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Show IS . If JI .45 uxirszsiir utjjs. SkM M I - - i. ' j - V ujmsMt I V. , - - .Vth 1 , ' ' i rfr ' 4 ; . ) Vol. I, Salt Lake City, Utah,iMrday, March 7, 1906. T OF PLEAD MY of the National Guard of Utah has been organised at Mt. mated at 8,000. Several carloads of shipped from Milford points - last week. ARBAIGX WHEN II Pies of Not Guilty is Entered by ' Court, But No Oats for the , A Trial Was Bat. Horrible Disaster on the Rio Grande Near Pueblo, sheep vers to Nebraska Colorado. Tragedy Caused by Failure of Opes ator to Deliver an Order Which Changed the Meeting Place of ' the. Trains. Pueblo, Colo. In a blinding storm which made it almost impossible for the trainmen to see ahead, two at a point trains collided bead-omidway between Portland and Adobe, miles west of Pueblo, at twenty-fiv- e Im2:20 oclock Friday morning. mediately following the collision several of the wrecked cars burst into flames and were consumed, a .number of passengers being burned to death. Ove thirty others were Injured, but of these it is not thought any were fatally hurt. The cause of the wreck Is attributed to the failure of an employe of the road to deliver an order, which changed the meeting place of n ' tries. Automoblllsts are to be legislated against by the Kaysville city council, the speed limit to be five miles an hour. Logan is to have another 825,000 school building, the rapid growth oi the citys school population having made this necessary. The question of bonding the town of Price for the further extension and completion of the waterworks system this summer is being discussed. Thieves entered a saloon In Ogden, stole the cash register and carried it a block before opening, when they found but 60 cents in the register. It is announced that within the next '.three months a new bank will open its doors at Garfield, the new smelter town on the shores of the Great Salt lake. A Finlander was assaulted and robbed of 8180 at Scofield last week. The man was quite badly beaten up by .the thug before he was over- - ViA case of smallpox has developed at Spring City, but it is believed a 'spread of the disease will be prevented, as proper pre( Jitlons have o been taken. There have been complete In the fields of the Washington county expert ment farm more than two miles of under drains for the removal of surplus water and alkali. , Marvin Mangum, ol Salt Lake Oily, aged 21, was crushed to death by a fall of rock in the Daly West mine at Park Cityi his neck being broken and his body badly crushed. A miner by the name of Beck, employed by the Columbus Consolidated Mining company, was painfully and perhaps seriously injured at Alta by being crushed In the mine. While coming oil shift at the Daly-Wemine at Park City, Alexander Walklngshaw and John Eddy were both caught In a blast and as a result of the accident Walklnshaw will die. The Wasatch Orchard company expects to harvest its first crop of asparagus, covering 125 acres of land, near Ogden, which was set out about three years ago, during the coming season. The asparagus will be canned. The city council of Provo has passed an ordinance requiring a license fee of $25 a year for conducting a dance hall. Dances given under the auspices of religious or educational societies will not be required to pay any license fee. Severe criticism of the management of the Continental Life Insurance A Investment company Is contained In the report made by the deputies from the office of the secretary of state, who have been examining the books . of the company. ex The second Get Acquainted cur Ion of the Salt Lake Merchants and Manufacturers association, which was run to Nephi last week, was a qualified success, about 500 people landing at Nephi, many being picked up along the road. Ground was broken last week for the 820,000 armory to be erected In Ogden by David Eccles. It will be dedicated with elaborate ceremonies, which will be attended by representatives from all the military organizations in the state. The family of the late President Christopher Layton held Its annual reunion on Thursday of last week In the Kaysville music hall, and 190 members of the family, old and young, assembled to do honor to the memory of their respected progenitor. st the two trains. Conservative estimates on the total loss of life place the number of dead at thirty-fivRio Grande officials Insist that the exact number of persona on the two trains cannot be ascertained; that it is Impossible. P. F. Lively, night operator at Swallows, whose alleged failure to deliver orders to train No. 16 is supposed to have been the cause of the wreck, has been employed by the road for many years. He was relieved from duty and will be suspended until the matter is thoroughly investigated by the officials. .Both Jfralnq were running at the usual speed, the deep snow and high wind making it necessary to exercise care. , Suddenly ...both exceptkmal headlights flashed 'out from the darkness, and It was realized for the first time that something was wrong. According to the story of Fireman J. H. Smith of the westbound train, Engineer Walter Coslett opened the emergency brake and the train was checked for an instant, but the slippery rails and the momentum of the heavy train carried it on. Immediately after the collision a sheet of fire ran through the cars on both sides of the engines, and in a twinkling the crackling sound of breaking timbers started the men to action. In the forward coach of the westbound train every seat waa occupied by passengers, most of whom were homesqekers on their way to the northwest. A number of foreigners were among them and in their terror they gave up life without making any attempt to reach safety outside the burning car. Paralyzed with fear and with prayers upon their lips, they sank to the floor of the car and were roasted alive. The cooler ones in the car, seeing their danger, rushed for the windows and doors, and with the aid of the passengers in the rear of the train and those members of the train crew who were unhurt, managed to reach the open sir. Many of them were injured more or less seriously by the rough handling they received or from flying glass and timbers. e. . DAMAGE BY 8LIDE8. Snow Down Mountain Thundering Sides In Colorado. Denver. Colo. Ouray, Durango, LeadvlUe. Aspen and other smaller mining camps have been visited with snowsildes during the past few days. Hairbreadth escapes from the snow which thunders down the steep sides of the mountains are reported from ever' mining camp, and grave fears ire entertained for scores of daring prospectors and miners who are cut off from the outside world in their lonely cabins far up in the hills. One slide at Silverton struck the edge of the town, doing considerable damage. The railroads in the 8an Juan region are blockaded.. The South Park road is blocked by a slide near LeadvlUe. The mines around Crested Butte are completely cut off from , transportation. HOPE IS NOT ABANDONED. Symptoms of Agreement at Algeciras Said to Be More Favorable. of the Algeciras. Postponement plenary conference on Moroccan reforma until March !0 arouses among the delegates hopes that Germany and France meanwhile will reach a basis of accord. The symptoms of agreement were more favorable Friday when the representatives of neutrai nations energetically endeavored to influence mutual concessions. i SID Boise, Ida. Accompanied by deputy sheriffs and Pinkerton det tives, all armed with Winchester r&J lies, Harry Orchard was taken from1-Boisto Caldwell Thursday morning to-b- e arraigned for the murder of former; Governor Steunenberg, to which he Orchai alleged to have confessed. declined to enter a plea but the courts directed that a plea of not. guilty entered for him. Attorney Coze anj Bryan of Pnyette were appointed defend Orchard. No date for the Iris was set, but it is understood that the; hearing will begld. Immediately after:; the conclusion of the. trials of Hay--T wood, Moyer and Pettlbone. , HAMILTON Three Villages Destroyed by Solid Wall of Molten Lava Which Reaches Far Out into the Sea. - British King Goes 150 Miles South i James Newton broke Jail at Moat) one day last week, but was captured eighteen miles from town. Nels S. Peterson, one of Ephraim's oldest and most respected residents, died on the 9th, at the age of 85. Mrs. Thomas OKeefe, of Park City, is dead from ptomaine poisoning, caused by eating canned tomatoes. The senate has passed the bill authorising the establishment of a government assay office at Salt Lake City. Bountiful now has a Commercial club to look after its business Interests and the development of Its Indus- THE SAMOAN ISLANDS BOTTOM OF SEA KILLED Pleasant. The union depot at Ogden Is to be remodeled, the expenditure being esti- y. . No. IK E A company - i HAS HI8 SAY. Money Waa Given Him. With Kno edge and Approval of Yruetees. Albany, N. T. Andrew Hamilton ajK) peared before the insurance Investigate ting committee Thursday afternoon and broke the silence which he .has' maintained, except for his statement brought from Paris by John C. McCall, ever since his name was first mentioned In connection with': the great sums of money shown to have been paid to him during the past tan years on account of his legal and legislative work for the New York Life and other insurance companies. r,; He declared unequivocally that every payment to himself by the New York Life was made by the knowledge and approval of the trustees, especially . ;wnt . at-tb- three-quarte- Snn-r'Tsa- t, ewy-seve- n en-we- des-Wit- e W high-runnin- g o .ike-stestn- e; - Than Murdered Actress and Put End to" His Own Life, New YorV-Lo- uls Nosser, tnuk; . - msn-lnii- hnd room Thursday, and while she was a prisoner there shot and killed.' Miss Stella Reynolds of New Orleans, . an actress, who was a visitor at their Mlaa home, and then killed himself. Reynolds, it was said, was formerly an intimate friend of Nosser. While his wife was-Ithe bath room Nosser turned the key and went to Miss Reynolds room. Their voices, n Park-pgrs- t, the mans threatening and the womans pleading, were heard by the wife In tue bath room.' Mrs. Nosser comshorus of The Wonderland heard Nosser saying to the woman.J jPartni society, was revealed Theres no use for you and I to lire HaMay District Attorney pany, performing at the Columbia any longer. The best thing I can do summoned In Joo Doe proceedi- theatre here, committed suicide Tuex la to kill you and kill, myself.' ngs Acting Captain John H. Shlels day night by drinking carbolic acid Nosser then shot Miss Reynolds in while the play was In progress. the W'est One Hundredth street the temple and himself in the forehead, Thomas was an admirer of Idra Gorboth dying almost Instantly. station; John Phelan, a plain don, a girl, also a member 9 pthea policeman, and two civilians, of the company. The suicide was t nhard Wilson snd L. Rogers. because ssused by disappointment f Rogers, one of the witnesses, snd a she would not reciprocate his affeca i named Kelly were employed dux tions. Agitation In Russia May Redound to Benefit of Jews. leg the last campaign by the Citizens' Us on. A few days after the election Socialists Talk of Shouldering Gun. SL Petersburg. Out of the violent JUi ra told Kelly, it Is alleged, of' the York. New John come Chase, former soagitation may uiiexy slot to murder Dr. Parkhurst to statements already made, cialist mayor of Haverhill, Mass., got pected good to the members of the opsaid he waa approached by a the floor at Mondays meeting of the pressed race. The entire Jewish ques- Rogers tolTceman and asked If he would take tion has been raised In acute form Central Federated Union to ask for tie task of killing Dr. Parkhurst. It and may be settled forthwith. The if. declared that the policeman said a cooperation la demonstrations the emperor Is said to be amased at the police official would pay 8500 for the socialists are getting up to protest work, and Rogers asked Kelly If he against the punishment of President revelations made by the Jewish deputation which the premier received, in ffts willing to go Into the scheme, Moyer, Secretary Haywood and other faking for his part 8200, while he officers of the Western Federation ot audience March 7, and to have in(Rogers) would get the remainder of Miners, arrested In connection with formed Count Witte that It was necese sum. the assassination of former Governor sary to settle the question. If these two Steunenberg of Idaho.A bill according the Jews equality JOHN RELEASED. "and if men are he said, hanged, in to except eligibility possession any man in this body or any the official and military service Is nefw Waa Immediately Rearrested on other body is not then willing to said to have been prepared. shoulder s gun and fight for his class of Assisting In Murder. "Xhsrge f he is a coward. Prisoners are Tortured. Boise, Ida. The defense In the St. Petersburg. Professor Courtecases scored its llrq( victory Panic of Passengers 8topped by nay, a member of the Academy of SciThreats. Inesday when Judge Stewart, In ences, in an open letter describes the i( district court, ordered the release New York. A terrifying experience horrible tortures to which, he asserts lucent SL John on a writ of at sea was leported by the officers ot the political prixtiners at Warsaw wyq Ins The defendant was the French lino steamer Hudson, corpus. subjected by Chief of Police Gre diately rearrested by Sheriff which arrived here Tuesday. During He cites as example of the cases I of Canyon county on a charge a storm which swept the Atlantic the which prisoners starved, and on f; slating in the murder of on the 336 steerage passengers and the victory Steunenberg consecutive nights were beaten w and became stricken steamer one. a technical panic therefore, only clubs, jumped on. their hair pulled. the attorneys for the defense did were quieted only after the captain by the roots and the soles of their fi' onccal their gratification ovei and first officer had threatened them cut with knives until they slgred Stewart's decision. with revolver and knife. Captain statements confessing their guilt said that the storm, while it lastin Cut Hia Throat Jail, ed, was the mos severe he ever saw To Confer With Operators. folk, Va. Louis Brown, 29 years in his thirty years experience at sea. Indianapolis. The national convl waiting trial fo the murder of tion of the United Mine Workers Ambushed by Indians. e Reese, at whom he threw a America opened at 10 oclock Thij I. T. Six United States depVinita. tl lamp which exploded, fatally day, with over 1,000 delegates pre were ambushed in marshals uty sul--ig the woman, committed representing 1,461 locals. The convl hills. I. T., near Kansas, by s his coll in the Norfolk Jail tion has been called by Presidj outlaws. In band of Indian ttlng bis threat with a chart Mitchell to consider any questions t which he had in some unknowr n fight that ensued three deputies. L may arise in an agreement with into the r smuggle! Jail T. Gilstrap of Kansks, Otis Tuttle of coal operators that will prevent a act was not discovered until Vinita, and Richard Carry, of Tahle-quaoner occupying a cell below eral strike on April 1, that well 1. T.. were killed. Thomas a gurgling noise, and jumping men one of the deputies who escaped, mbi the from bring 425,000 bespat-withimself found his cot the news to Tahlequah. snd The conference with the operators JtvlU Mood which had run carried men are being sent out to scores of begin here Monday. gk the floor of ths cell above. the murderers. Wed-whe- - n Je-rsp- e po-fc- e Antl-8emet- antl-semitl- c I - - - to the Canyon County Jail, Where They Will Await Their Trial. Boise, Ida. The motion of the,, prosecution in the habeas corpus pro-needings in the Steunenberg murder cue to strike from the answer of the Western Federation of Miners leaders sll reference to the arrest of. Messrs. Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone and their subsequent removal to Idaho, and all portions referring to the alleged conspiracy on the part of Governors McDonald and Gooding and others connected with the prosecution was sustained by the supreme court on Monday. This means that Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone and the others indicted for the murder of Steunenberg at Caldwell, must stand trial for the crime. Counsel for the prisoners, who are members of the Western Federation of Miners, gave notice of an appeal to the supreme court of the United-States- . Primo-Rlver- J1, 'jSTl dy-iit- e Ju-har- - SpaV-ina- full-bloo- d Wot-fon- j l. 4 t Moyer, Haywood snd Pettlbone Will' Bo Removed from the Penitentiary Mala-eola- . e ' of Steunenberg. . aCds J ' Habeas Corpus Motion Der.leds Men Accused of Murder Honolulu. The officers of the steamer Sierra, which has arrived here from Sydney, N. S. W., via Samoa, report that the eruption of the Lives Are Lost snd the volcano on the island of Savill, one w of the Samoan group, continues on s : Phn Ocean Grsvs by large scale. Three' Villages have been ' fisroie Rescuers. , completely destroyed, including was finest located where the cocos plantation on the island. The Jlraton. Suffering, and residences of A. mental King and C. Barleley leak and numerous acts of hero- has been reduced to ruins and are s in saving life rarely equaled in total loss. rd of tragedies of the sea e The lava .from the mountain is flowloss of the Phoenix lino ing Into the ocean In a stream er British King, .which on of a mile wide and twenty-fiv-e In the raging Atlantic storm, feet deep, at the rate of twenty indered about fifteen miles south of feet an hour. At night a solid wall of Island and carried to death molten lava five miles long may be members of the crew seen reaching far out Into the sea. jrteen members were rescued from For some distance ahead the sea sinking vessel by the Leyland water Is boiling, and the surf breaks .Bostonian,, boufld from. Man- over the fiery stream. The government recently chartered or; to Boston, and eleven by the the steamer Maori to remove women Rotter-Nesteadier Mannheim from and children from the sone of danger. York. Five others who JARRED HIS TEETH LOOSE. idjbeen drawn down In the vortex tjh, which the British King was picked up by the Box Spanish Deputy Assaulted for Being Too Critical. from a frail bit of wreckage As Madrid. the royal cortege was fa they had grasped after a of deputies a chamber the Struggle for life in the whlrl- passing the of General nephew , 1 Two lifeboats from the Bostonian former commander of the Spanish j 'tm, crashed to fragments , and the troops in the Philippine Islands, savqlnntser crews which manned them agely assaulted Deputy Soglano for rirethrown into the acts of Spanish generals In nHe engaged In the work of rex criticising landed aboard Cuba and the Philippines. Senor Mn,.bot sU were safely ' was knocked down and lost (wo . jThp. British King tailed from New of his teeth. ;.fqrk os the 1st, for Antwerp with a The assault followed united declarainiMallaaeous .cargo and 150 cattle. tions upon the part of Generals Frsriops to the appearance of the rex of small boat Weyler, uumco, Polavleja and cnlng Steamers every thq Klng had been demolished and Lanards, denying the charges of irand the Philippines. Ars' was no way in which the crew regularity in Cubaannounced General Rivera that he .leave the ship. 't,y would resign from (he srmt unle ft :: the- gpvecjunent defended, lb gepnrtll WWUASIXiARKED FOR against the charges, snd Ggpergl DEATH Weyler declared he intended to take defense Into his own hands, Ritheir splice Officials Said to Have Planned veras nephew thereupon determined Assassination of Preacher. to publicly assault Deputy Soglano, New York. An alleged plot to as- who was chiefly responsible for the criticisms. sassinate Rev. Dr. Charles H. TRAGEDY BEHIND THE 8TAGE. following the recent municipal jeetkm In this city. Inspired, It Is ax Verted, by a police official and In re- Actor Suicides While Play Is In Progress, venge for raids made on certain places by agents of the Society for the PreWashington. William Thomas, of vention of Crime, known also as the Saginaw, Mich., a member of the - v J - Sable Island. TRIAL - The application of Vincent St John for a writ of habeas corpus was taken under advisement by the court. Later in the afternoon the supreme Court denied the application for a writ of habeas corpus in the case of Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone and remanded the prisoners to the custody of the sheriff of Canyon connty. At the request of the prisoners the place of their confinement will he changed from the state penitentiary to the county jail of Canyon county, at ' - r ' CaldweU- - Xn-th- e decision rendered on tkm' ojfjU .proeqc,8(tos..'4x'. ' strike .tmti ill the reference to the arrest and ' J Vs - extrSdlctiod of ' the prison era, the court held that the question of the manner of their removal from Colorado wu not within the jurisdiction of the Idaho courts, after the prisoner had arrived within the confines of ; ' the state. SUSAN B. ANTHONY DEAD. Great Suffragist Succumbs to Attack of Heart Failure. Rochester, N. Y. The long and: eventful life of Susan- B. Anthony closed at 12:40 oclock Monday morning. The end came peacefully. Mlss Anthony had been unconscious practically for twenty-fou- r hours, and hert death had been momentarily expected since Sunday night. Only her wonderful constitution kept her alive. Dr. M. S. Ricker, her attending physician; said Miss Anthony died of heart talk ure, induced by double pneumonia. Miss Anthony waa taken ill on her way home from the national suffrage convention in Baltimore.-Shstopped in New York, where a banquet wax to be given February 20 in honor of her eighty-sixt- h birthday, but had an attack of neuralgia on the 18th, and hastened home. Pneumonia developed: after her arrival here, and on March 6 both lungs became affected. - CHICAGO WINS VICTORY. Way to Municipal Ownership Made: Clear by Courts. Chicago. By the decision of the United States supreme court handed: down Monday, the city of Chicago otfe tains almost complete control of the local traction situation. The decision sustains the acts of the state legislar ture extending the life of the char-te- rs of the street railway companies to nlnely-nin- e years, but does not sustain the contention of the companies that contract rights which are limited in fewer years than remain to the charter life of the companies are Contracts or ordinances ot the city limiting the use of the streets by the companies are upheld, and the rights of the companies In the streets are held to expire according to the expressed terms of the ordinances. also-extende- f $ Money to Defend Officials. Denver, Colo. A mass meeting was1 held in Coliseum hall at. which speeches were made In protest against' the arrest of officials of the Western Federation of Miners, now held la Idaho In connection with the Steunenberg case. Eugene V. Debs was billed to speak, but did not appear, and It lx understood he was not In the city sti ill- - No explanation of Ms absence was given. A sum ct money was raised, to aid in the defense of Moyer, Hiy4 wood and Pettibore capture , j |