man who register people on wait looking as John wax ELECTRO DENTAL CO. the car. at the cash DRS. ringing up the car nnd fares looked through the As John counted eighteen people. wna going to the rear of the car this man said: "Haven't you made a mis take? There are eighteen people on this car, and you have only rung up own bed and Perley in' his crib, pictures of childish grace and Innocence. "I was once like that," he said, bending oven and kissing them tenderl- seventeen fares. y. Clare loved me from the first," John paused a moment, surprised, lie said. What can you tell her? ami the other man asked: "What are "I shall tell her that yon were her you going to do?" Uncle Victor, and when she is older The conductor looked up and down will xhe understand, perhaps." One of them the car, then replied: How changed you are, Constance! will have to get off." Oi'ce so repellant, now so forgiving." It was because you were trying to Third and the Fourth. "Unto the Helen was in the habit of saying her evening prayers at her grandmothers kr.oe, but as she heartily disliked to bed. the aumoninx to prayer w:m not a very weliHime one. At first she rnnienied herself with deceive me. I almost hated you at times for that, hut now It is different. Y'ou are changed." g Yes, I am changed; but I scarcely married?" know what has changed me, unless "Yes. she uttered faintly. j it was the husmore like ring my mother left me, I look not your "Do d my different surroundings, the chil- invoking the Cr, aim's blessing upon band than the sickly, Perdren, your womanly influence. Hu- - immediate family, but with he wretch In prison? Tell me that." it was all combined, perand haps "Y'ou do. Nevertheless that, sickly, growth In wisdom xlm conceived the dark-hairewretch Is f my husband, haps I am not naturally bad. iiioa of postponing her lwdtime by That is Ir." said CunsTunce. eager- lengthening her prayers. and you are not, said Constance, and you will go away where you The lengthening process began rising to her feet and confronting ly; can live a good, honorable life w" j wiih the aunts. nnc!es and cousins. him with blazing eyes and checks. t!x n tho intiniati- friends of the famll; O, Constance, don't look at me ; ou tn'ii ?" Is it not too late for that?" were honored, and Anally she extended like that! How can you. when you It Is never too late never. know I love you so? Have you no Way, her petitions to include the neighbors. j love for me? One evening when she reached tile you have only lo call hack the Im- she said, No, note, pitilessly. pulses of your nature inherited from very end of her list she said: "God She turned away and there was your good parents. You are not nal-- ' IiIifb Mrs. Drown, flod bless Mr. them. When she i.raliy depraved. like aoim" silence between Grandma, have they got a lirrarn. next looked up she met a face so No; I think I should like to be i.iu:? Magazine. Lipplncutis i changed that it startled her. there good. Evil has no attraction for me. was such a lost, despairing look in j Hut I know no better. I was nurtur-it- , Dear ir, it Is Just as bad to say and his voice was hollow wlirn he ert upon wlckt'iin'ea. My talents lings that disagree with others as were rn'r.t-into evil deeds, i did it is (o cat things that disagree with spoke. Yon have showed me heaven, and net believe in honesty. I had no yourself. PRICE8. Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural in nppearane restores lost expression l,06 Gold Crown, mads of the very best gold, will not corns off, or A Bet of dally until State Street. Open 176 WARD P. M. Rooms Sundays 10 to S Ind. Phono 2988 Galena Block. F.eFrewrr.rarrwFFFrrersrrrrwsi M(t44MM4440SMa44a44 u AND EDGE, Salt Lakes Greatest rrvcwaporrvvrrvvararrrFPr. H4444444444444444444444444 All-Yea- Attractioh r 1 ! ttThe Seaiitarrum Baths. Swimming Pools! Turkish Baths! Private Baths! Natural Hot Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart of the City. rd-In- PEN DAY W. 3rd 3. St. SALT LAKE CITY. "e li d Anrnn non (ting a ikHrk and diwertpttnii wnrlhrr Qnfrklf awvrtiiln our opinion free Cimimuiilrm. Invention prohulily piuwijl'toHANDBOOK uni Menu tkmuiencllvftmildentliil. ent free, tililrvt eenrv PMenti taken tlirouifh Mann A la. receive prrUtfPiffc, without cheree. In the Double 1900; 8t. Louis, 1904. below, filled out, to our nearest dealer or to na and get our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of fer to responsible parties anywhere in the United States. Dont delay. This Is yoor opportunity to secure absolutely the best Talking Machine made, on payments that will not be felt. We accept old machines in part A any criminal knowledge, laying It all lo a peculiar gift by which he could tell when such fires were meditated: that was all; and he was released Afterward a new feature was added dark-haire- Marks Jv Trade Debiohs M IMIS TH No the the predicted conflagration, matter began to be Inquired into and ihe police interested iheniaolve in Marks wax taken lntc the matter. rustody, but he appeared innocent ol went there and asked to see Mrs. i lUUfi by 222 Room Manager. Club building, Salt I.ake Southworth, Commercial City. ! ( ..... .........(MMMtu leaders. 1 do not recollect that I shrank were from their enterprises, which chiefly such as required great skill and Ingenuity not actual robberies, but dishonest schemes of less pro rounced nature. Marks had an office a peculiar kind of and organized He sent out letters to business. bttKlnes men Informing them that on snob date their buildings would b consumed by lire, professing to know through the medium of clalr M. R. I Columbia Phonograph Comthat such attempts were pany. voyance General 827-2- 9 & Main St, Salt meditated. At first no notice was Luke City, Utah. enil J'lcnxo me Free Trial and but your communications, taken of the Boxy Payment Offer with llluitrnfcd after several warnings were followed DETECTIVE 8ERVICE ' We Cure Men For j PETER80NS WM Bandars, 10 4s I. HIMO THU AS WITH TOOL yea till The There was til most divine pity In I am ilio i win brother of Vane Hamiher voice. Her wrath was all gone lton, mill when an infant I wns stolen when she saw him de juried and peniP. O. Box 443. by Solomon Marks and hls mother in tent before li.'r. lie had not confess- ihe 4 hopes of receiving s heavy raned. There was no need. She knew som, as my futher was a very wealthy he had dropped all disguise before Iran at lint there was that time. her and would never seek to deceive mixed xiich CUTLER BROS. CO. a hue and cry that Marks her again. did not dare approach the offers of Will you not. tell me," sbe said restoration. Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. I was hidden away foi again, "how It all happened?" months, and then my father had failBest pants on earth, to order, A new light st niggled into hls face. ed In business and my abductors felt $3.50. "Constance," he said. 'I am not all that (lie hope of reward would scarceI am and Vane's had. indeed brother, 86 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. balance the fear of being brought ly I long ago knew of hlx search for ne said. to justice. Therefore I was kept conAll right, I will close up the 1 am a forgor. a bank defaulter, but I cealed and allowed to grow ttp among WMWMMwrafafseifstwsfstwsfsfstFrwwMJ house, was the reply, and soon Mr. am not a murderer." their evil associates in the midst of DON'T MIS8 THE LARGE AIIT Carter was asleep and dreaming. Constance drew back. She had forif not In squalor and MOBILE One of his dreams he recollected In gotten about Lcnora In the excite- criminals, wretchedness. that runs to all points of Interest the morning as a little curious. It ment of the interview. Now the dreadMarks and hls mother were uniwas of Vane going by his door, light ful charge came back with terrifying with a good guide. Fare 11.00. kind ta me, and as I grew up, formly not prevent the 'Seeing Sait Lake Car and Autos., j in hand, all dressed in fine black and force, and she could Marks thought he. saw In me means 40 E 2nd So. movement. gleaming linen, tall, fair, and grand, 1 handsome as qf prince. And so he 'No. as heaven Is my witness. But of gain to himself, for he fancied siMlaiarfiaieiuMaieuaiiitsM usebe hail which talents made might went on, down the stairs, and Mr. Car- cf what use are vows In one like me. ter went on dreaming, but nothing Here are my written words. They ful. Accordingly I was sent to a good 1 remained until I was wi',1 tell you all everything. I wrote school, where quite so realistic as that. fourteen, when I returned to Marks, I to meant to not a was for Mr. dream. But Hamit it it ago, give long E. H. EARDLEY A BROS., ilton did pass down the stairs and out Vane; only your beauty kept me In who had a partner at this time named Everything the door, dressed with care to look suite of my will to go. I came here Soule. No doubt, they were engaged ELECTRICAL. for In nefarious undertakings, but 1 did his best, and he was exceedingly to give you this paper I about 64 Market St. handsome. that, and nothing else; but you see I pot know anything I was It until was sixteen. Then invested He saw a light at Mrs. Fry's, and he was led out of my relative when Both Phones with some of the secrets of the gang of which Marks and Soule were the , im 13 Ytar Cnarantaa. with one had the mras wk Ml IliiM fm Isis, ll-- k Brits 1 - anmsuux, nor. db. a. Gald Meanwhile, Mr. Curler was alone ir, the uri'iit home, wiih Tilly only for company. The man known aa Prl mux Kdes was in prlHon, but with comfortable siirrouiidlngx and cheered by a message from Constance couched in four words, "Courage! T.ieiv is hope.!" while she was still with Mrs. Fry. No one wondered n( the absence ol Mr. iiiiu il t mi. not even the minister thm In- would but Constance. Offices at PARK CITY, PROVO and LOGAN SWUM MSvdy WMBmI (nS Id 1mA (M ni isbbaw) compressed cloKcly written xlieeta In lier drawer, and she did not read them Tor two weeks iiixlcad of one r.nd no Branch 334 Mata Established I8S7 The Oldest Electric Supply House is the Slate. - I E. G. HOLDING .ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION MOTORS. CHANDELIERS. GLOBES 53 W. FIRST SOVTH STREET 99 AND SHADES J j SALT LAKE CITY, VTAH 11 1 |