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Show IT BIRDS STRENGTH RESTORE KILLED BY THOUSANDS. 8torms and Fogs Fatal During Seasons of Migration. A gannet or Solan goose, the bird which has made the Bass Rock so famous, has been picked up in an exhausted state In a garden at Billing-borougLancashire. It la rare that a bird so absolutely dependent on the sea for Its existence Is found so far inland. Fits, it has been shown, act ar a deterrent to migration, causing ths moving hosts to rise above the fog level, and so to pass over place they usually visit; or, overtaking them, they temporarily bar further progress. The list of British birds owes Us continual Increase to fogs and other advene weather conditions. During the last year or two British ornithologists, sided by lighthouse keepers, acting with the consent of the Elder Brethren of Trinity House, have done mnch to clear up the myaterlea of migration. During heavy wind and rain birds fly low when crossing the sea, barely qvertopping the waves, instead of, as was supposed, rising above the clouds. Where lighthouses are stationed the birds fly to the white light In boisterous weather, and the death rate in consequence is appalling, tens of thousands striking the lantern and falling Into the aea. London Dally Mail. Pink Pills Aetuall) Maks Nsw Blood and Good Health Follows. Ha aril effect that follow mauy dis-mparticularly tbs grip suil the wasting fevers, loch an typhoid and mulatto, are caused by the bad condition in wAuch these diseases leave the blood. Asanantt, the flab ooutiunes to fall away, Me snfferer grow uerrooe and irritably and even slight exertion caiuev ahortaeai of breath. Theso are danger-oanmptouia and indicate that the ayatenaisia a state that invites puen- manin bronchitis or even consumption. Wbnfcis needed is a new supply of rich, red blond to carry health and strength to every part of the body, " 1 was all run down from the effects of ttie grip," says Mrs. Amelin Hall, of Mo. 5 High street, Norwich Oonn., and ooald not eeem to get strength to walk ; ooold sot eat a full meal, my stomach was an weak, and I was so nervous that 1 cotdd not sleep. I could only stay in bed a few minutes at a time, either night or day. Ttao least little thing would itartierae. I hod difficulty in breathing and had frequent fainting spells. My general health was completely wrecked and I hail neuralgic mid rhea-audi- o pnius, dyspepeia, onnstipation, and female weakness. My physioiau attended me for the grip and ngain for the condition that it left me in, but I got as streugth from the tonics he In fact, nothing helped ms (Bribed. ntB I triad Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ndtfcey cored me. T grew stronger and gained flesh from the time I began taking them. I am astisfled that the pills are all that is risiae4 for them anil I shall do all I can to make their good qualities known." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro nervous disorders of every kind, check strength. wasting disenses and bnild-uPar booklet, address the Dr. Williams Medfaiue Go., Schenectady, N.T. Dr. Williams' h, a Cape Cod Thrift On the way from one town on Cape Cod to another a contributor came upon a charming house by the road- side, which immediately claimed hie It bore a fresh coat of attention. white paint, which was well set off by green blinds. There was a smooth piece of lawn In front a group of fine shade trees and hammocks, plasxa Claims Immortality of Beasts. Prof. How Ison of the University of chairs, brilliant sofa pillows and all Oattfornia at Berkeley, Cal., argues the adjuncts of summer comfort in that, since intelligence la eternally ex- luxurious profusion. Whose place is this? he demandistent, and since animals have Intelligence ergo the beast of the field la ed of the boy of 12 who accompanied immortal. him as guide and adviser In general. That there, said the boy. Oh, 0 Tons Grass Hay Erast that there's the poorhouse. Everybody loves lots and lots of foUdaS The poorhouse" the man exclaimhr hogs, cows, sheep and swine. ed. You seem to have luxurious paupers in this town. Well, you see, was the explanahain't got but one, n shes tion, we ' an old woman, 'n' the overseers they Hbe enormous crone of our Northern board her out with one of the neighOrewu Pedigree Seeds on our seed fame bors n let the poorhouse to some o the paatyasr eomyel us to issue a ape- them Boston folks for the summer, 'n' that pays for her keep. Boston ialsbiW aasoAia assn book, Transcript. seeds of brim full at baa is bargain eras nones Sorcerers Costume. to-da- t. fires sufficient seed to grow S on you a lot or farm this sa our great Bargain Seed Book He wonderful aurpnsea and great Is seeds at bargain prices, lit da sad we add a package of serviceable, fashionable, annual flower. A. Salxer Seed Co., Look Craw-L- a Croeee, Win mi Cos-mo- t Conductor Was Caught Napping, flem a Mae la the seventies a party af frleada ea route to Boston from Perttaad ea the Boston A Maine railroad, wKh Payeon Tucker aa conductor, hatched up a plot, and made a wager af a quart bottle of wine that YWcfcer couldn't be caught napping. Om of the party said that ha would take the bet Me separated from the others, and, as the conductor came along, naked what station they were then passing, aad on receiving the reply he answered, Thats what I thought. This sat was repeated several times, and Conductor Payeon became Saally very indignant, and said: "Do you d fool? take me for a d 1 wbat That's thought," replied the ether, who now owned a quart of the The ancient sorcerer wore a long, loose garment, a coat 'with sleeves wide and flowing. The crown of the hat was long and pointed, while the brim waa wide and drooping. In eat wine. Boston Herald. Oull Days on the Willamette. Brisk news and chances for scrappy comment are on the bum. Won't same fashionable lady or gentleman please scandalise herself or himself, crank stick or. some hls nose into someone rise's business and help to while dull time away In NriUid! Lighten the gloom, somebody. Doesn't anybody feel like running awny from hls wife or taking adat Julep after 2 oclock In the morn-taor smoking a cigarette or some Bring moderately debauching? Were getting too good and the sun Is shin-tatoo serenely on the banks of ths willowy Willamette. Portland Ore boller-than-tho- u asnlan. THE EDITOR. Enpfolno How to Keep Up and Physical Vigor. A New Jersey editor writes: A long Indulgence In Improper food hmnght on n condition of nervous dyspepsia, nearly three years ago, so severe that I had to quit work entlre-hr- . I pat myself on s strict regimen of Ornpo-Nntfood, with plenty of oat-dea- r exercise and In a few months lonnd my stomach so far restored that Me process of digestion gave me pleasure Instead of distress ft ala built up my strength so that I was able to resume my business, I not only edit which In onerous y paper but also do a great deal of tautelde writing. And that the Grape-Nutdiet e to write with greater vigor ever before, and without the feel-ta- g of brain fag with which I used to be troubled. Aa to bodily vigor I can and do walk miles every day without fatigue a few squares used to weary mo before I began to live on Grape-Nuts- ! Name given by Postura Co Buttle GCeek, Midi. There's s reason. Rend the little In bask. The Road to Wrilvllto, Fire Burned Forty Years. In 1857 a party of hunters kicked some coals down a abaft Into the Greenwood mine at Lnngsford, Pa. Gases took fire and the flames have not let np until recently. The mine was closed and a mixture of water and culm run Into the fiery caverns The culm hardened, filling the openings below and the end of the destructive work is said to be In sight Over a mile of flame has been extinguished. s s en-m- Advent of Black Angel Had No 'Significance for Him. f.Mrs. Dash la' young, handsome and woridly. Morning, noon and night ahe appears fresh and eager for Its gay-stfor no one loves Ufa more than he does. She has a small son S years old who Aleuts com plained of. Recognising seems to carry round with him a soul na time ago. Dr. Pierce, of Bii at least 1,000 years old. He Is s rotime forelock, took by the and published broadcast all mantic, highly geared little chap, alingredients of which his popular though sturdy and cherubic to the eye, does era composed. Thus he has a mere baby, and his parents have had plainly forestalled all harping critics aU opposition that might otherwisi the good sense to let him unfold from rgsd against his medicines, beesuse thfo within under the guidance of an old are now or nuown courasirion. Pi - world nonary governess. thsmoroL from ths formula printed i The little lads fancies are quaint every bottle wrapper, it will be seen thft thrift mnVr?4n fttntoln do ilcohol and fantastic and the days are too g other drugs. . Neither short for his Imagination to get its con tain narcotics or injuries say they their Ingredients being work In. Btuy, Indeed, Is he with his extracted from the rooi pony, his small pets, his old nurse and plants found growing his outdoor and indoor play. American our forests depths of ' well reoogalied curative virtues. Recently his lovely mamma waa Instead of alcohol, which even In with a serious illness. The stricken In as continued, long portions cases of diseases, beoomea highly telephone Jangled all day with the IntimsMs from its tendency to produ quiries of friends, sgrvsnts with solcraving for stimulants, Jjr. Pierce emn faces moved about, noiseless e triple-rploys chemically purs, Itself Tali trained nunes came and went, doctors Is of a which giyoerlu arrived In swift motors and little remedy in many cases of chronic di superior demulcent, an Chappie was much Impressed with "ing nui his first knowledge of dangerous sickaction o Golden Beal root. Stone root, ness. Ghanybark and Bloodroot, oonf ' In a fortnight be waa summoned to Golden Medical Discovery" in the sickroom to sec bis mamma, who ehiul, throat and lung affections at with severs coughs. As will be sera was beginning to feel the real glow ths writings of the eminent Dra. CU of convalescence. Ooe, sf Now York; Bsrtholow, f Jell There was his mother sure enough ms Medical College, Phils. ;,Soudderr lying palely beaming under a canopy of snowy laces against the embroidered pillows around which swept the are the foregoing agents practice, hast ingredients that Dr. Pi very silken coverlid. wry ooold have ohoeon to make up his Good morning, my baby boy, with mo us Discovery" for ths rare of a What haa my blessed been hug. only bronchial, throat and lung tiooa, but also of chronic catarrh doing while his mother was sick? its various forms wherever located. What haa he done with all the beautiful, flowers that came? Parsec Christening Ceremony. . Lifting his head proudly and dimpgrandchild of Sir Dunshan Pet: ling with pleasure, said he: who lives in Bombay, India, recetgy Ive been keeping the flowers fresh Invested with thi? Sudrah Kuri, put on your grave, dear mother." which la the Parses form pl chrlstefc Chronicle. Chicago ' This ceremony Is one Ing. most Interesting rites of the Orieff, Fault of Our Civilization. and consists of placing upon the chft; When a man aces a woman stumthe sudrah, a shirt believed to p: bling along with a bag that la twice teat the body from harm, and the too heavy for her, wearily shifting It of the kustl, a thread gir Ing . . en . , from right to left and trying In vain to t0 PP"d keep ?iJUrbdld up her skirts with her elbows, hls framevB ( natural desire la to put hls muscles at i her service. It will be play for him to BABY'S TORTURING HUMO wing that bag upon a car, while to her It la a real difficulty. Eras Lodked as if They Would Tet he knows hls offer would he poOB Face Mass of Sorts Cured! litely refused. Her face may express by Cutlcura in Two Wefes-v- L sentences varying from "I am sorry, for 75c. be proper to "Mind I fori it my duty to'parenta of but It wouldnt business, but "No, thank other peor suffering babies to tell your own you, would be the Inevitable reply. you what Cutlcura has done for my And all the time she would like little daughter. She 'broke out nil over her body with a humor, and wa nothing better than to accept his help. used everything recommended, but But she has heard warning tales all without results. I called In three doc- her life long; abont the annoyances, confusion and the terror strange tors, they all claimed they could help the men can Inflict on Imprudent women, hex, bat ahe continued to grow worse. e la afraid to trust appearances Her bedy waa a mass of core MUls lyef the evidences of her facejwaabeikg eaten Twi her ears looked as if they would drop hls caste and quality. And probably ahe la wise. The devil off. Neighbors advised me to get' Cotleara Soap and Ointment, and Is clever at masquerade, and it la easbefore I had need half of the cake ier to keep out of trouble than to get of Soap aad box of Ointment ths out of It. Yet what a long way we ores had all healed, and my lltty have gone from the original creation one's fooe and body were as dear It one human being cannot put hls babes. I would nqt hands out to help another without an as a new-bor- n Mande be without it again If it coat five dol- Introduction or a chaperon. e Journal In Muller seventy-fivof cents. Instead Chicago lars, Mis. George J. Steese, 701 Colbura i Romance and. Reality. St, Akron, Ohio. . The young manhad pulled the Knew All About It. young woman np the hill on the . and waa amazed to find her "What do yon understand by a moodily silent when they reached the araot? the new teacher of Numlj top. Two asked Willy Straw. The ansi "What la wrong? he asked. came promptly: It's the Are in If yon had any romance about you, down at Daievllle Corners, he would have taken advantage of you breathless haste to Impart his kne the occasion and the opportunity to edge. "But It leaks some, and ay that yon would be happy to poll half so good looking as the To me np the hill of life forever and either. Ton just wait till parade ever, she sighed. . ; and yen'll see, teacher I Yout "But, I but, I Companion. "But' last summer when we were boating yon said you could think of Important to Mothers. habit-formin- . , i i Mixed Up Order. A man who lives n few miles outside of Farmington, Me., recently sent a small boy with an order to a Farmington hardware man which read aa follows: Please send one ax for boy 7 year old that weighs three pounds, handle and alL for Her. Mrs. Nancy Alexander, 90 years of age. Is the oldest women In Tropsham, Me. She cares for a pig and fifty hens besides doing her housework. She attends church regularly, covering the half mile of counfry road en foot no j half-mil- Over SO Yean. hr She Kind Ton Ham Always J e London Gas Companies. The population within the Londo bune. postal district la supplied with gr by eleven companies, and mongdhaf.1 mom but I they supply 43,897,099.000 cubic 1 that! A ilngle song and carelessly compete. sf gas 145477 consumers. He would not bind and thresh bis chance-grow- n wheat. Ever Hear of Scotty and His Recm Nor bring b,a wild fruit to the common Breaking Rids? vat. The story, briefly told. Is this: W To atom ths acid rinsings, thin and flat. from the press or trodden under ter Beam. Me Death Valley gold min Squeezed feet, made the trip from Loe Angeles A few alow head, blood red and honey Chleage last summer on a spec sweet. Oozed from the grape, which burst end trata ever Me Santa Fe In leu 45 hears. That whirlwind train pilled Its ffet Tims, who soonest drops ths heaviest him mare than 88,000. It waa things fastest long distance run over m t weight hie peck, will carry diamonds tains and plains ever made on long. Americas railway. It demonstr through ths poets orchestra, which bey sad dispate that the Santa music fMm s thou and stops and traek, equipment and employees ai the dependable kind. Probably strong. ths note of that Immortal song: wouldnt care to ride so fast You gh over all the lonely bugle grieves. for the luxury of onr three trains Henry Augustin Beers. Utah aad Colorado to Everyw East aad Southwest Parisian Politeness. for ticket rates and 11 Ask bere Is a thin coating of Ice on the tars cment Horses slip and stnmble, F. WARREN. O. A, A. T. & S. F. I one of them falls, but la not hart 411 Deely Block. Salt Lake City, T s so slippery that her efforts to herself are In vain, Vegetarian Ban on Leather. he coachman takes off hls triple-coa- t London haa vegetarians who g with a chivalrous sir and the entreme of refusing to wear a gesture a la Raleigh he spreads 1 that have the animal taint of riore the feet of the poor beast ar. They wear shoes made of ml he takes off hls leathern cap, eaavms and "bright American cl rs hls Jolly red face, and with a 1 . ' m a i No Chimney Corner o brighter future than to drift together a down the stream of life. I know, dear; but when a man tails 150 pounds of a girl np a hin he hasn't enough breath left to say what he thinks. Drifting In s boat gives him more breath, and more time to think, and less laborious work for hls arms. Chicago Tri- emefeUy seeiy hauls of CA far Infants aad lit DOIT k HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. SHOULD A HORSE Whatever may be Ike ftd as to of ths aaesUsd patent madid -lt"y Injurious ingredients as pobUsEad la soma Journals of fans tnfl senna, this publicity has i of great interest In arousing atlas tins to this subject. It has, eamhlenMe measure, . ultedu iatoUlgeot people avoiding nhmail Irinas as may be fair I af containing tbs Injurious Golden Eagle Lassoed by Boys Two small boys armed with a lasso captured a golden eagle late Wednesday afternoon after an Interesting struggle with the bird. The boys are the sons of Edward Franks. They were playing In the yard of their home when the great bird swooped down and lighted on the back fence. A hurried search for a gun was unfruitful, and as the bird seemed disinclined to leave other measures were employed by the nlmrods. Somebody suggested a lasso, and finally a noose of clothesline was east about the bird and he waa captured after a sharp battle. It la said that the eagle probably flew so high that he encountered extreme cold and waa unable to resist it Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. g T KEN OF LITTLE CHILD. -- WON WAGER BY BAITING VICTIM. Provocation BEYOND Medlcln Habit-formi- ng FOUGHT Red Cross Boll Blur Thspssse Buts Oampsny, South Head Mexlcsn Cotton Pest Casoiwelt Is the name of a M ooMon pest which. It Is fee may spread to Texas. BE Contracted Thousands ef Soldier Chronic Kidney Trouble White Is the Service. Tbe experience of CapL fobs L Ely, of Co. E, 17lh Ohio, new Bviug ut 500 East ' Second ' street Newtra, Kansas,' will Interest the thousands af veterans who same buck from the ClvH War suffering comwith kidney plaint. Capt By I contracted says: kidney trouble during the civil war, sad the occasional attacks finally' developed into a ohraaie case. At one time 1 had to use a cratch and cane to get about My back was lame and weak, and besides the aching, there was a distressing retention of the kidney secretions. I was In a bad way when I began using Doans Kidney Pills In 1901, but the remedy cured me and I have been well ever since. Bold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MilbnrCo., Buffalo, N. Y. CLIPPED? CUPPING IN THE EARLY SPRING BY LEADING RECOMMENDED VETERINARIANS. All Thinking Man Readily Recognize Its Advantages. tortures A horse is n valuable asset, and should receive the best cure possible. He should be well fed, comfortably tabled, carefully groomed and dipped in the early spring. If he receives these attentions he will work well and improve In value. A horse lives In his under artificial conditions. wild state he required none of these attentions, for he was able to look out for himself. The domesticated lmal, being worked under conditions that are ln'them selves artificial, must be kept In condition for such work. The dipping of a horse In the early spring is now conceded by all the leading veterinarians to be as essential to a horse's well being as shoeing him or giving him a comfortable bed to lid on. Farmers In England and France have .been dipping thdr horses for many years, and American farmers are not slow to realize Its A dipped horse dries advantages. out rapidly after a hard days work, and will rest comfortably and be refreshed for the work the following day. An undipped horse Is liable to catch the heaves, pneumonia and all aorta of colds, rheumatism, etc. More especially Is this so in the early spring, when hls hair la long and he e la soft If worked hard he will freely and the moisture will be held by hls long hair, and the food that should go to nourish him will be used to replenish the heat that Is eing constantly taken from hls body by the mass of cold wet hair. If dipped, the perspiration will evaporate almost soon as secreted, and when put in the stable be rests comfortably and hls food does him good. Some years ago a Buffalo street car company tested the value of dipping In the following manner: They owned 600 horses, and 250 of these were clipped early In thtf spring and 250 were not dipped. A careful record was kept of results, and It was found that of the 250 undipped horses 153 were afflicted with coughs and pneumonia, while of the 250 clipped not one case of sickness was reported. A man would not expect to enjoy very good health if he did hard manual work clothed with heavy underwear, a heavy suit and a fur overcoat, and after perspiring freely, as he naturally would, go to deep without removing same. It is Just as ridiculous to expect a horse to be la perfect health if worked nnder the same conditions. If yon would get the best returns from your Investment In your horse, treat him right, and be sure and a A clip him in the early spring machine can he bought at almost any hardware store for less than $7.00. Horse Review, Dec. 5th, 1905. n MERE MATTER Successive Stops From Kitchen Table to Hall Mirror. Mrs. Compton looked at her patient bnt bewildered husband with an expression of superiority. "Dear me, George, she said, cheerfully, I dont see the nse of my trying to explain to you, bnt Im perfectly willing to do it, of course. I did Intend, yon say, to bay a kitchen table, and I came borne' with a hall mirror. But It was an absolutely natural change. First I looked at kitchen tables. Then the clerk called my attention to the kitchen cabinets, with drawers and everything. Then I said bow mock they looked like bureaus, exoept that they had no glass. Then be showed me one with a glass, and then he said he had such a pretty bureau. If 1 card to look at 1L "So I looked at that, and it waa pretty, but the glass was rather small Bo then he showed me dressing case with a nice glass mirror, and I said what nice glass It was. And them he aid, Tf you want to see a fine piece of glass, let me show you one of our new hall mirrors. And of course, George, yen can that when I saw that beautiful mirror I had to have It; aad you know you dont like me to run np bills In new places, and I hadnt enough to buy a kitchen table, too, so now Isnt It clear 7 Youths Companion. good-natur- , per-splr- -b- t flrsfe-claa- horae-cllppln- g Buttons Long Worn. While buttons were known as far back aa the time of Edward L of England, It was not until the reign of Elizabeth that they came Into genera' use In the civilized world. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured tth LOCAL APPLICATIONS, si they easnot meek IhawMof thadlmw. Catvrb li blood ar coaitl- tatlunAldtHua.ind In order mean It yon mart take internal remedlM. Hell'i CnUrrb Cure li taken end eeu directly on tbo blood and mneoni . enrteeee. Han't Catarrh Cure la not z quick irai pmerlbed by ooe of tin beat pbjratclam It In Uili euoatry IW yean aad la n regelir prMcrtpttu ti com pined at the beet tunica known, combisicd It wife tba beat Uoodsnriaen. me Uni directly on tl Bueoui lurfieee. The perfect carabine tlue of thetwo Insredlenu ti whet pmdneee inch wonderful renits la enrtnz jatnrjk BeindJur teetlmoqj electron. medt-elna- Sold by Drnnrtite, price Take HsU'iYuaUy TSc. Mad-lwl- If you will write u about your needs In the Jewelryer Silverware line, ws will bo gtad to give you the latest Information as to stylo quote lowest prices for reliable geoi To CO., Prope., Toledo, O, PiUe foe eouUpaUoo. Police Court Note. Here Is another gem from that pro-1lie mine, the police court: Prisoner used inch strong language," said constable, that I waa obliged to get the assistance of another officer to take him Into custody. London Tele- MAMS 1 Salt Lake City. Utah. graph. USB THU TAMOCfl Bed Crons Bill Bine. Lsrce perinea seats. Tbs Buss Company. South Bead, Ind Capital and Labor. Employers of labor are apt to overlook the tact that no favor whatsoever la conferred upon a man by employing him; that. If anything, tbe boot Is on the other leg, and the man who barters brsln or muscle in return for a proportion only of what It bringa hls employer Is the party In tbe transaction wbo really confers a favor. Surveyor and Municipal and County Engineer. ' CURES Isoc. and Sl.ooj Swine Disease xiHog Cholera Bead for Cfiwalor witk IMrooUoM. r.lMLtBUWI.IHMmylttadm.gssg HOLD UPfl consider Write for a Sample Package Tea, ths mild laxative which cores oonstlpation, sick headache and de- THB ef Garfield rangements of liver, kidneys, stomach aad bowels. Garfield Tea la mads wholly of herbs. Address Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. Send nemo of your rnggisk Mrs. WIdSow'i Sootblng flyrap. teetbtnc, euftens tbe miea, wane Siisnime.illijfiyele. enree wledeHu. Bcebouia. tar rbildiws u ll - ta tbe OslieS Sutra. BmS two cent aump la Mrs laia Samei. Dee Mainee. Ism POMMEL SLICKEH 1 au. in TOWISfr VOTERPRDO Japanese Painting Exhibit San Francisco Is to have the first exhibit of Japanese paintings ever held outside of Japan, It believes. There will be no prints, because the Japanese say prints are not art bnt artisanshlp. But there will be 150 specimens of paintings in water color or suml (a black medium), on paper, some of them dating back 1,200 yean. addresses the animal: motor bus drivers who you do me the honor? Id Madame rises with difficulty, avoid accidents for a week receive a the two, supporting each other, go bonus. They are fined for accidents. mld the cherrs and applause cf delighted crowd. Paris Letter to Good Solicitor Wantod,r.aA?y?7r.London Outlook. I bow, OF EVOLUTION, CLOTHING. I lx madr ef Uir best I iMiBuhhllitttryffiurl hfrjtaMtaLmiiUM RuS'fctaamifcid m STICKIDW SIGN OFTHEI AJT9W 1W9 y to flavor csbiriA .HARDESTY! EXTRACTS. .P |